Friday, April 24, 2020

Today's JG rant: It's not funny any more

Yeah, Trump suggesting ingesting disinfectants was dumb as hell. 

I used to think that the majority of lefty libs who contribute to the JG editorial page since Nov 8th, 2016 were just a bunch of harmless sore losers who - due to their own destruction of public education - were incapable of adjusting to the results of a free and fair election that didn’t end the way they wanted.  They have been wailing and braying like half-starved donkeys standing at the feeding trough ever since.

I used to marvel at the long list of BS they’d fall for that was peddled by a clueless MSM.  It started with the MSM falsehood that Trump removed the bust of MLK from Oval Office and now manifests itself in the MSM lie that Trump didn’t act fast enough to the Wuhan Virus.  In between the angry mob wrote angry letters ensuring us that Stormy Daniels, Wikileaks, Trump Tower meetings, Paul Manafort, Michael Choen, Robert Mueller, Julian Assange, secret internet servers, Fat Jerry Nadler, serial liar Adam Schiff, LTC Vindman, impeachment et al were sure to lead to the end of Trump. 

Every single time the Wile E. Coyotes laid their super genius traps for Trump the anvil fell on their own heads, the dynamite blew up in their own faces, their rocket powered roller skates plowed them into a sheer butte and the train that was supposed to flatten Trump ended up flattening the libs.

In the end, the most effective thing the hyper geniuses have been able to pull off to “hurt Trump” was the public temper tantrum and display of pure petulance by their 80 year old millionaire thoughtless and incompetent leader with bad dentures who publicly ripped up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union speech.  Way to go Nancy.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

As the angry letters - long on ad hominem attacks and short on logic – that littered the JG OpEd page piled up, I’d take their constant braying as nothing more than a release for harmless half-wits.  I’d take them in with a grain of salt and – I admit – a bit of joy from their never ending anger and discomfort.  Three and a half years in and the unhinged anger has yet to subside.  How sad.

Then reading another page of never ending insufferable whining from the brain-dead on April 24th, it dawned on me, this probably isn’t funny anymore.  These people are actually rooting for the demise of their own country for no other reason than Trump is the duly elected president.  They are perfectly happy for the ship to sink killing all onboard as long as the captain goes down with the ship.

It starts with Patricia G. Stahlhut’s lazy letter “Trump can’t measure up to leadership standard” where, incapable of original thought, she simply lifts 98% of her piece from one of failed economist Paul Krugman’s columns. Remember Krugman was the idiot who, on inauguration day, predicted that America was headed to a years’ long recession.  Instead the market hit all-time highs 70 times in 2017.  Way to go Paul.  You’re doing a heck of a job.  The JG, too cheap to pay Krugman for his work, gets Krugman’s piece in by printing Stahlut’s half-hearted attempt at original thought.

Then the JG follows on with Dusty Roach’s vapid piece “Pandemic presents a host of issues” where Roach tries but fails miserably to point out where the strong man in the arena is failing. He starts with the idiocy where he suggests that the US should be looking at other countries experiences to guide us in our decision making.   Roach must have his head buried too far in the sand to have listened to any of Trump’s daily briefings where Dr.’s Birx and Fauchi have repeatedly said that that is exactly what they are doing.  Then he worries about where the testing sights in Walgreen and CVS parking lots are while ignoring the over 4 million tests that have been completed.  I guess in Roach’s warped world if the over 4 million tests don’t take place in a Walgreens or CVS parking lot they don’t count.  Then Roach, like a lot the JG’s lefty lib writers, shows his preference for godless communist China and worthless corrupt UN organizations when he correlates Trump’s temporary withholding funds to the W.H.O. with his withholding his federal tax bill.  Go ahead Dusty, make my day.  Then, again like most lefty libs, he just makes it up by stating Trump demanded his name appear on the stimulus checks.  While Trump’s signature will appear on the checks, there’s nothing to indicate that Trump “demanded” it or that checks were slowed while the signature was affixed. It’s far less of a vote buying scheme than the Democrats’ decades’ long effort to turn America into a welfare state.

Last, the JG’s printed a letter by Kevin Paul Krajewski “Our new anthem” where he suggest America adopt a new anthem “This is our end.”  Nice.  That’s your lefty libs in a nutshell - rooting for the Chinese and the W.H.O. and betting on a virus to destroy America in their evil effort to get Trump.  The only way “This will be our end” the lefty lib are hoping for is if the country elects the senile, doddering, lying, thieving, old fool the Democrats have put forth as their best candidate.

No doubt JG editors will continue to print nothing but the vilest letters they receive from the most unhinged bunch of America hating commie loving letter writers so intent on “getting Trump” they have little or no concern for the future of the county.     

Trump can't measure up to leadership standard
From Paul Krugman's column in the New York Times:
“Recent job losses have been nothing short of apocalyptic. ... So how are the Trump administration and its allies responding to this COVID-19-generated jobs crisis? Are they taking it seriously? Or are they doing what they did as the pandemic spread — dithering and refusing to take necessary action out of some combination of wishful thinking and political pettiness?
“... In sum, Trump's response to the economic fallout from COVID-19 is looking a lot like his fumbled response to the virus itself. He's in denial about the problem; he's blocking essential action because of personal political vendettas; and his party is opposing desperately needed aid because of its anti-government ideology.
“... The economics of dealing with a pandemic were never going to be easy. But Trump and company are almost surely going to make things even worse than they had to be.”
And these quotes lead me to the last genuinely great Republican president, Dwight David Eisenhower, who said:
“Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.”
Trump isn't even in the running.
Patricia G. Stahlhut
Fort Wayne
Pandemic presents a host of issues
Questions for the administration to answer ...
Since other countries experienced this virus before us, doesn't it make sense to watch their experiences coming out of it and model our plan after those who have had the most success?
Whatever happened to the plan for nationwide testing in Walgreen's and CVS parking lots?
If the administration can withhold funding from the World Health Organization for alleged incompetency in foreseeing and managing this crisis, can I withhold my taxes from this government for exactly the same thing?
Isn't demanding that your name be on the disaster relief check an explicit admission that you are literally trying to buy votes?
Dusty Roach
Fort Wayne
Our new anthem?
Thanks to President Xi of China and President Trump, America in its current condition and for the forseeable future has to adopt a new national anthem.
Recorded by a group that sang antiwar songs more than 50 years ago, the Doors, welcome, America, to your new Chinese nightmare: “This is the end...”
Kevin Paul Krajewski
Fort Wayne

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