Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Man of the Year: Why PDJT

In the post below, Lex names PDJT his man of the year for one reason – PDJT is the only thing that stands between us and them.  Who is “them”?  Well it’s a long list of azzbags, weasels, crooked lying thieving pols on both side of the aisle, MSM liars, Hollywood know-nothing swells, speech squashing masters of the universe at all manner of social media, violent AntiFa socialist/communists, idiots so worried about PDJT becoming a dictator that they want to round up all the guns and if the truth were known everyone who owns one, etc etc. etc.

Wanna know what we’re up against?  Here’s a rundown of headlines on Gateway Pundit yesterday at about 8pm.

This is the daily assault we’re under.  Name one Republican pol who could have withstood the all-out daily attacks that PDJT has withstood for the last three years?  Mitt Romney?  Ha that little weasel would have changed parties on day three.  John McCain?  Ha he’d have devolved into the angry little man that he was lashing out at everyone after the second of the slightest criticisms.    

No one, and I mean, NO ONE on the Republican side could have withstood the daily pillaring PDJT has withstood since day one.  PDJT not only has withstood the battering, he has thrived on it.  He has moved the ball forward on all manner of conservative issues and has been attacked by #NEVERTRUMPers – who supposedly advocated for the issues before Trump – for every one of his successes.

PDJT is not just the Man of the Year, he’s the Man of the Decade and soon moving on to the Man of the Century.  Who has gotten more done?  PDJT’s accomplishments are what drives the Dopes toward impeachment.  They know they cannot beat him.  They know they cannot stop the irresistible force that is PDJT.

Today’s JG rant
I’m tired of putting letters from the local fish wrap on this space.  I’ve do it so as not to drive clicks to their leftwing echo chamber.

Re: Evan Davis letter “GOP shows true colors in impeachment stand” of Dec 15, 2019.

I suppose Evan Davis is correct.  Republicans likely would never oppose the impeachment of Bill or Hillary Clinton under similar circumstances that PDJT finds himself in.  However, the Clinton crime family has a clear track record of past criminal activities that would make the charges all the more credible.

Bill is a convicted perjurer.  James the shape shifter Comey laid out Hillary’s criminal activities of obstructing justice by deleting e-mails, bleach bitting her servers and smashing her blackberries - all of which were under subpoena.  Then there’s whole pay-to-play Clinton Crime Family Foundation scheme. 

So sure, if past is prologue, the Clintons have proven to be willing to stray outside the bold line of the law for personal gain so any charge would be all the more believable.

Obama is a totally different case.  Obama made himself impeachment proof by taking on a lying, thieving, corrupt, buffoon – Slow Joe Biden – as his vice president.  Republicans understood that when it came to incompetence and stupidity, Obama was a piker when compared to the colossal nit wit who would succeed him if he were convicted and removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors.

While Democrats are quite certain of themselves making pre-crime accusations – PDJT will enlist foreign governments to interfere in the 2020 election if not impeached and removed from office – they never ask themselves the simple question: Did Slow Joe Biden demand a quid pro quo from Ukraine – a billion plus in aid money for the firing of a Ukraine prosecutor looking into Biden’s otherwise unemployable son - as he clearly did and bragged about on tape.  That tape proves for the 10,000th time what an arrogant boob he is and why Obama was unimpeachable.
GOP shows true colors in impeachment stand
Maybe Donald Trump has wanted to be impeached all along. For such an ego, how more glorious could life get than being the first president to be impeached and still be re-elected?
Now, after three years of mounting outrages, he's openly done something that clearly undermines legitimate government. He's used the power of the presidency to try to steal the next election, and impeachment appears certain.
Republicans are right that this impeachment is farcically partisan – because they have chosen it to be. I dare Republican members of Congress to say they would have opposed the impeachment of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton in the same circumstances. Of course they wouldn't have – they from the party that impeached Bill Clinton for lying about oral sex and still clamors to jail Hillary Clinton for ... for what? Just for the fun of it.
In contrast, we have a president whose minions did go to jail after his first election. And now more minions work with him and the Russians to grab another, but the Republicans act like he ran a yellow light on Coldwater Road.
Republicans are wrong, however, to say that impeachment is an effort to overturn the 2016 election. Nothing in the world can do that. Impeachment is the constitutional process for responding to grave abuse of power after the election.
The party of Ronald Reagan and Richard Lugar is now the party of a wannabe dictator, but he's their wannabe dictator, and that's what matters most. And if he wins in the Electoral College again, they will party like it's 1984.
Evan Davis
Fort Wayne

Re: David Kolhoff’s letter “Moral irrelevance is fate of Trump's GOP” of Dec 15, 2019. 

I get the left not liking the election of PDJT.  I’m old enough to remember eight years of Obama’s bumbling.  So, I get it.  I never liked the public figures who would defend Obama’s obtuse policies, malapropos, lies and holier than thou arrogance.  I never transferred my dislike for the news people and public sycophants who would defend Obama to my family and friends who voted for him.  

I can totally understand Kolhoff’s distrust (I suspect it’s much deeper than distrust bordering on hate) of Fox News’ primetime line up, Gateway Pundit and Powerline websites, but I cannot understand him transferring those feelings onto 63 million fellow citizens. 

I am a person who has never run afoul of the law (save for minor traffic violations), has faithfully paid my taxes, has supported charities (although maybe not as vigorously as I could), has gone to war for my country and have tried to maintain civil discourse with family and friends who differ with my political point of view.  So why the hate, Dave? 

Maybe that’s the problem.  Kolhoff has no family or friends who differ with him. He lives in a cocoon surrounded by only the likeminded. None dare offer a differing point of view less Kolhoff take them to task for differing with his own one-sided view of the world. 

My advice for Kolhoff is to get out more and meet some new people who might disagree with him.  Open your mind to differing points of view and learn that people who disagree with you are not necessarily evil people.       

Moral irrelevance is fate of Trump's GOP
I've been thinking about this letter for a while. What new outrage of the worst president in my lifetime should I describe while excoriating him and his enablers? But, given Donald Trump's daily absurdities and outrages, I determined that's a loser's game. There's no way to keep up with his craziness within the limitations of a letter to the editor.
Therefore, I've decided to address what I think is the basis of Trump's outrageous, damaging behavior. It is, I believe, his everyday supporters. Those who actively defend him and those who sit quietly by, hoping things will get better. Taking hope from the good economy and low unemployment.
Like it or not, democracy is a participation activity. If you are not part of the solution, you are, in fact, part of the problem.
Of course, Trump, Pompeo, McConnell, Nunes, Collins, Jordan, Banks, etc. are responsible for their actions. But what permits them to continue to act in ways that hurt our country? It is, of course, their supporters. Those willing to allow the hate, division and animosity to continue and grow.
I read those enablers often in letters in this paper. The conservative Republicans who rant against liberals and in favor of restrictions on them are, in my opinion, the problem. The damage of their uninformed, incorrect and harmful views will take years to undo. But undo them we must. The way we do that is to work and spend so that not a single Republican is elected until the GOP regains its moral compass and washes off the grime and slime that covers it as the Party of Trump.
David Kolhoff
Fort Wayne

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