Monday, December 31, 2018

Wannbe Adm Kirby delights in f*cking the troops


There was a GySgt (Fuga, I think) during my Marne Corps career who, when directed to do something for the troops, would reply deadpan, “F*ck the troops.  The troops don’t rate.”  Then the Gunny would bend over backward for every one of “his” Marines. It was a beautiful thing to witness.

What isn’t beautiful is watching wannabe flag officers say, “F*ck the troops” and mean it.  Take my least favorite, and I hate to use this word in front of the scumbag’s name - Marine - Jimmy f*uck the troops Amos.  This walking talking POS is a pee poor example of a Marine, let alone a Marine officer, let alone Commandant albeit the worst Commandant in the history of the Corps.   

Whatever else you can say about this turd biscuit, worst Commandant in history, quitter, shirker, an officer who can fly an airplane - he is and always will be to my way of thinking a worthless bag of sh*t. 

Jimmy NICE (no initial combat experience) Amos is the boob who, from the comfort of his leather chair in his air conditioned office, wanted to “crush” the Marine snipers who, in the heat (literally and figuratively) of battle, were photographed peeing on a bunch of dead Taliban.

For Jimmy NICE f*cking those Marines was a signal to everyone what a tough guy he could be if only he were man enough and willing to get off his azz and get shot at.

Worse case, if the azzbag wasn’t going to advocate for “his” Marines, all he had to do was keep his suck shut.  He couldn’t do TBS, and he couldn’t do the minimum for those Marines. 

Now fast forward to Ret. wannabe Adm Johnny couldn’t float a canoe Kirby.  Kirby is another flag office who, when he says “f*ck the troops,” means it.  Kirby is a real REMF’s REMF*. This supercilious waste of human tissue REMF mother F-ker (I know that’s a double mother f-ker and totally accurate) makes a dickweed like Amos look like F-ing Chesty Puller**.

*NOTE: REMF: Rear Echelon Mother F-ker

**Note:  Chesty Puller is a true legend of the USMC, awarded 5, count them FIVE, F-I-V-E, 5 Navy Crosses. Puller once gave a one word speech at a Marine event.  Here’s the transcript – “MARINES!” Upon which pandemonium broke out in the crowd.  Order could not be restored and they adjourned to the bar. I’m not sure the last part of the story is totally accurate, but the one word speech part is.  And I am also certain that “they adjourned to the bar”, just not sure about the exact timing of that event in relation to the one word speech.

Kirby worked his azz off in the Navy French kissing azz as a Public Affairs Officer.  I know.  Nasty work, but someone’s got to sit on their azz all day and do it.  Right, Kirbster? 

The Kirb-douche spent his entire naval career under constant threat of papercuts, chair chaffing and withering toner cartridge failure. Yet this REMF’s REMF from the comfort of a TV studio rolls in on forward deployed troops for asking the CinC to sign personal items and – inaccurately – accuses them of crimes.

Unlike Gunny Fuga, when the Kirbster says, “F-k the troops” he means it and worse actively pursues it. He’s a disgrace.  Real sailors would keel haul the REMF mother F-er.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Today's JG rant: Drunk Ted Kennedy sum total of Dope Party

Re JG editorial, “Insights from another era,” of Dec 26, 2018

Labeling anything a lefty loon like Rachel Maddow says “brilliant” belies the JG’s tissue thin veneer of being a home for honest journalism. Here’s an important thing to remember: No one ever drowned in the backseat of Spiro Agnew’s car.

I look forward to the JG praising the Fox News Channel’s series on Chappaquiddick that introduces modern listeners to the craven activities of Edward M. (Teddy) Kennedy on the night of July 18, 1969.

Cliff notes version:
Kennedy (probably drunk) drove his car off the Dike Bridge into Poucha Pond on Chappaquiddick, Island.

Kennedy freed himself from his submerged car and swam to safety.

Kennedy left the scene of the accident knowingly leaving his passenger, 28 year-old Mary Jo Kopechne, to either drown or more likely suffocate in the backseat of his sedan.

Kennedy waited ten hours to report the accident to authorities.

