Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get the Mossad to deal with ASSange

Here’s a Headline that I wouldn’t mind seeing: WikiLeaks promoter disappears. Now that’s not to say that he disappeared because of “lead poisoning.” I mean he truly just disappears. Sort of like Kreskin the magician, only for real and for good.

Remember, the key to any good magic trick is that nobody knows how it is done. And so it should be with Julian ASSange. Rush Limbaugh noted yesterday that back when the CIA was great ASSange would have died from a severe case of lead poisoning after the first round of leaks. But back when the CIA was truly great, nobody would ever know what really happened to ASSange. There would be a great many rumors, but nobody would know for sure.

And back when the CIA was really, really great, the CIA would get someone to the dirty work while thinking the whole time they were acting in their own interest. Now I’m not condoning or thinking the US government should put out a fatwa on ASSange. That would be so 12th century. But if the Muslims did that, it would be pretty much par for the course and nobody would even raise an eyebrow. After all kids will be kids and Muslims will be Muslims.

So how can we drive him so far under ground that dirt would become his steady meal? I think after P-BO’s extended bow and kiss @$$ tour of the Middle East there ought to be at least one Imam willing to issue a fatwa on ASSange. No? Well then how about Newsweak manufacturing a story about ASSange flushing a koran or something? That would certainly cause the religion of perpetual outrage to kick it up a notch. No? How about the CIA just issuing a stern statement as innocuous as: “Well these things rarely work out well for the leakers.” No? Of course not. Why? Well because they always do work out well for the leaker.

Maybe we could get Larry Flint offer a one million dollar reward for compromising pictures of ASSange like he did on the Republican leadership. Oh, that’s right Larry probably supports ASSange’s quest to wreck the US.

This is a mess. And, I only half believe that P-BO and his merry band of incompetent goofs are even mildly upset about it. Why? Well it seems to me if they had wanted to they could have stopped this. But then maybe, if I call them incompetent goofs in one sentence, I cannot assume that they will act competently in the next.

Now, we can take great comfort in the fact that Eric the wad Holder is finally on the case. If I were ASSange, I’d be hiring as many New same as the old Black Panthers as possible. That move alone would force the wad to stand down and probably cause the wad to issue a statement of support for ASSange’s stand on affirmative action.

Nothing is going to happen to ASSange…until he pisses off Israel. Then he will be found in a Turkish bath in Amsterdam as if he hung himself in some homo erotic sex experiment. The Mossad still has a set.

So we should post some embarrassing stuff on Israel on the WikiLeaks site. After that, if he’s smart, ASSange will disappear on his own.

As for the dirt bags like PFC Manning, the US soldier who gave ASSange the documents, he and anyone else involved should be sent to the deepest darkest hole in Leavenworth prison to live out the rest of their days.   Sadly, that will not happen either.  Manning will become some sort of media folk hero.  I can already picture the the "Free Manning" t-shirts in the crowd at every anti-American rally - like the Demo-Dope national convention.

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