Friday, August 31, 2018

Dope Frankie the Red hiding out on sex scandal, tackles environment and migration instead

Oooops.  I monkeyed up yesterday’s post.  I ran across this piece after Wednesday's posting and promised to comment on it yesterday.  I didn’t.  Hence, the monkey up reference.
So Chicago Cardinal Cupich tells us that Dope Frankie the Red is too busy dealing with environmental issues and migration issues to deal with a decade’s old scandal that resurfaces every few years to haunt the church.
Dope Frankie and Cupich are precisely what is wrong with today’s Catholic Church.  How is the pope going to deal with the environment?  Issue a statement.  That’s it.  The only thing he can do is use his moral authority to push a bogus theory.  Fine. Issue your stupid azzbackward inconsequential statement.
What’s Dope Frankie going to do about migration?  Open the Vatican gates?  Pfft. Not likely.  He’ll remain safely ensconced behind that big beautiful Vatican wall while hectoring the rest of the world to destroy their economies and culture by allowing all manner of low skilled, uneducated, possibly criminal terrorist elements easy access to their targets.  Fine. Issue your stupid azzbackward inconsequential statement.
What’s Dope Frankie going to do about the sex scandal rocking the foundation of the Church he was elected to shepherd? Unlike the environment and migration, Dope Frankie has the power and authority to actually make a difference.  He could open the books of the church laying bare all of the scandals and put an end to the drip, drip, drip of decades old allegations.  He could defrock and excommunicate predator priests, bishops and cardinals who participated in or covered up crimes. He could reassign d-bags like Cupich to the Dioceses of the Aleutian Islands until he pulls his cranium out of his backside.  He could make a real difference in a very short time on this issue.
Cupich’s response to the sex scandal is total BS. None the less I’m going to try it today with Mrs. Lex.  The grass definitely needs to be cut. When Mrs. Lex asks me if I’m going to get after the grass, I’m going to respond by telling her, “No.  I’m not. I have to work on the environment and migration issues today.  I cannot go down every rabbit hole that crops up here at the compound.  I have to focus like a laser on the things where I can’t really make a difference.  The grass will start growing back as soon as I cut it.  So it really doesn’t make a bit of difference whether I cut it today or not.  The environment and world-wide migration are crucial to our survival here at the compound.  I need to focus all my attention on those issues.”  
Mrs. Lex’s response is likely to be, “No, you don’t.  You need to focus on the things that will actually make our lives better here at the compound – things that you can actually get done with actual visible and beneficial results.  Now, get off your fat butt and cut the grass.  After the grass is cut, the clippings bagged, hauled to the compost, the lawn mower cleaned and put up – then you can continue contemplating saving the world with your nonsensical solutions.”

John McCain's 17 year funeral arrangement is due to end sometime in the next month or so.  I really don't know which has a longer half-life McCain's funeral arrangements, the Nifong Mueller investigation or uranium 238.  Anyway when McCain's funeral arrangements come to an end - if they ever do - I'll comment.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Andrew Gillum a race baiting commie-lite weakling

We have all been told to “stop monkeying around”.  Who knew we were being told to stoop acting like black people?  I swear I thought we were being told to stop acting like animals – monkeys in particular.
When asked about FL’s progress, Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ron DeSantis, said he didn’t want to “monkey it up” by electing a radical leftist governor.  The radical leftist in this case happens to be a black man – Andrew Gillum.
Being a radical leftist, Gillum will never pass up the opportunity to play the race victim card.  He immediately claimed that DeSantis was referring to him as a monkey because he’s black.  So now every time anyone uses the word monkey they are referring to blacks – right?
So when a plumber asks his apprentice to hand him the monkey wrench, the apprentice should go to HR and report the plumber for using a racial slur. 
The easy way out for DeSantis in this mess would have been for him to agree Gillum.  “You’re right Andrew.  Your policy proposals are so stupid and self-serving that only a monkey would go for them and only if you offered him free bananas.  So if you’re a monkey, vote Gillum.”
And that Mr. & Mrs. America is the danger of socialism.  Republicans better take every one of these commie-lite bastards seriously and make sure they get beat – bad.
Here’s the problem.  Socialist will promise anything to everybody using other people’s money to pay for the promises.  It’s all great until they run out of money like Cuba, the Soviet Union, Venezuela etc. etc. etc. 
The problem is that it is appealing to a wide swath of people.  When that swath reaches 45-50% this whole thing called America begins to fall apart.
DeSantis is not so stupid as to make an intentional racial slur at this point in the campaign.  Sure he should have just said “we shouldn’t f*ck this up”” and everything would be cool.        