Brain-dead heartless Massachusetts Democrats continued to elect the cowardly weasel Kennedy to represent them in the US Senate until his death in 2009.

Few if any in the Republican Party lionize Agnew or Nixon. Kennedy is the sum total of the Democrat Party: a weakling, a lair, a misogynist, a commie sympathizer, and a coward of the highest order.  Yet Teddy Kennedy remains a rock star within his own corrupt BS party.

That’s the history of Teddy Kennedy and the Democrat Party.  Does it help?            

Insights from another era
Rachel Maddow's brilliant, seven-part podcast “Bagman” introduces modern listeners to the remarkably little-known story of Spiro Agnew, who served as vice president under President Richard Nixon but was forced from office after prosecutors developed strong evidence that he had personally accepted bribes to fix contracts as a Maryland official and even while he was vice president.
Though unrelated to Agnew's misdeeds, the Watergate scandal was in full bloom when the vice president resigned and pleaded no contest to a tax-evasion charge in October 1973. It would be almost another years before Nixon left office under threat of impeachment. Maddow, an MSNBC host, recounts the story with details that may surprise even those who lived through those shock-a-minute months – including a rift between Nixon and Agnew as both investigations became more serious.
The courage and integrity of U.S. Attorney General Elliott Richardson, who decided to let Agnew escape the threat of jail time in order to get his plea and resignation, shines through the sordid story. Just a few days later, Richardson himself was out of the government, fired by Nixon during the infamous Saturday Night Massacre.
Could understanding the Agnew saga help us deal with today's tempestuous politics?
“History,” Maddow says enigmatically, “is here to help.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018

PDJT do the unexpected, go to the border for the duration of the shutdown

The government is shutdown.  Like net neutrality that was supposed to shut down the Interweb a year ago, few have noticed.  The Interweb is still up and running and things seem to be functioning as normal with the government.  “Functioning as normal” is a relative term when it comes to government. 

If/when things do get hinky in government functioning, who is really going to notice?  The government’s normal state of operation is F-ed up.  When Barry The Empty Suit used federal workers to fence off open-air memorials and then had them stationed nearby warning visitors to stay away, people with brains wondered, why not use those resources to keep the monument open rather enforce keeping patrons away?

PDJT may visit the border to make his case for a wall.  That’s a much better move than the Oval Office speech Lex advocated for in a post somewhere under.  Do it from the wall with Border Patrol Agents as a backdrop.  Spend three days touring the border from Brownville, TX to San Diego, CA. Make the MSM report what is going on at the border. 

Better yet, set up a Southern White House for the duration of the shutdown. There’s a Marine Corps adage that the commander should position himself where he can most effectively control the operation and eliminate the most friction.

The most friction is likely to occur in the halls of congress.  That means PDJT should position himself in Caligula, D.C. However, this is a MSM story.  The MSM is going to try to control the narrative. Make them cover it from the border.  Hold the White House briefings from the border.  Force lawmakers to come to the border to negotiate.  While they are there, force them to tour the border with Border Patrol Agents.

PDJT is the ultimate showman.  He will do something timed to inflict the most pain and embarrassment on his political opponents.  While Chuck and Nancy were celebrating PDJT’s defeat and humiliation on the border wall, PDJT was meeting with the House Freedom Caucus to get at vote on border wall funding and in the process running a red poker up Grand Nan from San Fran’s butt.  Peloser said Republicans couldn’t pass wall funding through the House and was dancing a victory dance in a pub the night before PDJT put an epic political beat down on the ol’ b*tch.

Something similar is going to happen soon with the shutdown.  PDJT is going to unleash hell on Chuck and Nancy and the dope party. Be careful Mitch.  You may be included in that hell as well.  Go nuclear, and get it done.

I think the same thing is going on with PDJT’s slow walking of declassifying FBI, CIA, DOJ documents demonstrating the BS that went on with government spying on the Trump campaign.  PDJT is just waiting for the most opportune time to make the document dump.  Maybe an hour after Boob Nifong Mueller drops his load of excrement.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mitch can save the day, but he won't

Merry Christmas to all

Can Mitch McConnell save the day?  I doubt it, but here’s how he’d do it if he were of the mind to do it.  He’d gather all Republican senators say: “How many favor this government shut down?  Okay, about 90%.  Now how many of you want it to end? Okay 100%.  Here’s how we end it.  We vote to pass the House bill with a simple majority, and then we do it.  If we do not do that before Jan 3rd there is no telling how long the shutdown will last. 

