Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Lindsey Graham needs to grow the hell up

Lindsey Graham is a smart guy.  He’s certain that Saudi Crown Prince Mo bin Salman had something to with Muslim Brotherhood supporter Jamal Kashoggi murder and dismemberment.

YGBSM Linds. Even Springfield Police Chief Clancy Wiggum has figured that much out, but knowing something and proving it are two completely different things. The problem in all of this is the Bart Simpson defense.  To wit, “I didn’t do it.  No one saw me.  You can’t prove it.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

Sure everyone knows MBS had Kashoggi offed.  Sadly offing political enemies is an everyday occurrence in the Middle East, Mexico, China, N. Korea, Russia, and on and on. Barry The Empty Suit droned America citizens without due process or so much as peep from the from the whiners lamenting Kashoggi’s demise for crying out loud. 

The key or the balancing act if you will in all of this is for the US is to look sufficiently outraged about certain countries’ horrendous human rights violations while still managing to conduct business in a manner that puts America’s interests first.

We should not forget about the main thing in all of this.  The main thing is America’s interests. 

Lindsey says that PDJT is being “played by the Saudis.”  Hmm.  The Saudis are shelling out billions for US military equipment to be our counterweight to Iran in the region.  The Saudis are reaching out to Israel to be an ally in the effort. The Saudis are upping their oil production to lower prices and stabilize the worldwide market.  Who is playing who, Linds?

The Middle East is sh*thole, Linds.  So is China. So is Russia. So are a lot of places.  If the US gong to limit its influence to places and countries that are morally in a right place, we’ll be limited to trading and military alliances with Vatican City…no wait…I’ll get back to you on that.  And Linds, given what our government does to our own citizens, holding America to your standards, who’s going to want to do business with us?

Stop preening.  Get real.  Get on with what needs, nay, must be done for America’s best interests in the Middle East.

Unauthorized absence

Lex was UA (unauthorized absence for the unwashed) yesterday. I was late returning from Bloomington, IN where I attended young Lex’s induction ceremony into Phi Beta Kappa at IU.  Yea young Lex is chip off the old man’s block.  I was a proud member of the Phi Beta Dumbazz society at The OSU. 

Anyway, the point is that Lex was pleasantly surprised at the ceremony.  I thought I was entering the leftist lion’s den of the college campus.  In fact every speech was a throwback to the true meaning of the word “liberal”* which Locke, I think, boiled down to “free men and free markets.”

*NOTE: The word Liberal - like everything they touch - was ruined leftist BS artists.

The speakers also attacked the notion of safe spaces campus, though never using those words.  Instead they defended the idea that “liberals” actually champion the free exchange of ideas and the willingness to give those ideas thoughtful consideration while respecting the people presenting them.  Holy sh*t!  Think that one through.  I thought AntiFa would storm the ceremony at any second.

Very delighted with young Lex’s achievement. 

Azzweasels over at Slate cannot stand that GHWB’s service dog, Sully, has captured America’s heart.  The D-bags at that sh*thole say that Sully was only with GHWB for six months.  Well Slate azzhats, that’s 3 ½ dog years - certainly enough time for a bond to develop. Of course “dog years” are real. Everyone but dog year deniers knows that.  It's science.  The debate is over.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Congrats to Young Master Lex. I was kept out of that org for four reasons. First was my GPA and second were the three felonies, pled down to no jail time. Otherwise...