Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Leave it to the states to reopen ignore lawless edicts from the executive branch

You know what’s really weird?  What’s really weird is the exact same people bitching about PDJT NOT invoking a nation-wide shut down order are now bitching about PDJT thinking he has the authority to invoke a nation-wide reopen order.

When certain states refused to shut down their economies in accordance with PDJT’s social distancing recommendations, the MSM and Democrats demanded at every opportunity to know why PDJT didn’t order the states to shut down.   The same people who accused PDJT of acting like a dictator were demanding to know why PDJT wasn’t acting like a dictator.

For the record, I believe the feds can recommend, but the states can pretty much do as they please.  It’s that 10th Amendment thing.  I also believe the states are best suited to reopen the economy county by county if necessary.  The feds, as usual, have no idea what the state of play is on the ground in places as diverse as NY City and Ft. Wayne.  Governors and mayors are much more in touch.  What I don’t know is how this plays out in the face of a declared state of national emergency.  I suppose the whole thing will play out in the courts over the next 50 years. So it should be settled law by the time CV-25 or 26 rolls around.

I’m very surprised how compliant the herd of American people have become.  In LA the mayor is rewarding snitches who out their neighbors that do not comply with his lawless edicts.  In MI people move in lockstep with the governor’s lawless orders shutting paint and flooring aisles at hardware stores. While people are allowed to shop at the grocery and drug stores they are not allowed to gather in the parking lots of local churches for outdoor services.  They can line up in autos for drive through testing but can’t attend a drive through religious service.  

Here’s the bottom line.  President, governors and mayors have no authority to prohibit activities and assess fines or other punishments for non-compliance.  They do not become super legislators in the face of crisis.  Anything these executives recommend without a vote from the legislative branch is just that a recommendation – nothing more.  I’d love to see some good old fashion civil disobedience and law suits suing these governments’ asses off when they try to enforce their lawless edicts.  

As for the snitches, this will eventually end.  When it does the snitches should be given all the respect the Nazi collaborated received in France.     

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