Thursday, December 27, 2018

PDJT do the unexpected, go to the border for the duration of the shutdown

The government is shutdown.  Like net neutrality that was supposed to shut down the Interweb a year ago, few have noticed.  The Interweb is still up and running and things seem to be functioning as normal with the government.  “Functioning as normal” is a relative term when it comes to government. 

If/when things do get hinky in government functioning, who is really going to notice?  The government’s normal state of operation is F-ed up.  When Barry The Empty Suit used federal workers to fence off open-air memorials and then had them stationed nearby warning visitors to stay away, people with brains wondered, why not use those resources to keep the monument open rather enforce keeping patrons away?

PDJT may visit the border to make his case for a wall.  That’s a much better move than the Oval Office speech Lex advocated for in a post somewhere under.  Do it from the wall with Border Patrol Agents as a backdrop.  Spend three days touring the border from Brownville, TX to San Diego, CA. Make the MSM report what is going on at the border. 

Better yet, set up a Southern White House for the duration of the shutdown. There’s a Marine Corps adage that the commander should position himself where he can most effectively control the operation and eliminate the most friction.

The most friction is likely to occur in the halls of congress.  That means PDJT should position himself in Caligula, D.C. However, this is a MSM story.  The MSM is going to try to control the narrative. Make them cover it from the border.  Hold the White House briefings from the border.  Force lawmakers to come to the border to negotiate.  While they are there, force them to tour the border with Border Patrol Agents.

PDJT is the ultimate showman.  He will do something timed to inflict the most pain and embarrassment on his political opponents.  While Chuck and Nancy were celebrating PDJT’s defeat and humiliation on the border wall, PDJT was meeting with the House Freedom Caucus to get at vote on border wall funding and in the process running a red poker up Grand Nan from San Fran’s butt.  Peloser said Republicans couldn’t pass wall funding through the House and was dancing a victory dance in a pub the night before PDJT put an epic political beat down on the ol’ b*tch.

Something similar is going to happen soon with the shutdown.  PDJT is going to unleash hell on Chuck and Nancy and the dope party. Be careful Mitch.  You may be included in that hell as well.  Go nuclear, and get it done.

I think the same thing is going on with PDJT’s slow walking of declassifying FBI, CIA, DOJ documents demonstrating the BS that went on with government spying on the Trump campaign.  PDJT is just waiting for the most opportune time to make the document dump.  Maybe an hour after Boob Nifong Mueller drops his load of excrement.

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