Pallbearers nearly drop McCain’s body
If I attributed the near drop to the woman in the center of the left hand side, I’d be some kind of Neanderthal.  Clearly the guy at the head end (the heavy end) of the casket was struggling to keep pace. It may not be because there was a woman in the center of that line.  It may just be because she was too short to carry her share of the load.  I guarantee you the weight on that side of the casket was not evenly distributed.  The poor sap at the head end is going to go down in history as the guy who nearly dropped John McCain.  That video will be played at every party the guy shows up to.  The chick will get a ribbon and a promotion.  
The key to these things, as I recall from military funerals, is getting guys about the same height so that they lift together. Shorter guys go at the foot end (lighter end). But what the hell.  If they had dropped him it would have happened in the name of diversity, which the family would be forced to applaud.  Also, it’s no sin to slow down and go with 8 pallbearers for what looked to be a pretty long haul. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

While conservatives are getting bashed in the head with bike locks by leftists, Radical Leftist bemoans being called a Radical Leftist

UPDATE:  Just saw this beyond stupid comment after deadline.  Will be on this.

Re Emily Farler’s letter, “’People over politics’ Tritch’s ‘radical’ agenda” of Aug 29, 2018  
The inestimable Charles Krauthammer once summed up the difference between conservatives and liberals this way: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.
If Ms. Farler is in need of a powder and the fainting couch because she is described as a “radical leftist” – which is nothing more than a description of where someone might fit on a political continuum, I encourage her to consider what it’s like to walk on the conservative side.
How nice it would be if only stupid leftists were content to refer to us as “radical conservatives”.  That’s a description many of us would wear with pride. It would serve to differentiate us from the weak, spineless, go along and get along, pathetic wimps in leadership positions that populate much of our movement.
But the radical left is rarely content to characterize conservatives by highlighting political differences. When they are not describing half the county as evil Nazis, racists, and a plethora of other vile untrue names, they are dawning masks and grabbing crude weapons to attack conservative free speech on campus and in the public square.
Here’s a challenge, Ms. Farler.  Wear a MAGA hat downtown in Chicago, NY City, LA etc. or any major college campus for a week.  You’ll get a taste of what your “loving left” is really like.
I’m delighted Ms. Farler has expressed an interest in politics at her young age. Bravo, but if her psyche is so fragile that an accurate description of her political leanings upsets her, I encourage her to pursue something a bit less hazardous to her mental health, like watercolors.         

'People over politics' Tritch's 'radical' agenda
On Aug. 15, Courtney Tritch held her Rock the Issues Rally on the Allen County Courthouse Green. This was a peaceful, uplifting community event; however, a number of those not in attendance proceeded to criticize the rally. Our congressman, Jim Banks, is one of those people. He posted on his Twitter and Facebook accounts: “Here are a few social media posts from the speakers my opponent invited to her rally tonight. Their radical left-wing activism is not just offensive but out of touch with northeast Indiana.”
Banks continues to say he does not have time to debate Tritch but, somehow, he has time to Internet stalk the speakers at her rally. Attacking constituents for their beliefs is shameful. Each speaker courageously shared their story and expressed their wish for Banks to confirm debate dates. There was nothing “radical” about it.
I was one of the speakers. I am a 17-year-old girl, and I proudly stood on stage to share my story in front of hundreds of people. To see my own congressman call me, along with the other speakers, “radical leftists” is very offensive. I have been called similar names by peers and teachers, but I never expected an elected representative to bully a child for her community activism. The constant name-calling and fearmongering should not, and will not, be tolerated.
If you have not yet familiarized yourself with Tritch's campaign, I implore you to do so. Check out her website to see who really is in touch with northeast Indiana. Then, tell me who really cares about the issues and the residents of the 3rd District.
Tritch has repeatedly shown that she fights for everyone; no matter their age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or political party. She is the only candidate who respects and listens to not only her constituents, but all Americans. She truly puts people over politics – a quality very rarely seen in our nation today.
Emily Farler
New Haven

