Wednesday, November 27, 2019

America lags in education. Money isn't the problem. Leftist are.

Last Tuesday Indiana teachers, who claim to love their students, abandoned their classrooms to “plead for more money and less bureaucracy.”  America, in any given survey, pays a per pupil cost for education that ranks #1 or #2 in the world.  But when it comes to world education rankings, America doesn’t crack the top ten.  

But wait, it gets much worse for America when we are compared to the world in math, science and reading scores.  In those categories, although America far outpaces nearly every country in the world for education funding, the good ol’ US of A cannot crack the top 20 in educational results.

How is that possible?  Given the current expenditure and the benefits achieved from that expenditure, can money really be the problem?  We are spending far more to educate our children than nearly every country in the world, but we are getting abysmal results for those tax dollars.  So do we really need to reinforce the clear failure that public education has become in America by throwing more money at a problem that the world is managing far better than we are and is kicking our butts with far less resources?  

By bureaucracy, I suppose the protesters are talking about standardized testing requirements.  In essence the protesting teachers are demanding more and more money while at the same time demanding less accountability for achieving suitable results for the money spent.  In essence the protesters are saying, “We demand more money, but we also demand that the public ignore the results of our lack luster efforts.”

Here’s the truth Mr. & Mrs. America, the American public school system has been ruined by 60 years of leftist control and policies.  Education of children in the public schools system, particularly America’s inner city public schools, has become secondary to social justice propaganda being peddled by the left. 

It is far past time to turn the public education model on its head.  The left talks about wonderful teachers.  I suppose in 80% of the cases they are correct.  But nobody points out that in 2019 every single student in America has access to the very best teachers in every subject in real time.  Why aren’t we taking advantage of the technology that would put the very best teachers in all of our classrooms?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 1:00 am
Daily public support essential for our teachers
Last Tuesday saw one of the largest protests in Indiana history, thanks to the heroes who fight for our kids and work hard every day. These selfless heroes are concerned for our children's tomorrows. They know if we don't have funding for resources for the classrooms, if we don't have adequately paid staff and are not able to keep staffing levels where they need to be, if our classrooms are too big to give any personal attention, then we are not investing in our children's future. If we use unfair and inadequate testing practices to determine a child's destiny, we are forcing a square peg into a round hole.
Teachers deserve to be heard and supported because they speak for many of us who could not be with them. 
The state is the boss of the teachers and that is whom they have to ask for a raise. The legislature already used the Great Recession to lower teachers' income and pay raise opportunities. So this is the natural outcome from ignoring these needs for more than 10 years. These teachers have families who need to further their dreams, buy or fix up a home, replace old equipment, pay off their student loan debt, send someone to college, or invest in a business. All of these will help our economy and grow the “velocity of money,” as financier Asher Edelman says.
I have an idea: Let's double taxes on corporations that refuse to give living wages, and double the budget for the schools and teachers. Then let's see where that gets us. Support our teachers today, tomorrow and all through the next election cycle if these legislators don't support our needs. Make phone calls, emails, talk to your neighbors and friends about this, and vote.
Rachel Reagan

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 1:00 am
Teachers make voices heard
Thousands in red swarm Statehouse to confront lawmakers
INDIANAPOLIS – It was a sea of red at the Indiana Statehouse on Tuesday as thousands of teachers vented their ire at state lawmakers – pleading for more money and less bureaucracy.
“We hope to hear from the lawmakers that they are ready to take bold action,” said Keith Gambill, a middle school teacher from Evansville and president of the Indiana State Teachers Association. “If they don't there's an election coming in November 2020.”
More than 5,000 Hoosiers entered the building to show their support but thousands more stood out in chilly November weather carrying signs, drumming on buckets and wearing every kind of red clothing imaginable on Red for Ed day.
Lawmakers were there for the ceremonial start of the 2020 session, and teachers used that opportunity to advocate for higher teacher pay, less testing and licensing changes.
About 20,000 Hoosiers registered before and during the event but it was unclear how many showed up.
One person who didn't attend was Gov. Eric Holcomb – who was in Florida at the Republican Governors Association meetings.
Gambill said he missed a “golden opportunity” to spend time with dedicated teachers.
Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch said Holcomb had his trip on the calendar for almost a year but he supports teachers. She met with educators in her office and in the hallways throughout the day.
“I'm excited about it and I know the governor is excited about it. He welcomes their participation,” she said. “Often times we don't feel like people are involved in the process and so to have people engaged in the process and actually have taken time to come here to participate and let their voices be heard to me is very hopeful.”
Both sides had dueling facts and figures throughout the day, and even dueling signs and poster boards.
Educators said the state controls the purse strings and despite increases, lawmakers aren't providing sufficient funding for teacher pay, which lags the Midwest and the nation.
But GOP House Speaker Brian Bosma said some studies don't adjust for cost of living. He also noted an increase in the number of administrative staff in schools at the same time the number of Indiana public school students and teachers dropped.
Gambill said the districts are doing the best they can with the resources provided and the state needs to invest more into education instead of putting it in the surplus.
“Pitting administrators against teachers and educators has to stop,” he said. “It's a distraction created by the legislature to try to divide educators.”
Bosma said in the past 10 years the legislature has provided an increase of funding to K-12 education of 18% but local districts haven't passed that on. During his speech on the House floor he was interrupted several times by boos and yelling from the hall.
“This is America and it's a democracy with free speech; ... I fault no one for being here and expressing their opinions,” he said, adding the interruptions and chanting “probably wasn't a positive but no harm no foul.”
Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray was clear that there would be no movement on teacher pay because lawmakers are waiting for long-term recommendations from a task force assigned to study the topic for 2021.
“You are not going to see us talk a lot about finding more dollars for schools because it's not a budget year,” he said.
Bray said both the House and Senate are ready to pass a hold-harmless provision immediately that protects schools and teachers from the consequences of a drop in test scores due to a new test being implemented.
Leslie Clark, an AP history teacher at Carroll High School, drove from Fort Wayne because she believes state rules tying testing to teacher pay and school funding are driving people away from teaching. She comes from a long line of educators, including five children who earned degrees in education.
“The emphasis on the amount of testing of a measurement of student learning ... is replacing time we spent inspiring (students),” she said.
Then there is the issue of a 15-hour requirement for teachers to learn about local employment needs as part of licensing that was passed this year with little public discussion.
Bray said it might be wise to tweak the law because kindergarten teachers don't need to be dialed in to local workforce needs the same as high school teachers. But he pointed out it is not an externship requirement as teachers claim. It can also be accomplished through use of webinars or local employers coming to schools to speak to teachers.
Jenna Thiele, a biology teacher at Northrop High School, said it needs to be repealed because it is burdensome and unnecessary.
“(Lawmakers) don't think people can teach without this extra experience,” Thiele said. “No one else (in the workforce) has to go work in a school.”

If you think that leftist “propaganda” is over the top rhetoric consider that while the protestors complain about lack of money, they are inviting drag queens into elementary schools to read to our children.  If a parent dare to protest the social just BS, the parent is ostrisized and shouted down by the “education experts” who demand that the freak show be allowed to go on.

If you doubt that read the following:

You can google “drag queen reading” and get 1,000s of results.

Happy Birthday to my older sis who will share the day with the turkey.

Have a great and blessed Thanksgiving.


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