Friday, April 03, 2020

Liberals apparently are willing to believe anything as long as it's anti-GOP

Skipper of the Aircraft Carrier TR relieved of command thank goodness 
When the story about the Aircraft Carrier Teddy Roosevelt first broke, I said immediately that the captain should be fired.  Navy Captain Crozier obviously violated operational security by announcing to the world trouble aboard one of our forward deployed carries.  But that aside the whining puss begging for relief was unmanly and does not inspire confidence in his leadership.

Compare Crozier’s whining plea for help with Chesty Puller’s response to being surrounded at the frozen Chosin during the Korean War.  Puller quipped, They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” “Great. Now we can shoot at them from every direction.”   

Crozier should be fitted for a bubble and left to finish out his Navy days counting volleyballs at a remote special services post somewhere.

Unemployed?  Open a gun sore.

Re: Laurie Butts’ letter “Politicians are out of touch” of Apr 2, 2020.

Reports were that Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer had nearly reached an agreement on a Chinese Virus stimulus bill.  Just as they were ready to cross the finish line, an 80 year old millionaire with an infantile mentality, Nancy Pelosi, hopped on her broom, escaped the feces littered streets of her home district, sped across the country and arrived in Caligula, D.C. just in time to stall the bill for over a week.

Pelosi insisted on filling the bill with money for the abortion industry, a bail out for the postal service, forcing airlines into unattainable carbon standards, forcing states into come one, come all voting standards that actually have no standards at all, collective bargaining sops for failing union organizers, wind and solar credits for the most expensive and unreliable forms of energy currently available, $35 million for the Kennedy Center, $300 million for the National Endowment of the arts, and on and on.

Hailing back to Rahm Emanuel’s advice to “Never let a crisis go to waste” as updated by Majority Whip James Clyburn, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” in all Pelosi shamelessly tried to cram in over a dozen totally unrelated, expensive and partisan spending articles into a bill designed to quickly put money into taxpayers’ pockets and assist industries ravaged by the government ordered shut down of commerce.

One of the most out of touch things ever printed on this page, and believe me given the lefty lean of this page, that’s saying something, is Butts’ argument that airlines don’t need help navigating a near government shut down of their industry because “no one is flying right now.”  That statement alone can sum up liberals’ total lack of understanding of economics and is as clear an indication as anything of a failing public school system.

My dear woman, where do you suppose airlines get the money to meet payroll and make payments on their fleets of aircraft if “no one is flying right now”?

Thursday, April 02, 2020 1:00 am
Letters to the editor
Politicians are out of touch
We heard how the government was going to start sending each household money to help pay for things that need to be taken care of. The president was waiting for the bill to cross his desk so he could sign it. Then the bill got stuck on Mitch McConnell's desk because it did not address big corporations' bailout money.
These corporations don't need money. They have enough money to help us all. Besides, they already got a huge tax break; they don't need anymore given to them. The airlines don't need bailout money yet because no one is flying right now. The small businesses need the money to keep their companies going when there is no money coming in to pay the bills.
This kind of stuff makes me so angry, and I feel helpless to do anything to change it. I hope come November people will remember all of this and vote these problem children out of office.
We need people who will actually stand up for the little folks and not the big executives so we can survive this pandemic with some sense of accomplishment and normalcy.
The few are making decisions and choices for the rest of us but really they are just looking out for themselves. This has to stop now!
Laurie Butts
Columbia City

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Laurie Butts' letter presents the either/or claptrap of the left. If something is good for business then it is bad "for the people". Therefore it must be true then if it's good for people it's bad for business. Rest assured that businesses and people must both do well for each to be successful. One may take advantage of the other but not for long. A person with car payments and airlines with aircraft payments have something in common. If they don't make their payments then the banks will repossess them. Which involves "mean old banks". Another business that employs people. Businesses are often compared to a three legged stool. The three legs are customers, vendors, and employees. Take one away and the business collapses. People need healthy businesses.