Monday, December 24, 2018

Mitch can save the day, but he won't

Merry Christmas to all

Can Mitch McConnell save the day?  I doubt it, but here’s how he’d do it if he were of the mind to do it.  He’d gather all Republican senators say: “How many favor this government shut down?  Okay, about 90%.  Now how many of you want it to end? Okay 100%.  Here’s how we end it.  We vote to pass the House bill with a simple majority, and then we do it.  If we do not do that before Jan 3rd there is no telling how long the shutdown will last. 

“PDJT will not compromise because it is not to his political advantage to do so.  Chuck and Nancy will not compromise because it is not to their political advantage to do so. So it is going to be a long shutdown indeed.

“We can end it.  By going nuclear we take the burden of something they have voted for time and again off of the Dopes’ shoulders.  They will scream bloody murder but they will be thanking us in the halls for a face-saving way out. We give PDJT the paltry funds he desires for his wall. 

“The government opens and we’re back in business screwing the American people and lining our pockets from the treasury. If we don’t do this some in this room will blamed for the shutdown and border wall disaster.  Let’s git ‘er done.

“We need to get this done before PDJT exposes our Dope co-conspirators for the total hypocrites that they are in a primetime address from the Oval Office. When he demonstrates what a bunch of double talking, double dealing azzweasesl we all are and then demonstrates how little money he is asking for using this example: 1 million seconds equal 11 and 1/2 days; 1 billion seconds equal 31 and 3/4 years; 1 trillion seconds equal 31,710 years - trust me, people will begin to understand what dicks we truly are.  If does that while scrolling a long list of things we regularly appropriate money for to buy votes we will be truly screwed.

“PDJT be crazy. He doesn’t care about the RNC contributor list, the Chamber of Commerce, the Koch brothers - he doesn’t give a rip about anything that drives us. He will even support primary challengers against some of us this year if we don’t get something done.  That’s how crazy he is.

“PDJT is not of this world or any world we can comprehend.  He actually tries to do the things he promised during the campaign. WTF kind of politician is that? The best way to keep this guy in a box is to give him what he wants.  Otherwise we all risk being exposed.”     

LeFraud James
I used to think that LeFraud James was a smart guy.  Not like Einstein smart but worldly street savvy smart.  Now I KNOW he’s a bumbazz.  I now know when PDJT dissed James by saying he made Don Lemon look smart, “not an easy task,” the president was correct.  James is a colossal dumbazz, and no the smart guy glasses he occasionally dons do not improve the situation.  He’s just a dumbazz wearing glasses.

LeFraud rescently said, “In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality. Like ‘This is my team. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all.’”  First off, “This is my_____. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all” pretty much sums up every job I’ve ever had without putting it in such crude terms. Employment generally hinges on the employee doing what the boss – the guy paying the employee - tells him to do. So LeFraud WTF is different about the NFL in this regard?

LeFraud is a BS artist of the highest order.  If I said, “Before the Civil War, Ni**ers never had it so good. They were paid millions.  They often had slave owners in bidding wars for their services.  The people loved the slaves and hug on their every word and endorsement.  The Civil War set ni**ers back a 1,000 years,” LeFraud no doubt would think that was racist delusion. 

So how is what the half-wit boob LeFraud said about NFL owners any different? Does it minimize the conditions of real slaves?  Why yes, I think it does. It’s like me comparing my stubbed toe to a double leg amputee.  No it’s worse than that.  It like someone paying me millions model my toe and bitching that I’m worse off than a double leg amputee.   

Last, like most ignoramus double d-bags, LeFraud makes a horribly racist statement and, because he put on his smart guy glasses, thinks he comes off like an intellectual instead of the racist pinhead that he truly is.

Hey LeDouche! These guys makes millions.  They routinely break their contract for better deals.  They routinely flout team and league rules.  So you’re an idiot.  A large, rich, very talented huge dumbazz. Dumbazzes ought to STFU or limit their comments to things they know something about – which in your case is a very tiny set of thig dealing with family, basketball and list of useless information too long to include.  In case it’s not been made clear, LeFraud:  YOU ARE A DUMBAZZ.   

Looooooooooooooweeeeez Goooooooooooooteeeeeerez
Another colossal dumbass.  This boob seems to think that if the Egyptians had built a wall, Jesus, Joseph and Mary wouldn’t have been able to escape Herod’s murder of the innocents.  So according to this fool an all-powerful God would not be able to deal with a wall.  The God that split the Red Sea would be confounded by a man-made wall. 

That God is somehow equivalent to the Slim Pickens character in Blazing Saddles who, when confronted with a toll booth in a vast desert, instead of simply going around, sends riders back to the ranch for “a shitpot load of dimes.” 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

LaFraud is oblivious. NFL fans pay the bills. Ticket sales down. Viewership down. Apparel sales down. If you spit on the fans they don't come back. Watch you tube videos of life long fans burning their jerseys. When LaFraud left Cleveland to the massive LA market to make money guess what happened to the Cavs value. It dropped. It's okay for him to want to make money but not NFL owners? If he so concerned about social issues he should go back to Cleveland and play ball for free. Otherwise he is just a big hypocrite that needs classes in economics and marketability.