“PDJT will not compromise because it is not to his political advantage to do so.  Chuck and Nancy will not compromise because it is not to their political advantage to do so. So it is going to be a long shutdown indeed.

“We can end it.  By going nuclear we take the burden of something they have voted for time and again off of the Dopes’ shoulders.  They will scream bloody murder but they will be thanking us in the halls for a face-saving way out. We give PDJT the paltry funds he desires for his wall. 

“The government opens and we’re back in business screwing the American people and lining our pockets from the treasury. If we don’t do this some in this room will blamed for the shutdown and border wall disaster.  Let’s git ‘er done.

“We need to get this done before PDJT exposes our Dope co-conspirators for the total hypocrites that they are in a primetime address from the Oval Office. When he demonstrates what a bunch of double talking, double dealing azzweasesl we all are and then demonstrates how little money he is asking for using this example: 1 million seconds equal 11 and 1/2 days; 1 billion seconds equal 31 and 3/4 years; 1 trillion seconds equal 31,710 years - trust me, people will begin to understand what dicks we truly are.  If does that while scrolling a long list of things we regularly appropriate money for to buy votes we will be truly screwed.

“PDJT be crazy. He doesn’t care about the RNC contributor list, the Chamber of Commerce, the Koch brothers - he doesn’t give a rip about anything that drives us. He will even support primary challengers against some of us this year if we don’t get something done.  That’s how crazy he is.

“PDJT is not of this world or any world we can comprehend.  He actually tries to do the things he promised during the campaign. WTF kind of politician is that? The best way to keep this guy in a box is to give him what he wants.  Otherwise we all risk being exposed.”     

LeFraud James
I used to think that LeFraud James was a smart guy.  Not like Einstein smart but worldly street savvy smart.  Now I KNOW he’s a bumbazz.  I now know when PDJT dissed James by saying he made Don Lemon look smart, “not an easy task,” the president was correct.  James is a colossal dumbazz, and no the smart guy glasses he occasionally dons do not improve the situation.  He’s just a dumbazz wearing glasses.

LeFraud rescently said, “In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality. Like ‘This is my team. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all.’”  First off, “This is my_____. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all” pretty much sums up every job I’ve ever had without putting it in such crude terms. Employment generally hinges on the employee doing what the boss – the guy paying the employee - tells him to do. So LeFraud WTF is different about the NFL in this regard?

LeFraud is a BS artist of the highest order.  If I said, “Before the Civil War, Ni**ers never had it so good. They were paid millions.  They often had slave owners in bidding wars for their services.  The people loved the slaves and hug on their every word and endorsement.  The Civil War set ni**ers back a 1,000 years,” LeFraud no doubt would think that was racist delusion. 

So how is what the half-wit boob LeFraud said about NFL owners any different? Does it minimize the conditions of real slaves?  Why yes, I think it does. It’s like me comparing my stubbed toe to a double leg amputee.  No it’s worse than that.  It like someone paying me millions model my toe and bitching that I’m worse off than a double leg amputee.   

Last, like most ignoramus double d-bags, LeFraud makes a horribly racist statement and, because he put on his smart guy glasses, thinks he comes off like an intellectual instead of the racist pinhead that he truly is.

Hey LeDouche! These guys makes millions.  They routinely break their contract for better deals.  They routinely flout team and league rules.  So you’re an idiot.  A large, rich, very talented huge dumbazz. Dumbazzes ought to STFU or limit their comments to things they know something about – which in your case is a very tiny set of thig dealing with family, basketball and list of useless information too long to include.  In case it’s not been made clear, LeFraud:  YOU ARE A DUMBAZZ.   

Looooooooooooooweeeeez Goooooooooooooteeeeeerez
Another colossal dumbass.  This boob seems to think that if the Egyptians had built a wall, Jesus, Joseph and Mary wouldn’t have been able to escape Herod’s murder of the innocents.  So according to this fool an all-powerful God would not be able to deal with a wall.  The God that split the Red Sea would be confounded by a man-made wall. 

