Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The brakes have been applied. Now let's see how we get this thing in reverse.

As noted several posts below, not enough good could have come from last night’s election. The biggest disappointment is that Scrawny Harry Reid will still be around to pollute the system.

After Harry the war is lost Reid, the biggest disappointment is CA. But CA is the knife that will be thrust into Demo-Dopes back just in time for the 2012 election. CA is likely to need federal money before 2012. That issue will put the Dopes on the ropes. Do they try to bail CA out with federal money? Or does the new Rep House hold strong and say, you made your bed CA, now lay in it?

How many Demo-Dope senators up for re-election in 2012 are going to want to have “I supported a bailout for the loonies in CA” on his resume? Can border state Dopes up re-election in 2012 in OH, NE, FL, MT, MO and PA afford a CA bailout? If I lived worked or were doing business in CA, I’d be looking for a way out this morning. It cannot end well.

Also consider the face of the Demo-Dopes. What a bunch of losers - Al I can steal any election Franken, Richard why yes I served with John Kerry in Cambodia Blumenthal, Chris I’m Harry’s lap dog Coons. Rumor has it that Kerry and Blumenthal are already in tit for tat over who is the greater war hero. After hear of Kerry’s exploits in Cambodia, Blumenthal claimed to have been dispatched enemy line during the Korean War by President Kennedy.

And what about the WV chameleon Joe Manchin? Manchin essentially ran as a hard right conservative. But six years is a long time, and pols are among the creepiest people alive. Manchin probably figures he only has to what is right during the last two years of term to fool the people of WV again.

Well we shouldn’t dwell on the “what could have been” side of things. To use P-BO car in the ditch analogy, that screeching noise you heard last was the brakes being slammed on P-BO’s out of control, reckless and irresponsible operation of OUR car. Or, as one pundit put it, “It’s not an election. It’s a restraining order.”

It appears as if the Tea Party is here to stay to hold shill pol’s feet to the fire. Can the Scrawny one really count on votes of Dopes who are up for re-election in 2012 on any issue? Ben Nelson (NE), Bill Nelson (FL), Jon Tester (MT), Clair McCaskill (MO), Bob Casey (PA) and Sherrod Brown (OH) will be listening more to voters than anything P-BO or the Scrawny one has to say.

When Repubs ask for a vote to repeal P-BOcare what are these fence sitting border scoundrels going to do? Cover their own butts that’s what. The Repubs should press their advantage and push issues everyday on repealing P-BOcare, securing the border security, cutting taxes and stop spending.

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