Wednesday, August 29, 2018

While conservatives are getting bashed in the head with bike locks by leftists, Radical Leftist bemoans being called a Radical Leftist

UPDATE:  Just saw this beyond stupid comment after deadline.  Will be on this.

Re Emily Farler’s letter, “’People over politics’ Tritch’s ‘radical’ agenda” of Aug 29, 2018  
The inestimable Charles Krauthammer once summed up the difference between conservatives and liberals this way: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.
If Ms. Farler is in need of a powder and the fainting couch because she is described as a “radical leftist” – which is nothing more than a description of where someone might fit on a political continuum, I encourage her to consider what it’s like to walk on the conservative side.
How nice it would be if only stupid leftists were content to refer to us as “radical conservatives”.  That’s a description many of us would wear with pride. It would serve to differentiate us from the weak, spineless, go along and get along, pathetic wimps in leadership positions that populate much of our movement.
But the radical left is rarely content to characterize conservatives by highlighting political differences. When they are not describing half the county as evil Nazis, racists, and a plethora of other vile untrue names, they are dawning masks and grabbing crude weapons to attack conservative free speech on campus and in the public square.
Here’s a challenge, Ms. Farler.  Wear a MAGA hat downtown in Chicago, NY City, LA etc. or any major college campus for a week.  You’ll get a taste of what your “loving left” is really like.
I’m delighted Ms. Farler has expressed an interest in politics at her young age. Bravo, but if her psyche is so fragile that an accurate description of her political leanings upsets her, I encourage her to pursue something a bit less hazardous to her mental health, like watercolors.         

'People over politics' Tritch's 'radical' agenda
On Aug. 15, Courtney Tritch held her Rock the Issues Rally on the Allen County Courthouse Green. This was a peaceful, uplifting community event; however, a number of those not in attendance proceeded to criticize the rally. Our congressman, Jim Banks, is one of those people. He posted on his Twitter and Facebook accounts: “Here are a few social media posts from the speakers my opponent invited to her rally tonight. Their radical left-wing activism is not just offensive but out of touch with northeast Indiana.”
Banks continues to say he does not have time to debate Tritch but, somehow, he has time to Internet stalk the speakers at her rally. Attacking constituents for their beliefs is shameful. Each speaker courageously shared their story and expressed their wish for Banks to confirm debate dates. There was nothing “radical” about it.
I was one of the speakers. I am a 17-year-old girl, and I proudly stood on stage to share my story in front of hundreds of people. To see my own congressman call me, along with the other speakers, “radical leftists” is very offensive. I have been called similar names by peers and teachers, but I never expected an elected representative to bully a child for her community activism. The constant name-calling and fearmongering should not, and will not, be tolerated.
If you have not yet familiarized yourself with Tritch's campaign, I implore you to do so. Check out her website to see who really is in touch with northeast Indiana. Then, tell me who really cares about the issues and the residents of the 3rd District.
Tritch has repeatedly shown that she fights for everyone; no matter their age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or political party. She is the only candidate who respects and listens to not only her constituents, but all Americans. She truly puts people over politics – a quality very rarely seen in our nation today.
Emily Farler
New Haven

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I went to Tritch website as the young lady suggested. Tritch says Indiana would lose $516M/yr if the 9000 dreamers in Indiana we're not living in the state. That's over $57k per. How can that be possible? Tritch does not list a job in the private sector on her website. Negative on wealthy people and wants a ton more govt involvement in everyone's life. Tritch lists what she says is wrong without detailing solutions. Glad I went to her site. She would be better suited running in San Fran or Queens, NY.