That God is somehow equivalent to the Slim Pickens character in Blazing Saddles who, when confronted with a toll booth in a vast desert, instead of simply going around, sends riders back to the ranch for “a shitpot load of dimes.” 

Friday, December 21, 2018

Bring in forward thinking SecDef

I like General Mattis.  He has that long list of Mattisisms that continues to grow as people add the things they wish Mattis had said or things that fit their political agenda. 

My particular favorite is when he was newly minted as SecDef and was asked what keeps him up at night.  He replies dead eyed, “Nothing.  I keep other people up at night.”    

Mattis is a true warrior.  Ask the reinforced Russian infantry company he wiped out in Syria.  Mattis asked the Russians if they were F-ing with us.  When the Russians denied it, he literally ordered the Russian company wiped out. The Russians couldn’t protest, because after all, they denied that they were F-ing with us.  They haven’t F-ed with us since. 

Now, he’s out a SecDef.  The MSM and #NEVERTRUMPers are in a typical hysteria over the news.  I’m old enough to remember when they were in a hysteria over his appointment along with Gens Flynn, Kelly, McMasters et al and the Trump haters fretted over too much military influence in the White House.  Now Flynn, Kelly, McMasters and Mattis are out, and the exact same D-bags are fretting about their exits. Proof positive they will oppose whatever PDJT does.

Except for McMasters, I’m a bit disappointed to see them leave as well.  That said, no one stays at the White House forever.  We are a nation of 350 million people.  There are probably at least a couple of handfuls people qualified to be SecDef. I’m hopeful that PDJT will chose a highly qualified advanced thinker that will move the DefDep ahead.  Here are my three prerequisites:

One, the candidate must adhere to Lieber’s Code: The more vigorously wars are pursued the better it is for humanity.  Sharp wars are brief.

We do not commit forces until we know what victory looks like and then we pursue victory with all necessary and reasonable force.

We tend to commit forces with no idea of what victory looks like. When that’s the case, we are incapable of pursuing victory because, well…no one knows what it looks like.  That’s the entire Middle East.  So we’re trapped in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. because we don’t know what we are pursuing, but we are afraid of what will happen if we leave. So guess what?  We stay until…when?

I’m all for staying and killing the enemy by the bushel basket.  That’s not what’s happening.  We’re there in large part as nothing more than targets.  Corrupt Afghan officials and military members seem to be as much hindrance as help.  F-em.  Let em kill each other.   

My thinking is to subcontract the entire Middle East sh*thole out to Blackwater.  Cover them with massive air support.  Leave a note with Blackwater:  Kill ’em if they need killing. Leave a note with Afghan leaders, if we have to come back, you’re a dead man. Turn out the lights, no wait, blow out the candle and see what happens.  Could it be worse?

The alternative, it seems to me is stay there for the next 2,000 years.  These people have been trapped in the 12th century since the 12th century.  It’s unlikely that they will embrace modernity in the next year or 10 or 100.

Two, the SecDef needs to announce that the DefDep is NOT a social science experimental petri dish.  All policies and acquisitions will be guided by a simple test: Does the policy or acquisition increase the lethality of American forces on the battlefield?

Three, the candidate must be a visionary who is capable of taking the American military into the next generation of military equipment, training, tactics and techniques.

Let me put a name out there, Carly Fiorina. 

Bravo PDJT - Shut it down.  Leave Caligula, D.C. Peloser looks like a loser. Mitch - go nuclear. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

WTF is PDJT doing??

Troops out of Syria
Uh Oh the armchair generals and a few real ones have their shorts in a knot over PDJT pulling a paltry 2,000 troops out of Syria.  I do not pretend to know what the withdrawal means strategically.  I do know moving 2,000 troops is not exactly a herculean task for the US military.  If the troops can be withdrawn easily, they can be redeployed easily.

I have two problem with the move. First PDJT announcing it.  Why?  He said he'd never announce our strategies and troop deployments. In Syria, just do it. Let the world wonder what we’re up. Second is declaring victory.  We know how these things go.  We are as likely as not to be redeploying troops back into the area within 6 months. 

