Monday, April 06, 2020

Fauci's love of the World Health Organization and lack of understanding of ur federalist form of government cast doubt on his other opinions

The new “rock star” in American media is Tony Fauci.  Given his refusal to take on the World Health Organization’s head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus(Yup copied and pasted that one), I’m not as impressed as some.  

Combine his love of the WHO with what appears to be his lack of understanding of a federalist form of government and it sort of seals the deal for me.  

The WHO, largely funded by the U.S. and like most UN organizations, is a commie loving anti-American bunch of third world losers.  We need to put “Stop funding the WHO” on the list of “things to do” when all of this passes.

I find it odd that the exact same people who were accusing PDJT of acting like a dictator are now demanding that he scrap the 10th Amendment and tell the states what’s good for them with edicts from Caligula, D.C.

Were PDJT take the Libs at their word and start issuing orders to the states from the Oval Office, you can bet not one thing he directed the states to do would pass muster with the lefty lib.  The Gov of LA and the Mayor of New Orleans wonder why PDJT didn't order Mardi Gras cancelled.  Can anyone imagine the hue and cry from Dopes had PDJT made edict?  

If and when the decision is taken to reopen the country it should be done county by county within the several states.  NY City may be locked for months.  That should have bearing on a decision of Montana to open certain counties while encouraging social distancing and other common sense health practices.

Dopes are going to scream bloody murder.  Here’s why: Check the Chinese Virus spread and concentration of the disease.  The concentrations all appear to be in Dope run cities and states.  As if the want of every lefty lib, they will not look to policies to lift themselves.  They will, as always, seek to pull the country down to their level.      

The new Navy: Capt. Cozier to be immortalized with Farragut and Lawrence
“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” David Farragut Civil War 1864
“Damn the mission, get me to a safe port.” Brett Crozier 2020
“Don’t give up the ship” James Lawrence War of 1812
“Get me off this ship” Brett Crozier 2020

Today's JG rants
It’s not surprising the JG editorial staff would choose to grace this page with another pointless anti-Christian letter – “Unreasonable expectation” by Robert Haluska of Aprip 3, 2020.

Haluska mocks Christians’ belief that Jesus Himself will be revealed on Easter Sunday with loves, fishes and Corona Virus test kits.  I suppose what’s really irritating for folks like Haluska is that true Christians don’t have wait for Easter Sunday.  God reveals Himself in a spectacular sunrise, the birth of child, the renewal of life every spring and a million other ways every single day.

If none of that impresses Haluska and the JG editorial staff, consider this:  A 2011 government study indicates that believers live longer, healthier and happier lives. So when we see letters like Haluska’s, again, we’re not surprised.  Instead of trying to lift themselves and pursue their own happiness, the Haluska’s of this world are more comfortable mocking the joy of others.  It’s the lefty lib way to try to bring others down to the lowest common denominator rather than trying to lift themselves and others to the highest.

Bottom line:  Non-believers have been trying to destroy Christians’ faith in Jesus Christ for over 2,000 years.  Given the history of that pursuit, Haluskas and the JG’s effort to silence and attack Christians is, at best, pitiful.       

It’ll be another miracle if the closed-minded JG editorial staff chooses to print this letter.

Unreasonable expectation
On Easter Sunday, Jesus himself will appear before the “packed pews” with loaves, fishes, and test kits.
Robert Haluska
Fort Wayne

When Curtis Ransom writes a Letter to the Editor about the Chinese Virus like “GOP’s lax ways have us in crisis” of Apr 3, 2020, he cites standard Democrat lies, claiming PDJT called the virus – rather the Democrat response to the virus – a hoax. 

Seeing lefty lib lemmings being led astray by the MSNBC Pied Piper of lies on Trump’s response to the Chinese Virus is one thing, but it takes a special kind of publicly schooled ignorance to credit Obama for anything to do with the formerly booming economy.  Name one Obama economic policy left in place during the boom.  I’ll wait.

Then Ransom, like most Democrats and their MSM followers, is caught rooting for the communist Chinese government and their deadly virus against US interests.  Ransom complains about attempts to hold the perpetrators of virus – the communist Chinese government not Trump – accountable.  Then acting with the speed of a tranquilized sloth Ransom complains about empty shelves and lack of toilet paper weeks after things at the Kroger and Walmart have largely returned to normal.

Then in a fit ignorance truly befitting the publicly educated, Ransom chides Rep and Banks and Indiana Senators Young and Braun for not backing the biggest fraud in American history – Trump’s impeachment.  While the Democrats fiddled with impeachment the Chinese Virus was burning its way across the globe.

While President Trump is mobilizing the private sector of our nation to build ventilators and provide PPE to hospitals, while his administration negotiated and is now providing prompt needed relief to small businesses, while he strips away time consuming regulation to ensure treatments and cures can be pursued now, while he authorizes the construction of alternative treatment sites across the nation and dispatches hospital ships, while he busts hoarders and adjusts trucking regulations to keep the supply chain unbroken, etc. etc. small petty losers refuse to give the guy his dues.  Instead they pine for the good old days of impeachment while they sit back rooting for the communist Chinese government and the deadly virus that those godless murderous creeps let loose on the world.

The best indication of just how doltish and small the left has become with regard to Trump, they actually do not want the media to carry Trump’s fact filled daily briefings with healthcare experts because they are seen as boosting his popularity. For this bunch of colossal ignoramuses, it’s better to have the American people live in ignorance than to give Trump a platform to inform America.    

GOP's lax ways have us in crisis
When Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, he cited his standard lies, claiming it was a hoax. He blamed the “fake news media” and, of course, the “do-nothing Democrats.”
Asked whether he was taking responsibility for this crisis, he said no because he had nothing to do with it. However, Trump (who never had anything to do with the “booming” economy) has been taking credit for what Barack Obama was and still is responsible for.
Trump has been telling the American people to judge his three years in office by the stock market and their 401(k). I think a better and more accurate measure was on display recently of the empty shelves of toilet paper.
Jim Banks claims China is to blame for this virus and the world must hold Chinese officials accountable.
Banks, Todd Young and Mike Braun should also be held accountable for their refusing to hold Trump accountable in the impeachment trial. 
Banks also cites our national debt of around $23.5 trillion. Trump has made it clear he can say whatever he wants and do whatever he wants because he is president. So why hasn't he paid down or paid off our national debt? One of Trump's campaign promises was he was going to pay down or pay off our national debt. Promise made, promise unkept.
For those who might want to write, the mailing address is simple. Include their name. Have it sent to The Swamp, Washington, D.C. ZIP Code 00000. The ZIP code reflects all the great things the Republicans are doing for our country.
Curtis J. Ransom

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