Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Schi(t)ff Show resumes

Colin Kaepernick and Lex have one thing in common
If I had the talent to play in The League a team would be willing to sign me.  Same goes for Kaep.

New evidence for the post directly under
Read this.  I can guaran-damn-tee you that a boat load of fat azzed retired Navy captains and admirals are sitting behind big desks at some defense contractor’s office somewhere laughing their worthless azzes off all the way to the bank.  Every “military man” involved in this scam needs to have 20 lashed well laid on, on a quarterdeck somewhere.  And these are the F**Ks lecturing PDJT about pardoning 3 real war fighters.

Slow Joe derided PDJT for the pardons.  Hey Joe – you dumb F**K, you pardoned 5 Islamo Terror Fascists to get a deserting collaborator - Bowe Bergdahl - back. You pardoned REMF azzbag traitor Chelsea Manning.  Can’t wait until this issue comes up in a presidential debate.  

The Schi(t)ff show resumes
The Dopes have their man.  The show trial in search of a crime resumes today.  So to date the Dopes have produced three witnesses that actually have not “witnessed” anything.  The Dopes are so desperate that they now want to impeach PDJT for tweeting about the Divine Ms Y during the Schi(t)ff Show.  They claim it is witness intimidation.  First, as noted above, Ms Y is a witness to nothing.  Next, there was no way of Ms Y to know of the tweet as the hearings had already begun when PDJT tweeted the truth.  So there was no way she could have been intimidated, because she didn’t know about it.

The bug eyed pencil necked Adam shifty Schi(t)ff fixed that when he read most of the tweet to Ms Y and asked how it made her “feel.”  The hardened Foreign Service officer aid she was intimidated by the tweet. A good question would have been if she was ever intimidated by anything the Russians, Chinese, Ukrainians etc. said about her.  Here’s the take away, if the Divine Ms Y feels intimidated, you can impeach the president.  That’s good to know going forward.  All presidential ads need to be run by Ms Y before airing to make sure she doesn’t feel intimidated by anything. 

The chattering class hammered PDJT for the tweet. The ever diminishing Fox News joined in.  Reminder:  The same chattering class said Donald Trump’s campaign was over when he told the truth about John McCain’s war record.  I believe he’s still president.  PDJT has a sixth sense about these things.  what plays well in Caligula, D.C. doesn’t necessarily play well with everyday Americans.  PDJT directs his efforts toward the average American.  Piss Wallace and Brett Baier still haven’t gotten the memo on that strategy.  They and the MSM writ large have been so wrong for so long about so much regarding PDJT we’ll have to wait for the Second Coming to get an accurate count.

Today’s Schi(t)ff Show is going to be interesting in that people who were actually on the call will be testifying.  Simple question:  Where in this transcript is there request for a quid pro quo?  Next, since these azzbag snitches were on the call, some bright Republican, Jim Jordan would get my vote, needs to read back Shifty’s BS “parody” to witnesses and ask if that is an accurate representation of the call.  When they respond, “no,” they can then ask, “well then anyone who might have characterized the call in such a manner would be a damnable liar, right?”

Then there’s one question for the fat azzed army LTC Vinny Vindman, “Did you leak the information on the call to the Blower?”

The rest of this is likely to more of the same, “How did the call make you ‘feel’”?

I’m not sure that anyone is going to be tuning into this Schi(t)ff Show anyway so it’ll all come down to MSM telling us about the “bombshells” from the hearing.  PDJT will tweet the truth.  The MSM will try to shame him off the platform.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Had a coffee and watched some of Lt.Col Newman from Jerry Sienfeld Show, aka Vindman, speak of the Sec Def job for Ukraine. He spoke of ignoring chain-of-command. Setting US foriegn policy on all things Ukranian. Perjurer himself about not knowing the whistle blower. US Army brass must be thrilled. Leave it to Shift Head to pull Newman Vindman out from under some rock and parade him around. They remind me of Pinky and the Brain. Batsh** delusional.