I’d have just quietly “redeployed” the forces, bring most home but keeping a sizable force close and capable of rapid deployment back into the area if necessary.

Government shutdown
It’s infuriating.  Our F-ed up government is willing to send 10 billion dollars south for “economic development” but not willing to spend half that protecting America.  Simple solution is for PDJT is to shut the governemnt down asking for half of the 10 billion congress is sending south then leave town until the 5 billion materializes.

This strategy has the additional benefit of giving the appearance that the money is coming Mexico.  Win, win.

The only benefit of kicking the can again is that when if PDJT chooses to shut down the government in Feb it’ll be Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser running the House and can, with some credibility, blame it on them.

I look at it differently. That scenario will allow Dope Peloser to claim half the credit - although she’s way too stupid and entrenched to take it.

What PDJT may not have known but surly knows now is that Rat establishment Republicans are going to be of zero help on this issue – or quite frankly any other issue.  They are just Dopes who have infiltrated the opposition party.

PDJT is alone in Caligula, D.C. If he fold on this issue, he’ll truly be alone as much of his base will abandon him.  When that happens, he’ll be impeached.

PDJT!!!  Shut it down.  For your own good, shut it down.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Army of Bergdahl and Manning

Anyone who served in the military knows exactly what is happening to Major Matt Golsteyn.  Some skinny armed pointy headed REMF (Rear Echelon Mother F-er) who got his “I’m with her” coffee mug knocked off his desk by a special operator at some point is seeking revenge.  So the REMF opens an 8 year old settled case to get even.

What isn’t clear in any of this is, who the Eff is pushing this BS.  Some board of colonels and/or generals is allowing this to happen.  Who?  Whoever concocted this BS needs to be identified and made to make their case publicly.

Well Lex it’s an on-gong investigation and we cannot comment blah, blah, blah BS! It’ out there now.  Comment.

I hope PDJT exonerates the major restores his awards and Ranger Tab and kicks the crap out the REMFs who concocted this whole BS mess. 

Today’s JG rant
Re Audrey Roy’s letter, Local author’s satire well received by reader, of Dec 19, 2018

I too enjoyed John Gastineau’s article (“Bush’s final act of service to his nation,” Dec 9). It demonstrated for the umpteenth time that PDJT lives rent free inside a rather large swath of Lefty Libs’ heads. 

There is nothing too trivia or too petty or too grand or too glorious that Lefty cannot attribute it negatively in some way to PDJT.  It’s fun to watch Lefty’s ever growing number of involuntary twitches, uncontrollable mannerisms and spontaneous inappropriate verbal ticks when PDJT tweets “MAGA.”  It’s fun, like watching Inspector Dreyfus go slowly insane during a Pink Panther movie.

Soon, the sun is going to rise in the east over Ft. Wayne in splendid glory.  Then some small-minded #NEVERTRUMPer, suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that afflicts so many of them, will see that event and pen a letter to the JG insisting the sun prefers to never shine on PDJT. 

There is nothing too petty or too low for this crowd.   

Local author's satire well received by reader
I really love the article written by John Gastineau (“Bush's final act of service to his nation,” Dec. 9). It is a real gem.
Thank you to The Journal Gazette for publishing it, and please relate my gratitude to the author.
Audrey Roy
Fort Wayne

