Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fat Jerry foregoes 6th trip through the buffet line to mark up impeachment articles

Fat Jerry (AKA Tweedledee) pushed away from the buffet table early last night to hold all-night hearings to mark up the articles of impeachment in the House of Representatives.  That was time well spent.  The rotund one might shed an ounce or two, but his impeachment dreams are going precisely nowhere in the senate. 

So yeah this is great use of everyone’s time and energy. 

Lindsey Graham says he is not going to call any witnesses and dispatch the impeachment articles quickly.  PDJT is demanding witnesses be called.  Hmm.  No one knows how these things might unfold.  As much as I’d like to see Shifty Schi(t)ff, Slow Joe et al get laid to waste under oath, my sense is that PDJT should get out of it quickly and take a victory lap.  All while demanding to call his witnesses.  Sort of like the little brother demanding that big bro “hold me back” when confronting someone who will clearly kick his ass. 

All it’ll take is one misstatement to start the whole line of BS all over again. Get rid of it.  The Dopes are going to walk away with excrement all over themselves after this.  The only bipartisan portion of this entire thing is likely to be opposing impeachment and conviction. Take the win.  Move on.

Pound the IG FISA report and the upcoming Durham report.  Durham’s report will likely put several Obama era deep-state azzbags in a hard way ahead of the 2020 election.  I believe this to be true because sh*t eater Eric the wad Holder has pulled his head out of Obama’s azz long enough to say General Barr is not worthy of the office.  What a Richard cranium.  What a worthless F**K.

It’s amazing how Barr and Durham were both widely respected figures before they began looking into Obama’s corruption.  

Today’s JG rant
Wow, I gotta give Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers one thing, when of the of the brain-dead among them comes up with a fantasy the rest of lemmings get on board and repeat it like the Cadets and Midshipmen doing their cheers ahead of the Army Navy classic.  The difference being that Cadets and Midshipmen are honorable people.  

The latest TDS fantasy is when someone claimed to have tallied PDJT’s lies and came up with the number 10,000.  So now the lemmings drone on and on and on and on with the fantasy.  Well, I’ve totaled the lies the JG letter writers suffering from TDS have told since Nov 9, 2016. The number is – drum roll please – 50,987,832!!  No wait make it 50,987,847.  I forgot to add the 15 from Curtis Ransom’s letter “Our 10-cent president’ of Dec 12, 2019.

President Obama – the ½ cent president - lied his way through 8 years – “Ah, if you, ah, like your, ah, healthcare plan, ah you can keep, ah your, ah, healthcare plan.”  He told that one in all 57 states, what, 187,000 times?   But no one has told more whoppers than Obama’s VP Slow Joe Biden.

Everyone gives ol’ Slow Joe a pass because of the old adage: “Never attribute to a lie that which can be explained away by sheer stupidity.”  Slow Joe is an idiot on just about every subject – including his own biography.  He claims to have played football at the U of Delaware.  He didn’t.  He claims he graduated in the top half of his law school class.  He didn’t.  He claims he didn’t know that the sun rises in the east.  Sadly, that one is totally believable. 

Slow Joe’s not a liar. He’s just dumb as a hoe handle.

Has anyone noticed, the better things get in the good ol’ US of A under the incredible PDJT, the more unhinged the TDS crowd gets?  PDJT should allocate another trillion dollars for mental health spending, because when he’s re-elected in 2020 there are going to be a lot of TDS sufferers wandering about like Inspector Dreyfus, from the Pink Panther, who have been driven slowly insane by the successes of PDJT.  It’ll be a beautiful thing.           

'Our 10-cent president'
I would say that all the points Emily Mossoian made about Donald Trump (“Trump's numerous flaws are plain for all to see,” Dec. 2) are also grounds for the impeachment of this lying president we have.
Today, I rate Trump as our 10-cent president. Here is how it works: Trump claimed Mexico would pay for his wall on our southern border. Construction is going on, and Mexico hasn't contributed 10 cents to the cost.
Trump claimed he was going to pay down our national debt and even claimed he might pay it off. Not only did he not lower our national debt by even 10 cents but increased it every year by billions of dollars.
Trump also claimed that he was going to raise the minimum wage. He hasn't raised the minimum wage by even 10 cents a month.
Trump has told more than 10,000 lies.
When you see all the times the number 10 shows up, it is pretty obvious that Trump is a 10-cent president.
Curtis J. Ransom

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I am for the Senate voting on impeachment within 10 minutes of getting it. It's BS. The Senate Dems will not demand any fact witnesses until after the vote. They want this nightmare out of the Senate too. Still the Wiley Coyote anvil is hanging over their heads by a thread. If they give Mitch any grief he can roll the witness list with 50-100 names on it and declare Jan and Feb to be dedicated to impeachment and the anvil just gets raised higher. Regardless though, the Dems are getting the anvil.