Monday, August 27, 2018

The way out of the Nifong Mueller investigation

John McCain RIP.
A complicated guy.
Ending the Nifong (link for those who might have forgotten who Nifong is) Mueller witch hunt
As it is likely that the Republicans will hold or add to its majority is the senate after the midterm elections, PDJT should then fire Sessions and Rosenstein and bring in bare knuckle prosecutors to go after Shrillda the Hutt and her army of corruptocrats and anyone even loosely associated with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
What happens then is a very public tit for tat.  If lefties go after Don Jr. – DOJ goes after Web Hubble’s kid Chelsea.  If Nifong Mueller goes after the Trump organization, the DOJ goes after Billbo Billyboy Clinton’s numerous flights on Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Express.
If Lefties go after PDJT finances, DOJ turns the Clinton Crime Family Foundation inside out.
At some point DOJ can re-open the investigation of Shrillda the Hutts numerous crimes in plain sight about illegal servers, destruction of said servers, classified material on said servers.
That investigation will lead right to The Empty Suit’s door.  Like everything, other than an NCAA basketball bracket, TES did his best Sergeant Schultz claiming he “knows nothing” about the server.  Except there’s proof that he does.
Then the DOJ can re-open the case into crooked as hell IRS sh*ts like Lo Learner and that smug arrogant azz Koskinen and missing IRS e-mails and cover up – remember the destroyed IRS computers. 
The Dopes are threatening over 100 congressional investigations of the PDJT administration if they take back the house.  PDJT need to gear up for that eventuality.  My guess is that when the DOJ started to lay bare – or even threatened to lay bare - the corruption of Demo-Dopes, the Dopes would immediately sue for peace. 
I saw the idea for this somewhere on the Interweb – attributed to Dilbert creator Scott Adams, I think – I looked for the link but, alas, could not find it.

Shadow banned
I believe that Blog Spot is shadow banning Lex.  The site meter has gone from a steady 5 to 3 overnight.  So either two people are on vacation or something fishy is going on with Blog Spot. I know one thing for sure.  Those readers didn't disappear on their own because they tired of the sophomoric rantings of a lunatic. No, this is the shadow banning of a leading conservative voice.  I'm ready to testify before congress on this matter.    
Today’s JG rant
RE Steven D. Smith’s letter, “How can Christianity recover from the blows?” of Aug 27, 2018
The short answer to Steven D. Smith’s exit question “What exactly do Christians believe in?” is: The gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s no more complicated than that.
Sadly, most elections are binary choices.  Often, for many voters, it boils to a choice between the lesser of two evils.  If you’re waiting for the perfect strongman to rise to run your church or the country, you’re wasting your time.  He does not exist. 
What probably is not a winning platform is support for the party whose sole idea these days is railing against PDJT and doing so by stringing together long lines of bogus invectives to describe half the country.
WWJD?  I don’t know.  If the gospel provides a clue, my guess is grace and forgiveness for sinners rather calling everyone who rejects His teachings a Jesusphobe, racist, xenophobe, bigot, homophobe, Islamophobe etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Which, sadly, is all that today’s Democrat Party has.  Name calling.  That’s it.
I do know He is not fond of hypocrites.  So we should look for the log in our own eye before we point to the splinter in someone else’s.

How can Christianity recover from blows?
Judeo-Christian churches in the United States have lost all moral authority. How any Christian can look for moral guidance in churches is beyond my ability to fathom.
In Pennsylvania, more than 300 priests have been found to have molested more than 1,000 children and covered up these abuses. The hierarchy issued an edict on how to cover up these abuses. As for the other Christian denominations, they have turned a blind eye or, even worse, overtly supported Donald Trump in racism, bigotry, xenophobia and sexual abuse of women. If the churches do not stand against these immoralities, what do they stand for?
How can any Christian support a church that supports Trump? Is it any wonder why Americans younger than 30 are turning their backs on Christianity in the United States? Do you really believe that if Jesus walked the Earth today, he would not speak out about the moral degradation of Trump? Would Jesus be silent about children being stolen from their mothers by the state? Would Jesus turn his back on racism, bigotry, xenophobia, sexual assault and imprisoning people fleeing for their lives with their children and coming to our country?
What exactly do Christians believe in? I would really like to know.
Steven D. Smith
Fort Wayne

Friday, August 24, 2018

Trump: a man for all seasons - OK that might be a bit over the top but still...

