Monday, August 06, 2018

PDJT sends Lefty Libs' tendency toward hypocrisy and contradiction into overdrive

Today's JG rant
Re Emory Earl Toops’s letter, “Look at Nazis’ rise has troubling parallels” of Aug 5, 2018

Since Nov 8, 2016 Libs have become a funny and unhinged bunch.  They have always been a quirky lot given to hypocrisy and contradiction, but the election of PDJT has sent those characteristics in them into overdrive.

They are so afraid of the rise of fascism, that they now dawn black suites and masks and act exactly like the Nazi fascist Brown Shirts they supposedly fear by shouting down and assaulting anyone with whom they might disagree on the streets and college campuses.

They swore that the Russians were not a dangerous competitor, famously mocking Mitt Romney, “The 80s called and want their foreign policy back.”  Now they are just short of calling for war on Russia.

They swore that there was no way the Russians could influence a presidential election until Monica Lewinski’s boyfriend’s wife got her extra wide butt kicked.  Now they claim that the only reason that PDJT sits in the Oval Office is due to Russian interference.
They claim the conspiracy theories spewed by Qanon and Info Wars are about as realistic as a Mission Impossible plot line.  Then Toops writes and the JG prints a letter that lifts a paragraph on the end of the Weimar Republic from a book substituting America/American, for Germany/German; Republicans for Nazis and Trump for Hitler and they swear that it all makes perfect sense.

Oddly, they worry that President Trump is a closet Nazi (Or is it Russian?) bent on turning America into a dictatorial fascist state while demanding that Americans disarm themselves.  Weird huh?  Doesn’t that make them Nazi sympathizers?

Note to Toops:  My son was raised with a dog named George.  If you read the “Curious George” series substituting “dog” for monkey it all makes perfect sense that the stories are about our dog. I even went and bought a big yellow hat.

Look at Nazis' rise has troubling parallels
Comparing American politics, politicians and political parties to those of Nazi Germany is usually a bad idea, as Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock learned to his detriment.  Yet comparisons between the end of Germany's Weimar Republic in 1933 and the political situation in the U.S. in 2018 may be much more prescient as the July 29 review of Benjamin Carter Hett's book, “The Death of Democracy,” illustrates.  A paragraph in the book's introduction is particularly chilling:
“Was the problem with [the U.S.] in [2016] that it was not democratic enough or that it was too democratic? Did [Trumpism] happen because of the unchecked power elite or because the [American] masses were incapable of functioning as responsible citizens. Were the [Trumpists] mired in the past, or were they dangerously modern? Was [Trumpism] a specifically [American] problem or a manifestation of a wider crisis? Is this a case of history being made by a few 'great men,' or were there structural factors at work bringing [Trump] to power? Were Christians, especially [American] evangelical Christians, a critical support group for . . . [Trump] or did [Trump's] rise come in the teeth of traditional Lutheran, Calvinist, [Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal] and Catholic [American] values? Was [Trump's] rise inevitable ... or was it so chancy and unlikely that it almost didn't happen?”
To read Hett's original comments, simply substitute “Germany/German, “Nazism/Nazis” and “Hitler” where appropriate. The U.S. is definitely not Nazi Germany, but we are currently living in our own Weimar Republic. The sub-title of Hett's book could just as easily be “Trump's Rise to Power and the Downfall of the American Republic.”
Emory Earl Toops
Fort Wayne


The Griffin said...

Earl is a lefty. He invents a problem and demands someone else fix it. The moderate is empathetically willing to help if someone else leads the effort. The conservative finds real problems and takes some action to eliminate or degrade it. Toops invents a mole hill, describes a mountain, and thinks someone else will do something. The demo dopes are campaigning for socialism while complaining Trump is a national socialist. This is the mind bending that occurs when you keep turning left. They never go anywhere.

Infidel said...

Not quite sync'ed with today's topic, but an excellent read from Hillsdale College's monthly "IMPRIMIS" offering on the immigration issue. I pass it on simply to make sure you have the opportunity to read it, if you like. The author, Edward Erler, really put his finger on the insanity of the progressives, and assigns root cause blame to their success in undermining our Republic. Worth a few minutes of your time....
