Friday, November 05, 2010

Both parties trying to read the election

Both Demo-Dopes and Repubs seem a bit flummoxed by Tuesday’s results. Demo-Dopes are calling for P-BO to adopt a double down in your face, yeah so what attitude toward the Repub shellacking. Senate Repubs are up in arms about what might have been had the Tea Party not bollixed up the works with with the likes of Sharon Angle and Christine O’Donnell.

Well the Repub answer is easiest so let’s start there. Had it not been for the energy of the Tea Party, the Repubs night would have been significantly less successful. Sure Charlie Christ might have won FL, but given what a complete flip-flopping waste of flesh he has turned out be, aren’t we about 10,000 times better off with Rubio? Sure we might have gotten Castel through in DE, but we just got rid of Arlan Specter, do we really need another?

And to all the Karl Roves out there who think “the Tea Party” put these candidates forward – you’re wrong. The electorate put these people forward. If the Tea Party candidates are flawed, why not pitch in and help instead of sniping from the gallery?

Establishment blue blood Republi-rats had better get the big picture eary on, the Tea Party is here to stay. Wise up or they may be the next Mike Castle. I hope there is a strong challenger to my own IN Senator Dick Lugar. One thing we know about the creepy class, no not child pornographers, the really creepy class – politicians, is they are pretty good at saving their own @$$es.

They should do a remake of Titanic where everyone on board is a politician.  You'd have scenes of men beating women and children for a seat on a life boat.  Drunks refusing to save themselves because there is an  open bar.  John Kerry would have taken an entire lifeboat for himself and left the ship before it hit the iceberg.  Latter he'd claim to have rescued 1,000s, by working in the engine room, communication room and on the bridge all at the same time.  He'd blame GWB for iceberg.  ALGore would claim the iceberg would have been much bigger had it not been for global climate change.

Note to ALL: The Tea Party is here to stay and has already begun looking at the 2012 cycle.

Demo-Dopes are a bit harder to read. Sure there’s the kook MessNBC fringe that thinks a cloud of racism swept across America on Tuesday. But that is their answer to anyone and everyone who might challenge P-BO and the Dopes on anything.

They seem sure that there is no way a repeal of P-BOcare will make it through the Senate. Ha! Let’s vote. After Tuesday’s supreme @$$ whoopin’ and with 23 Senate Dopes up for re-election in 2012, let’s see if it can’t get through the senate to land squarely on P-BO’s desk for veto. Then let’s see if the most onerous parts of the monstrosity cannot be deconstructed bit by bit so that the remaining shell will simply fall in on itself.

Here’s a hint to the Dopes, better to die from one swift blow than to be bitten to death by ducks. Kill the thing at the earliest opportunity with one swift blow or it will be an issue for the next two years. As more unpopular facts drip out bit by bit, the Repubs will pounce and force votes. This thing is destined to die from a 1,000 cuts or one swift cut across the jugular. Which do the Dopes think is best for them?

Killing it fast will also put the Repubs in the position of having to come up solutions of their own rather than just railing against the hugely unpopular sack of crap that the Dopes forced through in the dark of night without ever reading. I’ll bet most still haven’t read the damn thing.

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