Thursday, August 23, 2018

Boob Nifong Mueller: Russian agent or at least acting like one

Boob Nifong Mueller, a crime investigator in search of a crime, is a Russian mole whose mission it is to undermine the American people’s trust in the integrity of the election process.  Well, Nifong Mueller may not be a Russian mole, but how would what he is doing be any different he were? It wouldn’t.  
Nifong Mueller and team of nitwit angry Dopes has done more to cast suspicion on the integrity of our election process than anything the Russians could have hoped to.  As a result, Nifong Mueller, his team of partisans, the Dope Party, the MSM and the #NEVERTRUMP azzbags are right up there with fake news – an enemy of the people. 
Not only is Nifong Mueller undermining the trust in our election process the horse faced sh*t is laying bare his preference for a two tiered justice system.  While Nifong Mueller turns a blind eye to the mountain of brazen crimes in plain sight committed by Shrillda the Hutt and her band of - thankfully - incompetent criminal dumbazzes, Nifong Mueller is leaving no leaf unturned, putting every shred of evidence under a micron microscope searching for collusion between PDJT and Nifong Mueller’s bosses – the Russians. 
After more than a year and 10s of millions of dollars, Nifong Mueller and his sh*t eating army hasn’t found anything. 
Double standard?  Consider this.  Paul Manafort sits in solitary confinement in a prison cell 23 hours a day while 5 Islamo-Terror-Fascist responsible for the death of a child and teaching kids to attack schools with “assault” weapons got cut loose with 0 bail down by a brain-dead NM judge. 
Think that one through.  How long ago was it that America melted down over the Stoneman School shooting?  Now the same people are mute when a judge turns 5 jihadis training kids to shoot up schools loose with 0 bail money down.  Where is that clueless little sh*t Hogg?  Where are the gun control nuts protesting the judge who let the ITF off the hook? 
But thank God America can sleep at night because Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement. Way to go Nifong Mueller. You’re doing a heck of a job. 
And while we’re on the two-tiered systems, what about the two-tiered free speech system.  Anarchists and Lefties get a free pass on campus, TV, social media and in the public square while conservatives are targeted by the IRS, AntiFa thugs and shadow banned by or outright banned by socials and major “news” outlets.
All of this BS is what got me to reconsider my position on the death penalty.  I don’t want Sh*ts like Brennan, Comey, Mueller, Strzok, McCabe, et al rolling in on me with the legal ability to have me executed for nothing more than not towing their political line. 
Aww jeez Lex come on.  They cannot do that.  Oh yeah.  If they can lock up a high-profile millionaire guy like Manafort for the rest of his life (death by prison) for tax crimes that the DOJ had already taken a pass on, what do you think they could do to people like us with relatively zero resources. 
So, if you’ve got some overzealous d-bag like Nifong Mueller with unlimited resources and 10 years to investigate you, guess what?  You’re going to jail, unless they want you dead, then you’ll be dead, and it’ll all be legal. 
There you have it Mr. & Mrs. America, that’s my Alex Jones conspiracy theory for the day.  Read fast.  Blog Spot might ban me by noon.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Boobs Team now investigating anyone that bought Russian salad dressing in the last ten years. Warrants will be issued and your home raided in the predawn. Unless you sold uranium to the Russians. Then you get a medal.