One of my tests when considering if any policy or statement or tweet or TV show or movie or…well anything is good for the country is who is being up set by it.
If the Dopes and the MS are outraged by it, my thinking is that there’s an upside to whatever it is that’s got their shorts in a knot. 
So I woke up this morning wondering what it’s like being PDJT.  Not so much about being a billionaire, but yeah, that’d be nice.  Rather what it’s like to get up every morning knowing all you have to do is tweet a universal truth like, “MS-13 are animals” and watch everyone who hates you impale themselves on that truth just because it is you stating it.
Now consider the litany of people that hates you includes, the MSM, the entire Dope Party, a good percentage of the Republican Party, all of Hollywood, nearly all of the entertainment world, nearly all of academia, nearly everyone in the country with a "social" platform.  Still, all that you have to do to make them melt down like two year olds in desperate need of a nap is to tell us what Boob Nifong Mueller, a crime investigator in search of a crime, already knows, “There’s no collusion”. 
How great would it be if I could wake and make the whole state of Meatchiken melt down by stating an obvious banal truism like, “Jim Harbaugh wears cheap trousers that are too big for him”?
That’s PDJT’s life.  He gets up.  He tweets.  The Lefty Lib melt down begins.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s tweets.  Now I look forward to them, because all the right people are soiling themselves over them.
Now answer this question, “Has there been a day, since candidate Trump made his famous escalator ride, that PDJT has NOT run the news cycle? Every single day he tweets, says or signs something that triggers the left.  He rallies the Trump army in fun ways that just kills his detractors.
Every day the Lefty Libs think that they’ve finally “GOT HIM”.  Every day he goes merrily on his way while the Acme Anvil falls on the Lefties collective heads.
Now they’ve “GOT HIM” because Mike Cohen pleaded guilty to a crime that apparently isn’t a crime.  So Cohen gets a plea deal going from 60 years to 60 months for copping to Hoffa kidnapping and the media are saying PDJT was driving the car.
Meanwhile PDJT goes to WV to rally the troops and the media melts down, because PDJT refuses to cower, to hide in the White House in the aftermath of the bogus charges.  He wakes up and trashes the government’s star witness on twitter. 
The Left melts demanding PDJT pull his Supreme Court nomination, because Brett Kavanagh is connected to Cohen – how?  Not at all.  But he has to go because PDJT beat the hell out Shrillda the Hutt on Nov 8, 2016.
Then there’s the Manafort case.  Funnier yet.  Manfort gets rung up on decades old finance crimes that are not connected to PDJT at all and that the DOJ once refused to purse.  PDJT calls Manafort a good man and refuse to say that he’s not going pardon Manafort.  The Lefties are reduced to a gelatinous pool of super-heated bubbling sh*t.  They say even considering a pardon or signaling one (something PDJT has not done) amounts to obstruction and is an impeachable offense. 
Impeach – Impeach – Impeach
PDJT wakes up gives the Left the finger and says his own AG Jeff Sessions and Special D-bag Nifong Mueller are scum.  The Left melts.
Who, other than PDJT, could have withstood the barrage the Left has laid down on PDJT?  Not one of them.  JEB!?  Please.  Jeb would have caved and appointed Shrillad the Hutt co-president two days after the inauguration. 
Far from regretting my vote, every day I get up and thank God for PDJT.  He’s not only the only guy capable of withstanding the landslide of negativity, he’s the only guy capable of fighting back effectively, and that’s what really irritates them.  CNN is a standing joke now permanently labeled by PDJT as fake news.
Ride the Trump Tiger.

Coach Meyer got a 3 game suspension.  That’s about what would be expected.  The News media is, as always, in a fit of rage over the light penalty.  Well 7 million minus 3 games is probably several 100s of thousands of dollars.  Not really all that light.
I have waited to comment on this, because I thought as soon as I did new info on the case would surface making me look dumber than I am. 
Now the case is over. So here’s what I think.  Ladies, if your husband is abusing you, don’t call his boss’s wife to complain expecting relief.  It's not your husband's wife's job to control your husband.  Call the cops.  That's their job.
Meyer is being suspended for lying to a group that lies for a living – the sports media.  It had to be done.  Meyer is the face of The OSU.
Quick who is President of The OSU?  Nobody but the board and his wife knows the answer to that question. Everyone knows who the football coach is.
So Meyer’s false answers to scumbags had to be sanctioned. Now the gasbags are in an uproar because the university refuses to hang Meyer at dawn from Oxley Thompson Statue  after keel hauling him under a under rowboat on the Olentangy River. 
Al Davis comes to mind in this case: Just win baby.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Boob Nifong Mueller: Russian agent or at least acting like one

