Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Today's JG rant - PDJT's foes are delusional

Re: Dennis Powell’s letter, “Trump team corruption echoes worst of 1970s” of Dec 3, 2019.

Dennis Powell’s letter was a hoot.  He believes that PDJT’s supporters “delude” themselves into believing PDJT is making America great again.  Who is delusional?  If you ask the typical PDJT supporter they are most likely to admit most of PDJT’s foibles. What does that say about Democrats who pulled their collective heads out of the sand only to stick them up their butts when they nominated possibly the only person in America PDJT could beat in 2016?

Who is delusional, PDJT supporters who want to secure our southern border or Democrats who look at pictures of the children caged by President Obama and blame the whole thing on Trump?

Who is delusional, Democrats who think PDJT’s family is enriching themselves off of Trump’s office or those who think it’s a bit sketchy that the drug addict no-talent son of doofus slow Joe Biden – Hunter - enriched himself to the tune of millions and millions of dollars for nothing more than his last name?  Hint:  Trump’s family was rich BEFORE entering public service.  Most Democrat grifter families can only became wealthy AFTER entering public service through influence peddling i.e. Hunter Biden, The Clinton Crime Family Foundation, Chelsea getting 600k from a TV network for 30 seconds work etc.  Quick 2 + 2 = ? 

Who is delusional, Democrats who believe Obama was an effective president or those of us thankful for the fact that Obama played so much golf that he left over 100 federal judgeships open for PDJT to fill?

Who is delusional, Democrats who believe Obama was a consequential president or those of us thankful for the fact that Obama’s puny legacy has largely been swept away by THE most consequential president in 60 years.

Who is delusional, Democrats who point to PDJTs pre-election vulgarities, most of which were well publicized BEFORE the election, or people who point to a party that still reveres a life-long sexual predator who used his position to diddle the White House staff, assault unsuspecting women in the Oval Office and was a frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express all while his incompetent rape-enabling wife hectored the rest of us about our “deplorable” nature because we didn’t trust her worthless lying, thieving azz?

Who is delusional, the Wile E. Coyote Democrats who are on their 100th shipment of Acme anvils, dynamite and rocket roller skates in their unending effort “to get” PDJT, or those of us who laugh at their far-fetched, ever fruitless and anti-American efforts?

Who is delusional, Democrats who, since 9pm on Nov 8, 2016, have gone through life in abject misery because they wake up every morning thinking America sucks for no other reason than they lost an election, or those of us who get up in the morning refreshed thinking ISIS and Baghdadi are dead the American dream and economy are alive?        

Who is delusional, those who refer to PDJT as “your president,” as if he’s not president of all of The United States, or those who know PDJT’s policies affect all 50 states and every U.S. citizen?    
Who is delusional, those who are still citing the popular vote as if that makes their corrupt candidate President of the United States, or those who are educated enough to understand that the rules for U.S. Presidential Elections have been well-known since 1788?

Who is delusional, those who have played into Obama’s ol’ buddy Vlad’s hand by actively engaging in efforts to tear the country and PDJT’s presidency apart with one hoax after an another, or those of us who have wised up to their stupid and disingenuous cries of “THE SKY IS FALLING!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!”

When PDJT is re-elected in 2020, in large part due to this type of BS, all of these dopes will be forced into a clinic to get help with their delusions mumbling to themselves over and over, “Russian collusion.  Ukraine collusion.  Stormy Daniels.  Trump Tower meeting.  Emoluments.”   

Tuesday, December 03, 2019 1:00 am
Trump team corruption echoes worst of 1970s
This is in response to a letter by Byron Thompson on Nov. 20. He believes that the 10,000-plus lies, the immigrant children locked in cages, the attempted banning of Muslims, the constant praising of the world's dictators, the attacks on our NATO allies and the enrichment of the Trump family are in our imagination.
This president is the most incompetent in my lifetime. He is the most vulgar and childish president in my lifetime.
What those of us who oppose him don't understand is how people can delude themselves into believing that he has really done so much to make America great. His followers wear his slogan on a red hat declaring their allegiance, but I see it as the greatest of his failures. Not since the late '60s has this country been more torn apart. The world laughs at us where they once cheered us. The beacon of truth and justice that used to shine across the world has been dimmed
I have always felt America was a gift to the world – the one place where justice and freedom would always be defended to the last man or woman. We give hope to those places where freedom doesn't exist that someday it might. Your president's embrace of every dictator in the world is counter to what we are supposed to stand for. 
As far as Thompson's belief that we are conducting a silent coup, I will say this. It isn't silent. We will express ourselves loudly until this scourge has been driven from the White House. After he is gone, my next hope would be that all his enablers in Congress will be sent packing as well.
If you want a government you can trust, as Thompson says, then you have definitely made a mistake. How many of your president's people are now in jail? How many are yet to be convicted? You can listen to whomever you have been listening to, but the fact is this: This is as corrupt a government as we've had since the Nixon presidency.
Dennis Powell
Fort Wayne

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