Thursday, October 28, 2010

Demo-Dopes should have studied Rickey

When Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, thereby breaking down MLB’s race barrier, his success was as much a credit to his example of character as his unquestionable talent.  It was a combination of Robinson's grace, grit and talent that challenged the traditional basis of segregation.

When Brooklyn GM Branch Rickey was approached about bringing players into MLB from the Negro League, Rickey was on board as long as the first player brought into the league had not only the requisite skills, but also a character and will of steel necessary to withstand what Rickey knew would be unbelievable pressure from teammates and fans. Rickey knew that if his experiment failed, because of poor performance or character issues, it would set acceptance of black athletes in MLB back decades. Robinson filled the bill admirably, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Too bad Demo-Dopes didn’t study Rickey’s technique for bringing Robinson into MLB. If they had we wouldn’t be saddled with P-BO’s failed presidency. There is not one thing in P-BO’s life story that qualifies him to hold the office of presidency. He admitted himself that his primary qualification for being president was running the slick campaign for the office. That is definition of a self-licking ice cream cone if ever there was one.

But being unqualified for the office is one thing, lacking the character necessary to hold the office is quite another. P-BO recently called one group of Americans the enemy of another group of Americans. Why? Was one group the KKK or a militia intent on doing the other group, in this case Hispanics, harm? No. Not at all. The group P-BO called the enemy of Hispanics were anyone with the temerity not to support P-BO.

P-BO is a divider. Divide, separate and conquer the electorate. If they end up at each other’s throat, fine as long as P-BO maintains his power.

And his willingness to turn us on each other is intentional. It’d be one thing if he had just misspoke. But you do not call one group of American the enemy of another by accident. If it were an accident, he’d be falling over himself apologizing for the classless comment. He didn’t.  So the comment must have been purposeful.

And for what great end was the comment issued? To stop racism or some other great social injustice? No. It was to garner a few more votes for what appears to be a disastrous midterm election for Demo-Dopes. Never has so much character and integrity been cast away, wasted on such a meaningless cause.

I had an old colonel who used to tell me, “You have a million dollars worth of integrity. But you cannot spend a dime of it.” The moral was simple enough. If you compromise your integrity once, he’d never trust you again.

I’d say between, stupid white cops, typical white grandmothers, bitter clingers, racist preachers, communist White House staffers and declaring Americans the enemies of other Americans simply for how they vote, I’d say P-BO’s million dollar character and integrity accounts are now completely bankrupt.

In places across America there are black men with the talent and the character to be great presidents. Too bad P-BO has just made it all that much more difficult them.

Too bad the Demo-Dopes didn’t study Branch Rickey. They probably ignored him because he’s an old dead white guy. Gee, where have I heard that before?

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