Boob Nifong Mueller, a crime investigator in search of a crime, is a Russian mole whose mission it is to undermine the American people’s trust in the integrity of the election process.  Well, Nifong Mueller may not be a Russian mole, but how would what he is doing be any different he were? It wouldn’t.  
Nifong Mueller and team of nitwit angry Dopes has done more to cast suspicion on the integrity of our election process than anything the Russians could have hoped to.  As a result, Nifong Mueller, his team of partisans, the Dope Party, the MSM and the #NEVERTRUMP azzbags are right up there with fake news – an enemy of the people. 
Not only is Nifong Mueller undermining the trust in our election process the horse faced sh*t is laying bare his preference for a two tiered justice system.  While Nifong Mueller turns a blind eye to the mountain of brazen crimes in plain sight committed by Shrillda the Hutt and her band of - thankfully - incompetent criminal dumbazzes, Nifong Mueller is leaving no leaf unturned, putting every shred of evidence under a micron microscope searching for collusion between PDJT and Nifong Mueller’s bosses – the Russians. 
After more than a year and 10s of millions of dollars, Nifong Mueller and his sh*t eating army hasn’t found anything. 
Double standard?  Consider this.  Paul Manafort sits in solitary confinement in a prison cell 23 hours a day while 5 Islamo-Terror-Fascist responsible for the death of a child and teaching kids to attack schools with “assault” weapons got cut loose with 0 bail down by a brain-dead NM judge. 
Think that one through.  How long ago was it that America melted down over the Stoneman School shooting?  Now the same people are mute when a judge turns 5 jihadis training kids to shoot up schools loose with 0 bail money down.  Where is that clueless little sh*t Hogg?  Where are the gun control nuts protesting the judge who let the ITF off the hook? 
But thank God America can sleep at night because Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement. Way to go Nifong Mueller. You’re doing a heck of a job. 
And while we’re on the two-tiered systems, what about the two-tiered free speech system.  Anarchists and Lefties get a free pass on campus, TV, social media and in the public square while conservatives are targeted by the IRS, AntiFa thugs and shadow banned by or outright banned by socials and major “news” outlets.
All of this BS is what got me to reconsider my position on the death penalty.  I don’t want Sh*ts like Brennan, Comey, Mueller, Strzok, McCabe, et al rolling in on me with the legal ability to have me executed for nothing more than not towing their political line. 
Aww jeez Lex come on.  They cannot do that.  Oh yeah.  If they can lock up a high-profile millionaire guy like Manafort for the rest of his life (death by prison) for tax crimes that the DOJ had already taken a pass on, what do you think they could do to people like us with relatively zero resources. 
So, if you’ve got some overzealous d-bag like Nifong Mueller with unlimited resources and 10 years to investigate you, guess what?  You’re going to jail, unless they want you dead, then you’ll be dead, and it’ll all be legal. 
There you have it Mr. & Mrs. America, that’s my Alex Jones conspiracy theory for the day.  Read fast.  Blog Spot might ban me by noon.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Much ado

Lemmesee, Manafort and Cohen get rung up on the same day for things largely dealing with tax fraud.  They are (were) both millionaires several times over. So, why not just pay the tax? In one case Cohen saved a million by not paying.  He made 4 million and skipped a million dollar tax payment.  So, one from four leaves, what, lemmesee, 3. Three million dollars isn’t enough?  WTF? 
The news is all up in a roar about Cohen’s payment to a couple of “ladies” at a candidate’s behest. The candidate is obviously PDJT.  But who the hell didn’t already know this?  
Well, Cohen had maintained that PDJT didn’t know anything about the payments, now he’s saying that Trump did.  So he’s lying right?  Has to be, because both positions cannot be true at the same time. 
Here’s what happened.  Cohen maintains that PDJT didn’t know about the payments right up to the point that Cohen needs to cut a deal to get a reduced sentence for his tax fraud conviction – then he’s asked to implicate the president for a deal and cheerily does so. 
I don’t know what PDJT knew about the payments and neither does anyone on TV or writing about it right now.  I do know Cohen changed his story, recorded his clients and is an admitted tax cheat. So my thinking is he’s a bit a tainted. 
All that said, if someone wants to accept a payment to keep certain things quiet and the other party is willing to pay, as long as the agreement is not obstructing some other underlying crime - what’s the big deal? 
But Lex, I proves PDJT is not a saint.  It actually proves nothing.  But let’s say the payments are made for good reason, read the post just under.  We knew all of this before Nov 8, 2016. 
So PDJT paid women to be discrete.  Had Billbo Billyboy Clinton paid Monica Lewinsky to keep her mouth shut – literally and figuratively – he’d not be the laughing stock of the world. 
Well what have we learned:
Pay your taxes 
Lawyers can be scumbags
NDAs don’t work
Wyle E. Coyote, for the 10,00th time, is set to drop an anvil on the Road Runner.  My guess is it will land on the Coyote’s foot for the 10,000th time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Result be damned, tiresome #NEVERTRUMPERS running in circles with eyes closed, hands over ears, shouting "He's just not presidential!"

