Friday, August 24, 2018

Trump: a man for all seasons - OK that might be a bit over the top but still...

One of my tests when considering if any policy or statement or tweet or TV show or movie or…well anything is good for the country is who is being up set by it.
If the Dopes and the MS are outraged by it, my thinking is that there’s an upside to whatever it is that’s got their shorts in a knot. 
So I woke up this morning wondering what it’s like being PDJT.  Not so much about being a billionaire, but yeah, that’d be nice.  Rather what it’s like to get up every morning knowing all you have to do is tweet a universal truth like, “MS-13 are animals” and watch everyone who hates you impale themselves on that truth just because it is you stating it.
Now consider the litany of people that hates you includes, the MSM, the entire Dope Party, a good percentage of the Republican Party, all of Hollywood, nearly all of the entertainment world, nearly all of academia, nearly everyone in the country with a "social" platform.  Still, all that you have to do to make them melt down like two year olds in desperate need of a nap is to tell us what Boob Nifong Mueller, a crime investigator in search of a crime, already knows, “There’s no collusion”. 
How great would it be if I could wake and make the whole state of Meatchiken melt down by stating an obvious banal truism like, “Jim Harbaugh wears cheap trousers that are too big for him”?
That’s PDJT’s life.  He gets up.  He tweets.  The Lefty Lib melt down begins.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s tweets.  Now I look forward to them, because all the right people are soiling themselves over them.
Now answer this question, “Has there been a day, since candidate Trump made his famous escalator ride, that PDJT has NOT run the news cycle? Every single day he tweets, says or signs something that triggers the left.  He rallies the Trump army in fun ways that just kills his detractors.
Every day the Lefty Libs think that they’ve finally “GOT HIM”.  Every day he goes merrily on his way while the Acme Anvil falls on the Lefties collective heads.
Now they’ve “GOT HIM” because Mike Cohen pleaded guilty to a crime that apparently isn’t a crime.  So Cohen gets a plea deal going from 60 years to 60 months for copping to Hoffa kidnapping and the media are saying PDJT was driving the car.
Meanwhile PDJT goes to WV to rally the troops and the media melts down, because PDJT refuses to cower, to hide in the White House in the aftermath of the bogus charges.  He wakes up and trashes the government’s star witness on twitter. 
The Left melts demanding PDJT pull his Supreme Court nomination, because Brett Kavanagh is connected to Cohen – how?  Not at all.  But he has to go because PDJT beat the hell out Shrillda the Hutt on Nov 8, 2016.
Then there’s the Manafort case.  Funnier yet.  Manfort gets rung up on decades old finance crimes that are not connected to PDJT at all and that the DOJ once refused to purse.  PDJT calls Manafort a good man and refuse to say that he’s not going pardon Manafort.  The Lefties are reduced to a gelatinous pool of super-heated bubbling sh*t.  They say even considering a pardon or signaling one (something PDJT has not done) amounts to obstruction and is an impeachable offense. 
Impeach – Impeach – Impeach
PDJT wakes up gives the Left the finger and says his own AG Jeff Sessions and Special D-bag Nifong Mueller are scum.  The Left melts.
Who, other than PDJT, could have withstood the barrage the Left has laid down on PDJT?  Not one of them.  JEB!?  Please.  Jeb would have caved and appointed Shrillad the Hutt co-president two days after the inauguration. 
Far from regretting my vote, every day I get up and thank God for PDJT.  He’s not only the only guy capable of withstanding the landslide of negativity, he’s the only guy capable of fighting back effectively, and that’s what really irritates them.  CNN is a standing joke now permanently labeled by PDJT as fake news.
Ride the Trump Tiger.

Coach Meyer got a 3 game suspension.  That’s about what would be expected.  The News media is, as always, in a fit of rage over the light penalty.  Well 7 million minus 3 games is probably several 100s of thousands of dollars.  Not really all that light.
I have waited to comment on this, because I thought as soon as I did new info on the case would surface making me look dumber than I am. 
Now the case is over. So here’s what I think.  Ladies, if your husband is abusing you, don’t call his boss’s wife to complain expecting relief.  It's not your husband's wife's job to control your husband.  Call the cops.  That's their job.
Meyer is being suspended for lying to a group that lies for a living – the sports media.  It had to be done.  Meyer is the face of The OSU.
Quick who is President of The OSU?  Nobody but the board and his wife knows the answer to that question. Everyone knows who the football coach is.
So Meyer’s false answers to scumbags had to be sanctioned. Now the gasbags are in an uproar because the university refuses to hang Meyer at dawn from Oxley Thompson Statue  after keel hauling him under a under rowboat on the Olentangy River. 
Al Davis comes to mind in this case: Just win baby.

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