Friday, November 12, 2010

Commission report half as bold as it needs to be

The deficit commission is being hailed for its bold suggestions on how to reel in our current ever growing Borg-like federal government and reduce the debt. Not so fast my friend.

Just as an example, to save Social Security, the commission calls for an increase in the retirement age to 68 in 2050 and 69 in 2075. FLASH!! FLASH!! FLASH!! Social Security won’t be around in 2050 and will be a distant memory of those fortunate enough to still be around in 2075. It’s like buying a 15 year old car with 210,000 miles on it and setting aside $50 for an oil change 2050 and new tires in 2075. The car will be in the junk yard in a year if it’s not overhauled soon.

Social Security can be saved by returning it to what it started out as, a supplement to people’s retirement plans. Raise the retirement age to 68 tomorrow for those between 45 – 25 years old. Raise the retirement tomorrow to age 75 for those 25 years old and younger.

Don’t buy into the Lib BS, “Well how long can guy digging ditches for a living be expected to continue that task?” After a certain age, he can’t. What he can do is prepare for funding his own retirement – bridging if you will - of the first 3 and then 10 years until his SS kicks in. Part of that bridge could be to allow SS beneficiaries to VOLUNTARILY invest part of their own SS payments into private funds.

The commission didn’t fix SS. They didn’t even kick the can down the road. They sprinkled a generous amount of fairy dust on the problem in the hope it will magically disappear.

And where in the commission report is the penalty of a slow miserable death for the pols who take the new tax revenues from the taxes proposed in the report and spend that money on the new and improved Piss Christ or a longer more sophisticated bridge to nowhere? Short of the threat of being boiled in oil over a low fire for a day or two, pols will do what pols do. That is, they lie, cheat and steal. Short of a commission with the power to snatch pols off the street and slowly execute them, the Barney Franks and RC Turdbins of the world will just do whatever they want to do with other people’s money.

I would agree that the commission report is as bold as anything coming out Washington D.C. with regard to deficit reduction, but it isn’t bold enough by half. Bold would be a flat tax of 12% across the board. Bold would be, reorganizing the pentagon into a triangle, remove duplicate staffs, fire 1/3rd of the flag officers or reduce their rank back to O-6. Any government employee making over a six figure income would immediately be reduced to a salary commensurate with the private sector. Department of Education would immediately be reduced to a staff the size of a local car dealer with its only task being monitoring the performance of failing schools. NEA and NEH would be defunded on day one and every person within those leach organizations sent packing. The UN would be told the rent for their building is being increased to whatever sum they refuse to pay and told to move elsewhere. In its place would be the New Organization of Democratic States. That’s pretty bold.

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