I can understand Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer, the dumbest woman alive Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, commie-loving moron Brennan, Jimmy the shape shifter Comey et al trashing PDJT for his tweeting habit.  They are regular targets and have been scarred for life by PDJT’s brief missives.  
What I cannot understand is the outrage on the right by the #NEVERTRUMP crowd that refuses come around, refuses to see what’s being done rather than what’s being said or tweeted. 
Jonah Goldberg duked it out with David Horowitz over PDJT’s character.  While Goldberg decries PDJT’s lack of character he takes the opportunity to ask Horowitz whose azz he has his head up – his own or PDJT’s. Some would say that using that kind vulgarity lacked character – not me mind you – but some who like to impose rules of civility on other while ignoring them themselves – like Jonah Goldberg in this case. 
Then there’s this piece by Jay Cost wishing we could all just get along and be like George Washington.  I wish we could all be like George Washington too.  What a great place it’d be.  Cost ought to go to an AntiFa rally and make that call and see what happens.  He’ll be called a racist and get this azz beat plain and simple. 
Goldberg and Cost lamenting civility to conservatives is like ignoring Islamo-Terror-Fascists and preaching religious tolerance and anti-terrorism to the Amish. It’s sort of cowardly. Well it is straight up cowardly. 
PDJT is a classic counter-puncher.  He rarely starts twitter wars, but he is good at winning them.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s twitter habits too.  Now I look forward to them.  When Sen Blumenthal went after PDJT for pulling lying scumbag Brennan’s security clearance, PDJT leveled him calling him a fake war hero and a loser.  Both charges are impolitic but absolutely true.  
Where did the Republican Party ever get by playing nice?  The Republicans ran the very George Washington like Mitt Romney, what did that get them?  The Dopes trashed Romney like he was a common criminal. Very few Republicans even went to the plate to defend Romney.  When they try that excrement with PDJT, PDJT hands them their heads. 
If PDJT did not defend himself – a la George Bush – who would?  Goldberg?  Cost?  Who? Everyone’s shorts are in a knot because PDJT won’t lay down and take the deep state, MSM azzbag beating.  Quite the opposite, PDJT regularly beats their azzes. When he does, they call him classless, a bully lacking character and unpresidential, because nobody – particularly a Republican - is allowed to punch back.  
I tweeted Jonah, “It’s a binary choice.  When JC returns and runs for president, I’ll vote for him. We made the correct choice in 2016. It’s as simple as that.” 
PDJT was in the public’s eye for decades prior to running for president.  My guess is that there is a very tiny sliver of Trump voters who pulled the lever for him because they thought he was a model of virtue.  He was simply the best of the choices offered. 
I’m quite surprised how conservative he’s been.  I voted for him to save the Supreme Court and thereby the country.  I do not understand why Goldberg and the #NEVERTRUMP army can’t give it a break, set aside their never ending BS and at least give the president credit for the long list, and getting longer, of promises made and promises kept.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Left loves anti-American scum

It is said that you can determine a man’s character by taking a look at his friends.  Let’s look at the lefty libs.  They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the likes of criminals Andy McCabe - the FBI’s #2 and Shrillda the Hutt butt boy, got fired as for lying and being an all round d-bag – and Peter Strzok - a despicable lying, two-timing, corrupt, BS artist. 
Now the Left has its shorts in a knot because PDJT stripped commie loving, lying, leaking, total excrement head John Brennan of his security clearance.  In addition to being those things Brennan is probably the most incompetent POS “intel master” in history.  The list of things this moron missed, WMD in Iraq, Benghazi, Iran nukes and…and…and double d-bag Brennan supposedly knew all about the “Russian interference” BFORE the election but did not do one damn thing about it – well at least not until the Hutt got her extra wide butt curb stomped by PDJT.

At about 9pm on Nov 8, 2016, while Shrillda the Hutt was throwing hotel room lamps and melting down like stick of butter in the microwave on high, Brennan and his “intel experts” were busy constructing a frame job for PDJT based on phony Russian interference.

