Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Kammi Harris drops out; wants to spend more time with Willie Brown - uh - I mean her family

Willie Brown’s part time whore, Kammi Harris, is calling it quits.  That’s right campaign fans, Kammi’s still born presidential campaign is coming to an abrupt and untimely end.  “Say it ain’t so,” said absolutely nobody.  After great introspection and taking into account all of her own foibles and short comings, Kammi boiled her failed campaign down to one thing – RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

That’s right Mr. & Mrs. America, it’s all your fault. You just weren’t ready for a part time whore with socialist leanings in a field 20+ candidates who, sans the part time whore identifier, were all pretty much within 1-2 degrees of craziness from each other.  

Kammi claims that Americans just aren’t ready for a woman of color as their president.  That leaves the “woman of color” field wide open for Fake Indian Heap Big Chief Liar-face Lizzy Warren who begs to differ and says she’ll remain in the race for now as the last woman of color (99.44% pure white) to grace the Demo-Dope debate stage.  Nobody on that stage is as white a Lizzy and she plans to take full advantage of that “woman of color” dividend.

While Kammi is dropping out, Slowest of all Joes, Biden, is grooming his leg hair in preparation for his “No Malarkey” Iowa bus tour. Rejected names for the tour: “Trump bamboozled us!”; “Slow Joe is the bee’s knees of Dope candidates”; “Vote for JOE! He’s not as dumb as you think”; “Think of the gaffs! Vote Slow JOE!!”; “He ripped the Ukrainians and Chinese off for billions - think of what he can do for the rest of his family!!”; “He made his worthless no-talent drug addicted boob of a son millions, think of what he could do for someone with a brain!”

I’m stunned this walking talking corrupt dumb as a hoe handle POS – Biden – is still in the race.  That is an indication of just how bad the rest of the field must be.   

Who’s left?  Bloomberg?  Sure the Dopes nominate a billionaire and watch their AOC/The Squat base melt away.  Shrillda the Hutt?  Sure the Dopes nominate her and the Clinton Crime Family is forever linked to Jeffery Epstein and the #METOO azzbags melt away.  Moochell?  Sure she’s very popular right now.  The first position she takes on an important issue and her popularity drops by half.  This wide load is popular right now only because she doesn’t have to say she’s okay with murdering a baby after a failed abortion or favors giving free health care to criminal illegal aliens etc. Etc.

My guess is it’s going to boil down to Slow and Stupid vs. Angry and Free (as in free stuff).  Slow Joe vs. Crazy Bernie.  But hey, I was the guy that said Slow Joe would be out in a week.  So… 

Today’s JG rant
Re: Wendy Bartle’s letter “Uncritical support typical of Trump’s fan base” of Dec 4, 2019.

I wonder how many “Trump fans” Bartle knows or has spoken with.  My guess is none.  As a PDJT supporter from day one, I do not know a single PDJT supporter that has not voiced critical misgivings, reservations or objections to his “history”, tweets, certain policies, bravado, wealth, personality, hair etc.  What rock is Bartle living under?  Nearly every aspect of PDJT’s life has come under scrutiny and criticism from conservatives and Republicans.

The left are the ones incapable of critical thought.  Libs call PDJT supporters a cult while they praise the zombie like “let’s all wear white and stand and sit in unison at the State of the Union” performance of AOC and her creepy acolytes and/or sit quietly while their thug army of masked thugs clad in black assault conservatives. Those are the very definition of cults.  

The impeachment process that Democrats have engaged in since before PDJT was inaugurated is another example of leftist cultish behavior.  Like Stalinists, they’ve got their man, and they’ve spent the last three years in search of a crime to charge him with.  

Fortunately for clear thinking Americans they are the Wile E. Coyotes, the Keystone Cops, the Laurel and Hardys, the Stooges of Stalinists.  The more the truth falls on their heads like an Acme anvil the more desperate, frustrated and hilarious to the rest of us they become.  

She foolishly claims that PDJT “awards his richest friends with huge tax cuts.” This is what public education gets us.  Hmm, I did not know that the President of the United States could unilaterally write tax laws. I was almost certain laws – including tax laws – originated in the legislature. 

I am delighted to learn that, after Obama doubled the deficit in four years, some leftists are finally, finally, finally concerned about government spending.  I looked through the JG archives, but I missed Bartle’s letter condemning the Democrat’s profligate spending under Obama.  I’m sure given the consistency and non-hypocritical thought process of progressives, it has to be in there somewhere.         

Wednesday, December 04, 2019 1:00 am
Uncritical support typical of Trump's fan base
I am addressing Byron Thompson's Nov. 20 letter, “Trump supporters voted to save our freedoms.” Those of us who oppose Donald Trump do not need to imagine his wrongdoing. He does it in plain sight, arguing that being president means being able to do whatever he wants.
We accuse his supporters of acting like a cult because they seem incapable of evaluating him objectively. Thompson says Trump supports our military even as he undermines the military justice system. He says Trump respects our citizenry even though he disparages private citizens on a daily basis. He says Trump does not “rob us blind” even as he awards his richest friends huge tax cuts, ballooning our deficit to record levels. They say they want leadership, yet support a man who takes all the credit when things go well and none of the blame when they go badly.
Trump's detractors oppose him because we, too, want a government we can trust.
I genuinely hoped Trump would be a functional president if only because the people around him would teach him how to govern. I did not want to see America lose its significance as a guiding light in the world. Democracies are on the ropes, but if they want Trump's ear, they must offer up obsequious flattery and perhaps do him a few “favors.”
Trump supporters read these independently verifiable facts, but refuse to believe them. They watch the impeachment hearings, determined to label every witness, no matter how distinguished, a liar and Trump-hater before they have said a single word. What impression do you expect us to get?
I understand people like Thompson support Trump's policies and really don't want to hear any of this, but an objective person can always find things to criticize. When was the last time any of them criticized Trump?
Wendy Bartle
Fort Wayne

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