Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Today's JG rants: Who's afraid of fair elections and stimulus checks not so stimulating to some fakers

Thank goodness the JG is willing to print so many letters from unhinged, hysterical (i.e. funny as well as panic stricken) and logic free lefty libs.  John M. Watson’s letter “GOP’s electoral ploys reflect fear of voters” of Apr 19, 2020 is a perfect case in point.

Apparently for Watson voting is going to be life threatening endeavor.  So people can park in crowded Kroger, Walmart, Lowes, CVS etc. parking lots and go inside to shop while remaining perfectly safe but going to a polling place where social distancing can be more easily achieved and controlled, the machinery more easily cleaned and workers more easily protected is going to be a life threatening activity.  Really?  That’s your best argument?

Then Watson demonstrates his soft bigotry of low expectations.  Watson and Democrats desire election policies that would allow anyone in the entire world to stroll into as many polling places as possible, be registered on Election Day and vote (If they aren’t too afraid of dying.) without any form of identification.  To justify this nonsense, Watson and the Democrats fall back on the racist notion that their Democrat minority constituents are too stupid or lazy to get a state issued photo ID.

It’s the libs and the Democrat Party who are scared to death of free and fair elections.  That’s why they fight any effort to cleanse the voting rolls of the dead and people who have long ago moved away.  They want the names to remain on the register to facilitate their ever expanding voter fraud programs.

They are scared to death of voting policies that require voters show up to polls on Election Day, produce an ID and cast their ballot.  Instead they demand 30 days early voting so they have time to get their voter fraud programs in place. They want vote canvasing where they can fraudulently produce tens of thousands of unverified ballots weeks after the Election Day. They want nothing to do with voter ID even though Americans are required to produce one to board a plane, drive, buy a hunting license, cigarettes, alcohol, vaping products, firearms, spray paint, etc.

The only thing most conservative voters are interested in suppressing is voter fraud.  When Democrats lose an election they go all Hillary on us and lie about “voter suppression” - as a sop to corrupt tax cheat and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams.  Over the last three plus years the left has revealed that they are capable of doing anything short of assassination – so far anyway - to win or overthrow an election.  They are anti-American, anti-democracy whining sad sacks willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want.

GOP's electoral ploys reflect fear of voters
Once again our democracy has been attacked. The latest attack occurred on April 7 when the Republican-controlled legislature in Wisconsin not only refused to allow a later date for the state's primary, but also refused to extend the deadline for accepting mail-in ballots. It also appears the state dragged its feet in making mail-in ballots available, reflected in reports of people who had requested them weeks in advance not receiving them.
The Republican majority, in the face of a deadly pandemic, forced voters to venture out to polling places, risking their lives. On top of that, the number of polling places in Milwaukee (a city with a large African American population) were reduced from 118 to five, further exacerbating the health issue for voters.
The Republicans, and Donald Trump (in a tweet), finally admitted what many suspected; when there is a large voter turnout, Republicans do not do well. This admission is evidenced by the blatant voter suppression that takes place in mostly southern states where Republicans control the statehouses. They enact laws demanding voters have some form of state-issued ID, an encumbrance that many (usually minorities) find it difficult to comply with due to socioeconomic conditions.
Republicans, for years, have engaged in gerrymandering voting districts, giving them the ability to run in elections with virtually no opposition. Indiana is gerrymandered. That is how it has evolved that our schools are severely underfunded, and the teachers are highly underpaid. The Republican supermajority is able to overrule the minority party and ram through legislation that maintains the status quo.
It is long past time that we in Indiana insist that a referendum be placed on the ballot to demand an independent, apolitical commission be established to draw fair and impartial voting districts. Other states (most recently Michigan) have successfully done this.
John M. Watson
Fort Wayne

In his April 18, 2020 missive “Stimulus payout reveals depth of corruption” David Williams slides into and away from the truth like an expertly hurled curling stone.  While most Americans cheer, Williams laments that the IRS has been gutted.  He doesn’t bother to tell us that the “gutting” began in 2008 and continued during the 8 years of the Obama administration. 

Williams then uses his best dyslexic thinking to complain that he won’t get a stimulus check that he apparently does not want or need and thinks it will contribute too much to an already exploding deficit until September.  As result of that delay, he “cannot recall the IRS being so incapable of carrying out its duties under any other president.”  Hmm, I’m old enough to remember a couple names over at the IRS under Obama, 1) lying thieving corrupt as hell Lois Learner and 2) her lying thieving corrupt as hell follow on John Koskinen.

Williams tells a half truth that Trump fired the IG in charge of overseeing the stimulus but leaves out the fact that a new IG was immediately put into place.  He also leaves out – on purpose I suspect – the fact that the stimulus bill calls for five member panel appointed by congress to monitor the stimulus program.   

And what would a good lefty-lib JG letter be without some grandstanding virtue signaling from the writer?  Williams is going to give the money he complains about how long it’s going to take to get that he doesn’t need to his grandchildren to offset their portion of the national debt.  How nice.  That solution kind of misses the point of the stimulus.  It’s supposed to be spent now in effort to keep the economy afloat until the country opens back up.  But hey it’s your money that you don’t need but whine like a cut dog about how long it’s going to take to receive, do what you will with it.

Saturday, April 18, 2020 1:00 am
Stimulus payout reveals depths of corruption
My wife and I are expecting a tax refund. We have been waiting about six weeks, only to discover the IRS has been gutted. I'm told the IRS is working on stimulus checks and will get back to the money they owe us maybe by September or so. I just don't recall the IRS being so incapable  of carrying out its duties under any other president.
Speaking of the stimulus money, what an incredible mess. At first, President Trump wanted no oversight. Democrats insisted, Republicans finally agreed, and they passed it. Trump signed it then not long after fired the inspector general in charge of oversight. There was to be a public record (anti-swamp effort) to make sure everything is aboveboard. Because of the vast swamp Trump has created, where this money goes will never see the light of day.
 Just one more thing. Haven't we already strapped our children and grandchildren with enough debt for their lifetimes and then some? My wife and I intend to take the stimulus money and split it among our four grandchildren's bank accounts (they can't touch these until they are 18). The money from us will at least go to those we all are stealing it from. We challenge everyone else out there to do the same or something similar if you can afford to.
National debt is truly the national security issue of their time. By the time they are my age the government will have to spend such a huge percentage of the budget to service the debt there won't be enough left to pay Social Security, Medicare, pensions and certainly not to defend the country properly. This is the legacy we leave.
To quote our fearless leader, “So sad.”
David Williams

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

David Williams has been kind enough to tell others how to spend their stimulus money. A virtue signalling and truly progressive note to morons that cannot figure out how to spend it themselves. No doubt Mr Williams favorite actor was the nosey neighbor Gladys Kravitz of Bewitched. Que up the Hank Jr song Mind Your Business. And "If you mind your business you won't be minding mind!