Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Lefty Libs getting more and more violent

Is anyone else getting the sense that the country is sliding off the rails?  Not off the rails like it was when The Empty Suit was actually putting into place policies designed to achieve that very result.

There seems to be level of civil unrest and lawlessness – all of it on the left – not seen since the unrest during the late 60s when civil right and anti-Vietnam war protests were disrupting things.

Today’s different though.  The protest is much more personal.  Today’s a protests are of Sarah Sanders, Pam Bondi, Kirstjen Nielsen, conservatives eating out, wearing a hat or t-shirt, putting a Trump bumper sticker on your car etc. as much as it’s a protest of government policy, as in the 60s.

It’s personal and it’s increasingly violent.  In a mindboggling fit of Fake News the MSM as often as not blames it on the right.

Going all the way back to Charlottesville, the violence is always started by the left. Some group – maybe odious maybe not - gets a permit for a rally and the left shows up to crack heads.  When someone gets hurt the MSM/Lefty Libs blame the group that got the permit not the hoodlums who show up to disrupt a lawful gathering.

Dope civil authorities often as not encourage the violence by making no serious effort - as in Charlottesville - to keep the hoodlums separated from the lawful marchers.  Then making no arrests when the Lefties start the violence.  

Then there’s the college campus scene where the #1A doesn’t apply unless you are an unhinged Lefty Lib.

As the Lefty Libs become more unhinged and more violent, they want to disarm Americans.  It makes it much easier to be a violent mob if there’s no threat of anyone being able to fight back effectively. 

So what to do – buy more ammo.  Buy another gun.  Better yet, print another gun and most importantly show up to vote. It won’t be long until Lefty Libs start to disrupt that process at conservative precincts.     

Ohio 12 is still too close to call.  The Republican is holding less than a one percentage point lead – about 1,700 votes.  This is, of course, being played as a major defeat for PDJT by the MSM.  Hmm, Trump is not on the ballot.  He showed up in OH after the Republican had blown a 10 point lead and was tied or a point down to the challenger.  Now, his guy is up.  87% of Dopes who voted in 2016 showed up to vote in the special election.  40 something percent of Republicans who voted in 2016 showed up to vote Tuesday.  So yeah, for sure, this is all PDJT’s fault. Absentee/early votes will tell the story.  Since that method of voting is the easiest method for fraud, the Dopes have a clear advantage. 

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