Tuesday, April 07, 2020

TR's skipper unfit for command

At his daily Chinese Virus briefing on Monday, PDJT was asked about the rightful sh*tcanning Capt. Crozier, skipper of the aircraft carrier Teddy Roosevelt.  In his answer, PDJT correctly cited Crozier’s failure to exercise his chain of command and violations of operational security by addressing the readiness of the TR through unsecure means.

PDJT went on the say that he would look into the relief of Crozier. Here’s everything PDJT or anyone else interested in this case needs to know.

By his own actions Crozier has proven that he is unfit for command.  He had to go.  The sooner the better.

Chinese Virus

The dog that does not bark in this entire thing is the MSM not asking this simple question:  Dr. Fauci, governors and mayors have been squealing like stuck pigs about the lack of ventilators for weeks, is there a single patient in all of America who needs a ventilator that does not have one?

Seems to me that should be the first question asked everyday.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

If a Petty Officer did what Capt Crozier did what would have happened to the Petty Officer? Drawn and quartered. Crozier was just releived of command. RHIP.
Question...What do ventilators and toilet paper have in common? They have been needlessly hoarded. My neighbor claims to have enough toilet paper to last until the Chicago Cubs when the series again. Which means an infinite supply. I suggested he buy more fire extinguishers. Now in signs of virtue signalling some state governors are offering ventilators and plastic straws to other states. They must be loaded with them. Trump will soon be blamed for needlessly buying thousands of ventilators.