Monday, August 20, 2018

The Left loves anti-American scum

It is said that you can determine a man’s character by taking a look at his friends.  Let’s look at the lefty libs.  They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the likes of criminals Andy McCabe - the FBI’s #2 and Shrillda the Hutt butt boy, got fired as for lying and being an all round d-bag – and Peter Strzok - a despicable lying, two-timing, corrupt, BS artist. 
Now the Left has its shorts in a knot because PDJT stripped commie loving, lying, leaking, total excrement head John Brennan of his security clearance.  In addition to being those things Brennan is probably the most incompetent POS “intel master” in history.  The list of things this moron missed, WMD in Iraq, Benghazi, Iran nukes and…and…and double d-bag Brennan supposedly knew all about the “Russian interference” BFORE the election but did not do one damn thing about it – well at least not until the Hutt got her extra wide butt curb stomped by PDJT.

At about 9pm on Nov 8, 2016, while Shrillda the Hutt was throwing hotel room lamps and melting down like stick of butter in the microwave on high, Brennan and his “intel experts” were busy constructing a frame job for PDJT based on phony Russian interference.

Again Brennan’s incompetence has gotten in his way.  The cagy “spy master” built his entire frame job of PDJT around a “Russian dossier” so sketchy it looks more like it was compiled by Boris and Natasha as a prop for the Rocky and Bullwinkle show than a piece of professional spy craft.

Brennan is a low-life, commie-loving POS scumbag.  People who support the anti-American pr*ck run in the same circles.  Whoa Lex what about that special ops Navy SEAL?  Admiral McRaven can go pee up a rope.  Eff him.  If he wants to die on John Brennan’s security clearance hill, let him. 

McRaven asked PDJT to revoke his clearance.  PDJT should pull it without comment today.  When some press azzbag brings it up – “Why did you pull Adm McRaven’s clearance?”  “Well, because he asked me to.  It’s that simple.  There are over 5 million security clearance out there today.  We need to reduce that number.  I applaud Adm McRaven for volunteering to get the process started.  He’s a true patriot.”  The MSM meltdown, were that to happen, would be epic.

Same goes for the 60+ “intel experts” who signed a letter decrying garbage man Brennan’s loss of clearance.  Pull them all.  

The Lefties insist on aligning themselves with some the most odious people in the daily news cycle.  They go for McCabe, Strzok, Brennan and by their silence give tacit approval to their AntiFa thug army wreaking havoc across America. They are peas in a pod or maybe it’s pees in a urinal.           

Lefty Pissy Matthews, described above, thought Shrillda the Hutt would win because “there weren’t enough angry white people”  
The corollary to that is, “we all thought that Shrillda the Hutt would win because we believed there were enough anti-American, socialist, communists, brain-dead, AnitFa fascists, lazy, stupid, foolish, freeloading, double d-bags like you to drag a like-minded rape enabling POS across the finish line.  Luckily, we were wrong.” 

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