Monday, December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I’ll be off until after the New Year when I return to hold forth on the issues of the day and point out the folly of the “thinking” of the anarchists at the JG editorial page and other know-nothing leftists.

Have a most blessed and Merry Christmas and the very best of what’s going to be an interesting year!


Today’s JG rant
Re: Marilyn Moran-Townsend’s letter “Reaction to letter reflects 'oasis for civil discourse'” of Dec 3, 2019.

The reaction to Moran-Townsend’s letter may have been “civil” but many of the leftist letters that make the editor’s cut for this page are far from it.  Just recently JG editors saw fit to published two letters that referred to the President of the United States AND HIS WIFE as porn stars.  That, I suppose, passes for “civil” on the left these days.

Most letters deriding PDJT are heavy on such pointless and childish personal insults and devoid of any discussion about PDJT’s policies that have made the stock market roar, unemployment fall across the board, wages rise, ISIS retreat, Israeli embassy move, the military stronger, America an energy exporter, the border more secure, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Diverse opinions?  You cannot be serious.  The JG editors make sure that the JG letters page is little more than a left wing echo chamber of insult, innuendo, MSNBC type left wing talking points calling the president and his 63 million supporters racists and any other vile name that pops into their hate-filled minds.

While the left wails like a little girl with two skinned knees about Jason Arp's mailer, they remain curiously silent about mounting violence on the left (500+ documented cases and rising everyday) toward anyone in a MAGA hat or on the right generally. 

Hoping for better from the JG and Ft. Wayne area leftists in 2020.

Doug Schumick
63rd Millionth co-founder, MAGA Make America Great Again
Lord High Commissioner, MWTP Communications

Reaction to letter reflects 'oasis for civil discourse'
I am so proud of the northeast Indiana citizens who responded to my Nov. 22 letter regarding a controversial political ad by Jason Arp. Their comments were thoughtful and civil. I very much enjoyed reading them and thinking deeply about their points of view.
When we founded AVOW to advance the voices of women in our region, our chief goal was to create a public square where people could express different opinions in a civil manner. I really believe our citizens are doing exactly that.
I am also thankful to this newspaper for publishing diverse opinions. Northeast Indiana is an oasis for civil discourse, and I believe it is one of the many reasons that we are a magnet for talented people. Thank you!
Marilyn Moran-Townsend
Co-Founder,AVOW Advancing Voices of Women
CEO, CVC Communications

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Merry Christmas Lex. We will have to rely on the substandard media for daily updates on the continuing assault on our liberties.