Again Brennan’s incompetence has gotten in his way.  The cagy “spy master” built his entire frame job of PDJT around a “Russian dossier” so sketchy it looks more like it was compiled by Boris and Natasha as a prop for the Rocky and Bullwinkle show than a piece of professional spy craft.

Brennan is a low-life, commie-loving POS scumbag.  People who support the anti-American pr*ck run in the same circles.  Whoa Lex what about that special ops Navy SEAL?  Admiral McRaven can go pee up a rope.  Eff him.  If he wants to die on John Brennan’s security clearance hill, let him. 

McRaven asked PDJT to revoke his clearance.  PDJT should pull it without comment today.  When some press azzbag brings it up – “Why did you pull Adm McRaven’s clearance?”  “Well, because he asked me to.  It’s that simple.  There are over 5 million security clearance out there today.  We need to reduce that number.  I applaud Adm McRaven for volunteering to get the process started.  He’s a true patriot.”  The MSM meltdown, were that to happen, would be epic.

Same goes for the 60+ “intel experts” who signed a letter decrying garbage man Brennan’s loss of clearance.  Pull them all.  

The Lefties insist on aligning themselves with some the most odious people in the daily news cycle.  They go for McCabe, Strzok, Brennan and by their silence give tacit approval to their AntiFa thug army wreaking havoc across America. They are peas in a pod or maybe it’s pees in a urinal.           

Lefty Pissy Matthews, described above, thought Shrillda the Hutt would win because “there weren’t enough angry white people”  
The corollary to that is, “we all thought that Shrillda the Hutt would win because we believed there were enough anti-American, socialist, communists, brain-dead, AnitFa fascists, lazy, stupid, foolish, freeloading, double d-bags like you to drag a like-minded rape enabling POS across the finish line.  Luckily, we were wrong.” 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Dealing with scandal

Don’t pay the ransom! I escaped!  A late post today.

I have been asked about two scandals rocking two of my touchstone institutions – The Ohio State University and the Catholic Church.  The last “effective management” book I read advised to tackle easy tasks firsts.

So, The OSU scandal involving Urban Meyer.  I have not commented on this because as soon as you sound the BS alarm a tape drops making you look like a fool.  So from what I know:  There’s an assistant coach accused of spousal abuse.  Urban Meyer was made aware of the accusation.  Meyer reported the incident in accordance with university policy. Meyer lied to the press when asked about it at the Big 10 Media day saying he was unaware of the accusations. There’s a back and forth on whether or not Meyer was aware of an earlier incident and failed to take action.

That’s what I think I know.  So first off, is the assistant coach guilty?  Idunno.  He’s been fired, so I expect that there was sufficient cause for the firing. I read where the coach’s children have contradicted their mother’s account of the abuse, but there are text messages where the coach appears to admit to it.  Was due process given to the assistant?  Idunno.  He’s gone.  He hasn’t sued the university – yet – so as noted I expect there was sufficient cause for termination.

If Meyer knew about the abuse and reported it in accordance with university policy, what’s the fuss?  One article I read said that Meyer needed to do more.  What?  What about due process for the accused?  Follow the policy and let the system work.

With regard to earlier accusations against the assistant coach that went unreported, what was the policy then?  Was there a policy or was the unwritten policy – “handle it coach”?  If there was no policy and Meyer “handled it” the best way he could balancing the needs of the institution, the team, the coach and his spouse what’s he done wrong.  Error in judgement?  Raise your hand if you’re the second person in the history of man NOT to have made one. 

Lying to the press is not crime.  IN fact, I’d give a Meyer a bonus for it.  The OSU will not take kindly to that action.  Meyer has admitted his mistake and taken responsibility for it.  Fine.

In total with no new info, a four game suspension for Meyer and promise never eve to lie about anything publicly again seems adequate to me.  Sports creeps will want to ruin Meyer.  For what lying to the press?  That’s BS.  That’s extreme.  But haters gonna hate.

The biggest scandal in all of this so far, to me anyway, is that The OSU pays Meyer 7 million dollars to coach football.

The sticky never ending drip, drip, drip of scandal promoted by the media the Catholic Church finds itself in is a different matter.  With regard to the PA report, going back 70 years in order to accumulate the numbers 300 pedophile priest and 1,000s of victims seems a bit much to me.  Why not go back 160 years to get the number up to 500?