Bush's final act of service to his nation
John Gastineau
Conspiracy theories are entertaining, but people pay more attention to them than is good for them or our country. Me, too, I admit. Here's mine.
Remember: Like all conspiracy theories, it's built on imagination and less than a handful of fact scraps. The truth is out there, not here.
The news said that President George H.W. Bush had been planning his funeral for years. If so, it's likely he would have watched Sen. John McCain's funeral and known that McCain and his family told President Donald Trump he was not welcome.
I like to think that not long after McCain died, President Bush sat down with his longtime friend and consigliere James Baker and a fine, single-malt scotch and one of them said: Make sure we invite Trump.
Why? It's the right thing to do, and since he's so self-absorbed, maybe, just maybe, for a second, it'll make him wonder whether anyone will attend his funeral other than Melania and Kid Rock.
OK, how do we do that? Make the state funeral at least two hours long. He's got the attention span of a gnat, and it'll force him to think.
Better yet, make the whole series of events three or four days long, so it captures the news cycle and keeps him off that damned Twitter thing for a while. That'd buy Bob Mueller a few days and, if we're lucky, they'll close the stock market before the trade wars crash it.
All right, what else?
Put Trump on the front row, where he belongs, but make sure we put all four of the other living presidents there, too, and their wives, because that's the right thing to do and he'll have to actually face the decent people he's insulted and demeaned.
Oh, and ask 43 to greet Trump graciously, despite what he's said about the family, and then see if he could lean across Trump and Melania to do that mint thing with Michelle that people like so much. Then, maybe 43 could make a point of walking around the rail to welcome the other presidents and their wives just as warmly.
Anything else? Ask Mulroney to talk about the value of friendship and allies, and see if Al Simpson could say something funny and true about humility.
That ought to be enough. They say Trump always thinks about the ratings. The rest'll play out fine.
End of theory.
President Bush and I agreed on little politically, but I admired his devotion to service and the way he conducted himself publicly. That's why I entertain my conspiracy theory. It makes me hope that even in death he might have influenced Trump by his example and so provided one last service to our country.
Fort Wayne resident John Gastineau is a retired attorney

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Justice? We don't need no stinkin' justice.

Could this be but one reason for the gender pay gap?

Webster’s dictionary announces “justice” is the word of the year
Justice? As in justice delayed is justice denied?  That justice?  Boob Nifong Mueller has taken TWO f-ing YEARS and blown through $30 million in search of a crime to hang on PDJT.  Long past is the idea that Nifong Mueller would be able to hang a collusion or an obstruction charge on PDJT. Now the focus of Nifong Mueller’s team of angry Demo-Dopes is a case alleging campaign finance violations that center around payment to a couple of porn “stars.”   

The justice Nifong Mueller hopes the SDNY will mete out on PDJT for this crime against humanity hangs by a thread on the word of a sleazy lying scumbag lawyer named Michael Cohen.  It’s like having John Dillinger as the government’s star witness against you in a jaywalking case for which the government is asking for the death penalty.

Justice?  Like the justice Nifong Mueller’s team is demonstrating by going after everyone tangentially associated with PDJT on paper thin charges that are pled out after bankrupting the target and threatening his family with prosecution while ignoring the very real crimes of Shrillda the Hutt associates?  That justice?

Justice?  Like the #METOO justice where a mere accusation is enough ruin a man? 

Justice?  Like “social justice warriors?” Why in the world does the word “justice” need modifiers?

Justice?  Where a single federal judge overturns elections, stays government policy, extends extra constitutional protections to special interests – that justice?  This judicial activism always seems to swing in one direction. 

There is a two-tiered justice system in America.  One for Republicans and one for crooked as hell Demo-Dopes.  One for the well-heeled and another for the hoi polloi.

If there were justice in America, Nifong Mueller would be in jail awaiting a trial on treason.  How can what he is doing be seen as anything else?  After being hired to look into Russian collusion in the 2016 election, Nifong Mueller is purposely trying to bring down the duly elected President of the United States on a campaign finance violation.  Total BS.  

Today’s JG rants
Re Marlin Curly’s letter “White House talent pool increasingly shallow” of Dec 17, 2018

As long as our next UN Ambassador is capable and willing to telling the UN Secretary General and the UN General Assembly to “go to hell” on a regular basis, the ambassador is fully qualified for the job. It doesn’t take a genius to know the UN is totally dysfunctional body populated largely by dysfunctional tyrannical anti-American, anti-Israel governments.

PDJT is a multibillionaire and was elected President of the United State on his first run for public office and after vanquishing two political titans – one from each party.

Unlike his genius critics, PDJT is clearly an idiot stumbling through life and falling backward into cash and good fortune at every turn.

