Wednesday, August 15, 2018

CNN is in fact the enemy of the people

PDJT is absolutely correct. The MSM, CNN in particular, is an enemy of the people.  We need to look no further than the MSM’s coverage of the Unite the Right marches on Sunday. The odious group had a permit to march.  Had America as a nation ignored the bunch – 21 guys would have walked the half mile route in 10 minutes and no one would have noticed. 
Enter the “resistance””.  They show up in the thousands to protest the 21.  Fine.  Good for them.  When the cops stood between the “resistance” and the 21 dopes, the “resistance” exploded into a violent mob. Cursing anyone in authority - the cops, the states, the country – and of course PDJT.  They were thrashing about like one of those long inflatable air dancers at an auto dealership – except of course for the smiley face. 
When the whole thing was over, the violent anti-American “resistance” were termed anti-hate marchers.  In what world are people who cuss the cops, destroy property, trash the president in the vilest terms, and insult the country as a whole – all while wearing masks, carrying shields and weapons anti-hate? 
The media in general and CNN in particular defended the notion that violence against a legal assembly is okay as long as the victims are deemed to be Nazis or supremacists by the MSM.  The problem is the MSM labels all PDJT supports Nazis and racists. 
The thing is the MSM is normalizing violence against certain people, say some kid wearing a MAGA hat or a guy with a Trump bumper sticker on his car. 
See if you can make sense of this BS.  That Mr. and Mrs. America is an out in the open call for political violence, and you are the target if you do not share their insane political point of view. 

They can make these open calls for violence and when their calls manifest itself at a Trump rally or a conservative speaker’s platform on campus, these are the same azzbags who will be quick to place the blame solely on the right, because, after all, the thugs CNN sends out to fight conservatives, cannot be judges the same as any cretin who supports the president.  
My advice is: Buy more ammo and another gun.

Disgraced former FBI agent Strzok
Strzok just got rich - well maybe just his lawyer got rich.  Strzok started a go fund me page that raised more than $300,000 dollars n a day.  

Well on the bright side, whatever Lefty Lbs are willing to donate to a treasonous azzhat like Strzok will not be available to donate to Dopes in tight House races. 

Just for fun
I ran across this and liked it.  The editor likes it too.  So here it is. To AfBro, The Griffin and Mrs. Lex, sorry about the "chair force" thing.  Well, actually, no I'm not.  This chart verifies AFBros theory that a joke, no matter how insensitive, is OK as long as it's funny.  If you tall a joke about a protected class, you better hope people laugh.  And who isn't protected these days?  Men, Christian men, heterosexual Christian men, white heterosexual Christian men.  That's about it. 



The Griffin said...

The pie chart will change as the Space Force comes on line. I suggest lots of pictures when explaining it to our USMC brethren. As the gunny would say," That's techinal shit".

The protest season is in full swing. As the temp drops below 50 degrees they will head indoors until next season.Rule of thumb is if it's too cold or too hot to paint, it is not protest weather and South Chicago is moderately safe to walk the streets.

The Griffin said...

By the way. The reason Marine Corps does not have its own college football team is the Air Force would want one too. AF ranked 101 of 130 this year. I will root for Navy.