Sadly as percentage, the church has a problem that is less serious than the public schools and sexual abuse at home.  But the church’s scandal is the front page lede in every city. 

None of that, of course, is meant to absolve the church of its poor handling of outlier priests and bishops who misused the trust placed in them by the church and congregations.  In many ways the Catholic Church, with the exception of the current pope, Frankie the red, is the last bastion of the truth of natural law.  Its patriarchal structure infuriates those who wish to turn natural law on its head.  Therefore it has become the primary target for a world “slouching toward Gomorrah”. All the more reason to be squeaky clean.

So what to do.  On Jun 4, 1799 William Ward Burrows, the Commandant of the US Marine Corps wrote the following, “We caught a few days ago a corporal who deserted and have just finished giving him 200 lashes and have had his head shaved, but we will never end this evil  ‘til we can shoot one or two of them.” 

I had that posted in my office for years and still have the quote.  When SSgt O’Connor saw it he said, “You know, sir, if we could just shoot the worst Marine in the battery at Friday morning formation, by week two we’d be shooting a pretty damn good Marine.”  

From simple minds come simple solutions, but there is undeniable truth in it.  Until the church defrocks, excommunicates and jails these villains in very public ways they’ve got a problem. 

Here’s what this scandal means.  I was talking to a good priest about it. He said it’s terrible.  He was driving across town and saw a young boy walking in the pouring rain.  He wanted to pull over and offer the young man a ride, but he knew he couldn’t do it because he was alone.

My advice is to immediately open every church record with names of victims redacted until they express in writing that they want their names out there.  Get it all out in one fell swoop.  Purge the priesthood and leadership of the guilty and the complicit.  Draw a bright line and move forward. 

After the PA scandal there will be a report from Chicago, then LA, then Newark and on and on.  Get it all out at once and end the drip, drip, drip.   

Thursday, August 16, 2018

A note to the JG about their commie-like OpEd today

Wow what a shock.  When offered the chance to publish a  lockstep editorial demanded by the left-wing propaganda collective known as the MSM trashing PDJT, the JG passed up the Pravda-like offer/order. 
No wait.  The JG didn’t.  The JG fell into the politically correct line just like the Lefty Lib apparatchiks that they are and complied with the orders from the collective.  
Next up the JG will start a series of editorials extolling the proletariat to work harder, work longer, work faster in order to meet the collective’s 5 year plan for letters and articles demanding PDJT’s impeachment. 
When the MSM complies with orders from the collective to publish editorials on a certain day, on a certain subject with the exact same editorial line, far from acting like an independent, free and fair press, they reinforce the idea that they are nothing more than the mouth organ and wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party that they are. 
When CNN (Chris Cuomo) conveys the idea that it’s okay for one group of loathsome Americans to visit violence on another group of loathsome Americans, they are an enemy of the people.  When the MSM agrees that when fighting back against PDJT it’s okay to be vile and wildly inaccurate, they are an enemy of the people.  When a president who has decimated ISIS, created unparalleled economic opportunity in what was considered to be a permanently moribund situation, all but erased unemployment, presided over an economy that just grew by 4.1%, has America on the cusp of energy independence and brought America’s economic and military enemies to heel but still garners over 90% negative press coverage from the MSM they are enemies of the people. 
The idea that the comrades at the JG are “open to criticism and suggestions” is laughable.  When I criticized you for a bogus headline your editors placed over a letter I wrote, Ms. Francisco e-mailed me that if didn’t like it I could just stop writing letters. The idea that the JG is open to criticism is fake news, or what is more accurately referred to as a damnable lie.  I have the proof.  
Here’s the bottom line.  PDJT isn’t ruining the MSM's  reputation.  By their Soviet-Pravda-like slavish thinly veiled devotion to the Democrat Party in the face of nothing but failed policy, the MSM has been working for 40 years non-stop to ruin their own reputation. 
Carry on comrades!  The revolution needs you.  Do not let the fact that by your own bias you have allowed the trust the American people once placed in you fall below that of pedophiles, pimps and prostitutes affect your commitment to the collective.  Do not look inward and wonder what happened to that trust Americans once placed in an independent, free and fair press. “Independent”, “free” and “fair” are just words commands. Ours is a movement.
The collective requires sacrifice comrades.  Sacrificing your reputation is small price to pay.  When our AntiFa armies restore order, we will demand that the proletariat bow down and pay homage to you once again praising the state approved truth that we allow - nay force - you to print. 
Be strong comrades!  Remember, peace, bread and land for all!  
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