Monday, August 27, 2018

The way out of the Nifong Mueller investigation

John McCain RIP.
A complicated guy.
Ending the Nifong (link for those who might have forgotten who Nifong is) Mueller witch hunt
As it is likely that the Republicans will hold or add to its majority is the senate after the midterm elections, PDJT should then fire Sessions and Rosenstein and bring in bare knuckle prosecutors to go after Shrillda the Hutt and her army of corruptocrats and anyone even loosely associated with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
What happens then is a very public tit for tat.  If lefties go after Don Jr. – DOJ goes after Web Hubble’s kid Chelsea.  If Nifong Mueller goes after the Trump organization, the DOJ goes after Billbo Billyboy Clinton’s numerous flights on Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Express.
If Lefties go after PDJT finances, DOJ turns the Clinton Crime Family Foundation inside out.
At some point DOJ can re-open the investigation of Shrillda the Hutts numerous crimes in plain sight about illegal servers, destruction of said servers, classified material on said servers.
That investigation will lead right to The Empty Suit’s door.  Like everything, other than an NCAA basketball bracket, TES did his best Sergeant Schultz claiming he “knows nothing” about the server.  Except there’s proof that he does.
Then the DOJ can re-open the case into crooked as hell IRS sh*ts like Lo Learner and that smug arrogant azz Koskinen and missing IRS e-mails and cover up – remember the destroyed IRS computers. 
The Dopes are threatening over 100 congressional investigations of the PDJT administration if they take back the house.  PDJT need to gear up for that eventuality.  My guess is that when the DOJ started to lay bare – or even threatened to lay bare - the corruption of Demo-Dopes, the Dopes would immediately sue for peace. 
I saw the idea for this somewhere on the Interweb – attributed to Dilbert creator Scott Adams, I think – I looked for the link but, alas, could not find it.

Shadow banned
I believe that Blog Spot is shadow banning Lex.  The site meter has gone from a steady 5 to 3 overnight.  So either two people are on vacation or something fishy is going on with Blog Spot. I know one thing for sure.  Those readers didn't disappear on their own because they tired of the sophomoric rantings of a lunatic. No, this is the shadow banning of a leading conservative voice.  I'm ready to testify before congress on this matter.    
Today’s JG rant
RE Steven D. Smith’s letter, “How can Christianity recover from the blows?” of Aug 27, 2018
The short answer to Steven D. Smith’s exit question “What exactly do Christians believe in?” is: The gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s no more complicated than that.
Sadly, most elections are binary choices.  Often, for many voters, it boils to a choice between the lesser of two evils.  If you’re waiting for the perfect strongman to rise to run your church or the country, you’re wasting your time.  He does not exist. 
What probably is not a winning platform is support for the party whose sole idea these days is railing against PDJT and doing so by stringing together long lines of bogus invectives to describe half the country.
WWJD?  I don’t know.  If the gospel provides a clue, my guess is grace and forgiveness for sinners rather calling everyone who rejects His teachings a Jesusphobe, racist, xenophobe, bigot, homophobe, Islamophobe etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Which, sadly, is all that today’s Democrat Party has.  Name calling.  That’s it.
I do know He is not fond of hypocrites.  So we should look for the log in our own eye before we point to the splinter in someone else’s.

How can Christianity recover from blows?
Judeo-Christian churches in the United States have lost all moral authority. How any Christian can look for moral guidance in churches is beyond my ability to fathom.
In Pennsylvania, more than 300 priests have been found to have molested more than 1,000 children and covered up these abuses. The hierarchy issued an edict on how to cover up these abuses. As for the other Christian denominations, they have turned a blind eye or, even worse, overtly supported Donald Trump in racism, bigotry, xenophobia and sexual abuse of women. If the churches do not stand against these immoralities, what do they stand for?
How can any Christian support a church that supports Trump? Is it any wonder why Americans younger than 30 are turning their backs on Christianity in the United States? Do you really believe that if Jesus walked the Earth today, he would not speak out about the moral degradation of Trump? Would Jesus be silent about children being stolen from their mothers by the state? Would Jesus turn his back on racism, bigotry, xenophobia, sexual assault and imprisoning people fleeing for their lives with their children and coming to our country?
What exactly do Christians believe in? I would really like to know.
Steven D. Smith
Fort Wayne

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