Monday, December 02, 2019

Leftists losers whine incessantly Toady's jg rants

Re: Emily Mossoian’ letter, “Trump’s numerous flaws are plain for all to see” of Dec 2, 2019.

In her letter, Ms. Mossoian’s diatribe consists largely of list of PDJT’s major flaws (many of them provably false, by the way), injecting the words, “they voted for a man” before each – as in, “they voted for man” with orange hair and a bad comb over – both impeachable offenses.

Here’s the real reason many of us voted for PDJT, he wasn’t the lying, thieving, rape enabling gasbag the Democrats nominated for POTUS in 2016. It really isn’t any more complicated than that.

America is doing well under PDJT.  Leftists so hate it they get up every morning in a bad mood and pen their insane “the sky is falling” and “we’ve got him this time for sure for falsifying a picture of himself as Rocky Balboa” diatribes.

To put all of this in perspective, I’m old enough to remember when Democrats trashed George H. W. Bush for conspiring with the Iranians for a hostage release; referred to George W. Bush as “Bushitler”; lied about and trashed John McCain in 2008 – but who they now supposedly revere and trashed Mitt Romney with the most outrageous lies and then bragged about it after the 2012 election.  

Bottom line:  It does not make one bit of difference who the Republican is, Leftists will smear them in the most dishonest way possible.  It not good for leftist when America does well, no matter who is


Trump's numerous flaws are plain for all to see
It's really hard to take apart Byron Thompson's Nov. 20 letter regarding why he voted for Donald Trump. We should rehash everything we knew about Trump so we can know precisely what Thompson and his friends voted for.
They voted for a man who spent years denying housing and employment to black families. They voted for a man who said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still get votes. They voted for a man who degraded women for their appearance during debates. They voted for a man caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women and walking in on naked teen girls during a pageant. They voted for a man who went bankrupt more than three times and who stiffed contractors and workers – and they voted for him because they believed he would fix the economy. They voted for a man who mocked a reporter with a disability.
They voted for a man they believed would respect the military but who dodged the draft and trumpeted that he didn't like John McCain because McCain had been captured. They voted for a man who promised to strip health care from millions of Americans and promised a tax overhaul that has done nothing but benefit the rich, leaving the average American worse off. They voted for a man who promised to build a wall that Mexico would pay for (fun fact, they have not) and instead, 70,000 migrant children have been detained and separated from their parents simply for trying finding a better life in this great country.
Thompson said he voted for someone who doesn't lie. Trump has lied to the American people over 10,000 times since taking office, and he lied during the primary. He said he voted for someone who wouldn't rob us blind, who wouldn't attack our constitutional freedoms. Trump has robbed us blind and he is constantly attacking our constitutional freedoms. He may see lies, deceit and corruption in Democrats, but it is blatantly sitting in the White House right now.
I don't know why he would be proud to vote for that.
Emily Mossoian
Fort Wayne

Re Becky Thomas’ letter “plenty of possibilities to boost teacher pay” of 29 Nov, 2019

HA!  You cannot be serious. More money is going to help “our children compete with the rest of the world”?  America, God bless her, spends more per pupil on education than any country in the world to help “our children compete” but our children cannot crack the top 20 among other nations in math, science and reading scores. 

Is money really the problem?  Maybe the problem with American public education is that it is trapped in a 19th century public education paradigm run by a bunch of ultra-woke, virtue signaling, leftist union thugs and morons where feigning to be a social justice warrior is more important than having the necessary skills one requires to balance a checkbook, explain the water cycle or read the funny papers. 

Thomas’ logic is like an over indulgent parent who thinks that if she just ups 26 year old lil’ Johnny’s allowance again, he’ll get off drugs, get out of bed before 2 in the afternoon and find a job. Good luck with that.

Plenty of possibilities to boost teacher pay
When Indiana began the lottery, they said all the proceeds were going to be used to build and upgrade highways and bridges. I thought it was a great opportunity to improve the schools, but that was not considered. I don't know where all the money went, but there has been a considerable amount of profits from the lottery going somewhere.
Now they have made sports betting legal, and there will be another considerable chunk of money going somewhere. That would have been a real shot in the arm for Indiana schools.
Gasoline and cigarettes taxes have increased, but where does all of that money go?
Now, while other states have been taking measures to eliminate e-cigarette liquids that are killing or disabling our young people, Indiana sees it as another opportunity to adopt a new tax on these products. Why not spend this money to give our young people a better education with well-paid teachers?
The state budget has a huge surplus that Indiana loves to brag about, but when asked about improving teacher salaries, the answer is, “Oh, that is a local problem; the state does not deal with that.”
Why not? Having a huge surplus to brag about is not helping our children compete with the rest of the world by having a shortage of underpaid teachers.
Teachers have one of the most important jobs, yet they are among the lowest-paid professionals.
Becky Thomas
Fort Wayne 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Emily Mossoian points out flaws with Donald Trump. Yet he won big in 2016. It shows what the country thought of Hillary. If Emily thinks the country was plain wrong then she should encourage a Trump-Clinton rematch. Go ahead.