Thursday, December 05, 2019

Angry, mean ugly leftists testify, Acme anvil falls on their heads, PDJT wins again

Sometimes people are just blessed to have dislikable enemies.  Take yesterday’s hearings.  The three Dope “witnesses,” who it turns witnessed nothing*, were, as a group, petty, obsessively compulsive in tier hatred for PDJT and seems perpetually angry.  That is not a good look for EIGHT F-ING HOURS OF TV.

*NOTE:  Why did the three need to be sworn in?  Everything that they testified to was nothing more than their own opinion.  Was there a single question in the 8 hour snoozfest where it would have been possible to tell lie?  I don’t think so.  “Professor Angry Windbag, is a bad comb over, in your opinion, an impeachable offense?”  “Why in this case, of course, I believe it is!  As well as eating McDonald's hamburgers, sleeping at your own hotels, failure to get a dog while in the White House and many many other things this vile cretin has done and failed to do!!”

The baboon’s azz ugly woman on the panel hit the trifecta – ugly, angry and mean. She actually brought PDJT’s young son Baron into the argument.  When Melania and Republicans kicked her scrawny wrinkled azz up over her face, which is an improvement, she offered a BS apology ending by wishing PDJT would apologize.  Go run a hot poker up your butt you old fart.

The arrogant anger of the three non-witness witnesses is why I don’t give a sh*t if PDJT did everything he is accused of.  He is the only thing standing between us and leftist angry mob.   

Today’s JG rant
RE: Chester Baran’s letter “Trump actions counter to military mindset” of Dec 5, 2019.
Chester Baran is precisely what is wrong with trying to find the middle ground with today’s leftists.  Baran mixes half-truth with fantasy then throws in a bit lefty hyperbole and of course tops the toxic mix off with healthy doses of the three mainstays of lefty discourse - ignorance, demagoguery and hypocrisy. 
I too am suspicious of politicians that develop all manner of disqualifying physical ailments at age 18.  PDJT received such a deferment after undergoing an Armed Forces physical examination.  So who is to blame here?  PDJT or corrupt military doctors?  Or could it just be that PDJT actually had a disqualifying ailment?  I don’t know.  Neither does Baran.  The difference is that Baran is perfectly willing to run with half-truths and innuendo to smear a guy because he laid a heinous butt whippin’ on the most corrupt candidate in American history, who BTW never served either. PDJT’s draft number was extremely high, 356 of 365, and as such was likely to have precluding his service after his deferment anyway.  High draft number does not equal “draft dodger.”  
Baran enters the fact free zone when states that PDJT has a “bromance” with Putin.  Hmm.  PDJT has heavily sanctioned Russians, sent lethal aid to Ukraine to kill Russians, withdrew from the New Start nuclear agreement that the Russians routinely violated, wiped out a company sized unit of Russian proxies in Syria, countered Russian military power by putting pressure on allies to meet their financial obligations to NATO and devastated the Russian economy with a sensible energy policy that has driven down the cost of Russia’s #1 cash cow – oil. 
He goes on to mention PDJT’s “fling” Kin Jun Un.  When did leftist become such war mongers?  PDJT has sanctioned North Korea and stopped their nuclear rocket test – or at least the very public ones.  Now he’s engaging in diplomacy to walk the North back from the nuclear cliff.  That’s horrible. 
Baran’s ignorance about who our ally is in the Turkish-Kurdish kerfuffle is breathtaking.  Turkey is a NATO ally.  I don’t much care for them, but by their NATO membership, they are a signed, sealed and senate ratified ally of the United States.  The Kurds are not.  Again, when did the left become the war mongers?  I’d loved to have seen the reaction of the leftist armchair generals like Baran had PDJT bombed the sh*t out of a NATO ally. 
Baran’s use of Democrat Ukraine talking points is hilarious.  Instead of asking if Slow Joe Biden and his drug addict no-talent grifter son, Hunter, are influence peddling crooks – which they appear to be – he assumes PDJT is attempting to scuttle the candidacy of the 2nd most corrupt candidate in American history.   PDJT just might actually be interested in corruption in Ukraine.  I’m sure the impeachment trial will make all of this crystal clear (sarc). 
But the flaming ignorance of the left is but a dying ember when compared to the surface of the sun flames of their hypocrisy.   Baran whines like a cut dog about PDJT’s draft deferment when he received one less than Democrat hero Slowest of all Joes, Biden.  Biden who regularly lied about his athletic prowess at U of Delaware (where despite his lies, Biden never made varsity in a single sport) suddenly pitched up with asthma when he became draft eligible.  Bill Clinton famously wrote an ROTC instructor a thank you note for “saving me from the draft.”  Barak Obama was never sufficiently proud of America to enter the military until he became president when it was just too late. Where’s Baran’s outrage with these draft dodging phonies?  
PDJT’s “fling” with lil’ rocket man was far different from Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton and Barak Obama’s.  The three Democrats heaped great praise on North Korean leaders and showered them with nuclear, energy, food and other concessions in an effort to “buy” them away from their nuclear ambitions.  Those efforts – like most leftist efforts - all failed miserably.  So PDJT leveled sanctions against the North and threatened them certain destruction before agreeing to meet with lil’ rocket man. Who’s winning? 
Trump actions counter to military mindset
The one thing the American public seems to be in agreement on is the dedicated service our military performs. We express our gratitude for their sacrifice and honor them for their bravery.
Yet their commander in chief has none of the attributes we ascribe to our warriors. When he was draft-eligible, he wiggled out of service with a note from his doctor purporting bone spurs. Yet he was unabashed in denying John McCain hero's acclaim because he was a POW rather than on the firing line. And he carries on a steamy bromance with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and has had a couple of casual flings with the “little rocket man” of North Korea, both of them long-time adversaries of American democracy.
And, he has engaged in “guy talk” with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which resulted in the betrayal of our Kurdish allies, and with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, in which he attempted to undermine our electoral process.
I find it unimaginable that we entrust our safety and security to such a philandering draft dodger. It also troubles me that our usually gung-ho congressman, Jim Banks, has such an adolescent infatuation with the guy.
Chester Baran
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Military Times reports that in their June 2019 polling of active military and veterans, Trump rates 57 percent favorable and 36 percent unfavorable. In Jan 2017 Obama was 36 favorable and 52 unfavorable. Mr. Baran should listen to what the troops are saying. They like Trump's leadership. Bone spurs and all. Obama treated our military like a social experiment,layered them with nonsensical ROEs, and prided himself on arresting and prosecuting anyone violating Obama social agenda/political correctness. Trump's work continues in reconstituting our military after the Obama years.