White House talent pool increasingly shallow
The Dec. 7 Journal Gazette carried an Associated Press article that called the nomination of Heather Nauert as the United Nations ambassador unorthodox because of her lack of experience in government and foreign policy.
The real problem is the person nominating her has even less experience in government and foreign policy than Nauert has.
Most bosses prefer hiring people with less experience and intelligence than themselves. Of course this limits our president's choices to only a few people older than 9 and then only to the few who want short-term employment.
Marlin Culy
New Haven
RE Thomas A. Heckman’s letter, “Nation’s ruination could be in sight”, of Dec 17, 2018
The Left is so predictable and tedious.  I’m old enough to remember when Democrats called George W. Bush, Bushitler and put Hitler moustaches on McCain campaign posters.  I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that Democrats would recycle the tired Hitler meme for PDJT.

Near as I can tell we just had a mid-term election that flipped the House of Representative from Republican to Democrat control.  That is as sure a sign as anything that the country is headed to ruination to my way of thinking, but it’s a very weird dictatorship indeed that allows the opposition party to control one arm of the government.

In an era where governments and courts are heaping extra- constitutional rights and affirmative action on all manner of minorities and where the #METOO movement has stripped the presumption of innocence and due process from the accused, what shell is Heckman living in to claim that women’s and minority rights are being eroded?  

In a letter blasting PDJT as Hitler, it is very odd that Heckman would write of an “ever-strengthening oligarchy” when it was PDJT who single handedly vanquished the Bush/Clinton oligarchies.    

Nation's ruination could be in sight
History has shown that failed nations typically fail from within. It is the actions of its citizens that lead to nations' success or failure. When the German citizens elected Adolf Hitler to high public office in the 1930s, mostly because he promised to restore Germany to its former glory (make Germany great again), they set in motion a series of events that nearly destroyed Germany (and the world) and led to the deaths of tens of millions of people.
America is most likely on a similar path.
Be careful what you wish/vote for, folks; it could bring about the ruination of this great republic. Damage that has already been done to the moral fabric – the very soul – of America could realistically take generations to repair. Our “shining city on the hill” is in great peril from the actions of self-serving/corrupt politicians; blatant, overt congressional sycophancy; voter apathy and partisanship; continuing erosion of women's and minorities' rights; a relentless effort to re-distribute an increasing portion of this country's wealth from the non-rich to the rich; and the ever-strengthening rich and powerful American oligarch.
As Pogo, a popular comic strip character of yesteryear, once said: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Thomas A. Heckman
(Former Fort Wayne resident)
Stuart, Florida
RE Ernest G. Barr’s letter, “What awaits Trump in light of misdeeds” of Dec 18, 2018

PDJT is probably delighted to know that the Left’s entire case for the campaign finance charges that the Special Council’s efforts have now boiled down to rests entirely on the word of an admitted serial liar, tax cheat and all-round sleazebag, Michael Cohen.

When squeezed by Nifong Mueller’s team of anti-Trump zealots and facing long jail terms for multiple tax fraud and lying charges, Cohen agreed to implicate PDJT in non-disclosure payments to a couple of porn ”stars.” So according to Barr because a serial liar pleads to a charge and in the process implicates PDJT in order to get a reduced sentence for himself, PDJT is guilty.

On my deathbed I’m going to confess to kidnapping Jimmy Hoffa and tell the cops that Barr was driving the getaway car.  By his own logic, that should be sufficient to put Barr away for a long, long time.    

What awaits Trump in light of misdeeds?
If it were not so serious, I would be laughing out loud.
I read on the front page of the Dec. 13 Journal Gazette that Michael Cohen received three years in prison for arranging payment of hush money to conceal his boss' alleged affairs, “telling a judge that he agreed time and again to cover up Trump's 'dirty deeds' out of 'blind loyalty.' ”
Even worse than such loyalty to the alleged perpetrator are the deeds that were covered up.
If certain deeds were thought to be in need of “cover-up” and that netted Cohen three years in prison, what would you assess the perpetrator of the “dirty deeds” should get following successful impeachment proceedings and removal from office?
Ernest G. Barr
North Manchester

Monday, December 17, 2018

Shut it down. Leave it shut down.

PDJT has pledged to shut down the government if he doesn’t get 5 billion for the wall.  Do it.  Shut it down.  Make an Oval Office speech announcing the shutdown.

During the speech, run the tape of a long list of prominent Demo-Dope hypocrites heralding the need for a barrier on the southern border.  Ask what has changed since they made those statements. 

During the speech, run the tapes of Angel Mom’s whose children’s’ lives were snuffed out by illegals.  Ask Chuck and Nancy why they want to put illegal aliens ahead of American citizens. 

Explain just how little money 5 billion dollars is out of a 4 trillion dollar budget. Then scroll a list of the wasteful things the government spends money on with the price tags for each. 

Juxtapose the 40 year old mohair subsidy and the millions spent putting shrimp on a treadmill and the other nonsensical government spending with the necessity of a wall.

Tell Chuck and Nancy if they insist on Mexico paying for the wall, note that the renegotiation of NAFTA technically did exactly that.  Then note that he’ll be happy to sign a bill that taxes remittances back to Mexico of legal and illegal immigrants at 15% until the 5 billion is returned to the treasury.  

If possible, arrange interest-free government loans for the amount of wages lost (really just delayed) for government workers furloughed due to the shutdown. This is tricky, because the government is sooooo incompetent.  Anyone who takes advantage of the loan would be made to sign an allotment that would return the money the day past wages are refunded to the employee.      

Tell Chuck and Nancy to give him a call if they ever come to their senses and want to put America first.  “Chuck, Nancy, this is now your shutdown.  Give me a call when you want to settle this thing.”  Wish everyone a Merry Christmas very publicly leave Caligula, D.C. for Mar a Logo for the holidays. 

#NEVERTRUMP government azzbags target PDJT’s children
And why not?  Boob Nifong Mueller went after Mike Flynn’s kid and got the general to flip.  During a security clearance interview one time the guy told me, “Everyone’s got a point that they will cooperate with the enemy.  What’s yours?”  I protested that I didn’t really think that that I could be bought.  That’s when he said, “What if they threatened your family?”  Holy sh*t. That’s a problem.  I told the guy that I’d report it to authorities and trust my family would be protected.  The guy said that those were good answers, but he still insisted that everyone had a price.

Well what’s happening to PDJT’s team is their families are being threatened and the threat is from the government itself.  So who can the threat be reported to?  The cops are all dirty.

No matter how much money you have, what the government is doing to Flynn et al the definition of “helpless.”  These guys have the weight of a never ending investigation funded by tax payer dollars coming down on them.

Where do you go to get relief under those circumstances?

Today’s JG rant
RE the JG editorial “Civility, cooperation themes in Donnelly’s DC farewell”

Yes let’s all give Mexico Joe Donnelly a pat on the back for his “bipartisan nature.” By all means. Like the time Donnelly called out his own party in general and Diane Feinstein in particular for its sub-human behavior during the Kavanaugh hearing. 

Donnelly truly was a profile in courage during that entire debacle.  Ha! The fact is that Donnelly was slug hiding under a rock throughout the entire process. He lost his reelection bid.  He deserved to lose.  Good riddance.    

Civility, cooperation themes in Donnelly's DC farewell
The big news out of Washington, D.C., Tuesday was that a meeting in the Oval Office with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer had somehow turned – hold onto your hats – rancorous.  All of them could have learned something from the farewell speech by Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana, that same day.  
Reflecting on his three terms in the U.S. House and his single term in the Senate, Donnelly reminded his colleagues that they can accomplish more by finding consensus.
“In my 12 years in the Capitol, I've prided myself on the relationships I've built, on the bipartisan nature of them, on working together,” Donnelly said. “Our focus has been, how do we make life better.”
In last month's election, Republican Mike Braun handily defeated Donnelly, who was criticized for supposedly not getting more done. But that was a criticism better directed at Congress as a whole. Donnelly was one of those rare lawmakers who preferred civility and cooperation to party-line bickering, as the Lugar Center's Bipartisan Index consistently showed.
After listing issues that concerned him most – the opioid crisis, health care, veterans and the deficit – Donnelly concluded by reminding his colleagues whom it is they work for.
“Our country is filled with hardworking, decent people,” he said,  “who just want us to do common-sense things.”