Thursday, August 02, 2018

Jim Acosta fears for his life ignores Lefty Lib violence

CNN’s Jim Acosta was heckled by a group of Trumpsters as he was doing a standup ahead of PDJT’s rally in Tampa, FL the other day. I don’t always support heckling a guy while he’s trying to do his job.  I don’t even support heckling umpires.  But I support heckling Jim Acosta.  He’s an ass.

After his experience, Acosta tweeted a video of the Trumpsters shouting “CNN sucks” over his report with this:

Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa. I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt. We should not treat our fellow Americans this way. The press is not the enemy.
Jim Acosta, CNN

YGBSM Jim.  Have you seen the video of conservatives trying to speak at nearly any college campus?  Have you heard of Steve Scalise?  Have you seen the threats against PDJT and his family by clebs?  Have you seen the 100s of assaults on Trump supporters for wearing a hat or having a bumper sticker on their car? Have you heard low IQ Maxine Water’s rant calling for confrontation?  Have you heard crazy Corey Bookers incendiary rhetoric? 

I tweeted back to Jim:  Jim I'll wear a "I'm with her" hat anywhere in America for a week if you'll wear a MAGA hat in NY City, Hollywood, LA, Chicago, Miami etc. for a week. Who do you think will get hurt first?

I’ve not yet heard back from Acosta.   

Today’s JG rant
Re Duane Thompson’s letter “Ignoring intel a treacherous path” of Aug 2, 2018

Regarding the Bush administration “downplaying” intel reports of al Qaida preparations for attacks on the US.  A day before the 9-11 attacks Monica Lewinski’s boyfriend told a crowd, “I could have killed him [bin Laden].” When the attacks occurred, Clinton said he knew it was bin Laden.  So you have 8 years of Clinton failures and 8 months of Bush.  Who’s to blame?    

The Russians have been screwing with us in every conceivable way for decades. When Mitt Romney warned Barak Obama that Russia was America’s biggest geopolitical foe, Obama mocked him, “The 80s called and want their foreign policy back.”

Then Obama was caught cozying up to the Russians in an unguarded moment when he was heard telling Russian President Medvedev, “This is my last election.  After my election I have more flexibility.”  The Russian President responded, “I understand.  I transmit this to Vladimir.”

After Russians were suspected of hacking the DNC, Obama famously warned Putin to “cut it out.” So, the guy who ignored his own redline in Syria told Putin to “cut it out.”  Ooooooooooooo, I’ll bet that had the ex-KGB colonel shaking in his boots. 

No one cared one wit about “foreign interference” in the 2016 election until Monica Lewinski’s boyfriend’s wife got clobbered by a political novice after she dumped a billion or more dollars into the 2016 election.

With regard to the intel community.  If I were PDJT, I would not trust one bit of intel that had any connection to Brennan, Comey, McCabbe, Strzok, Page or Clapper. They have proven themselves to be unreliable, odious and totally partisan hacks.   

These are the same people who colluded with a Brit who colluded with the Russians to frame PDJT and ruin his presidency. Why in the world would anyone trust them?   


Ignoring intel a treacherous path
Prior to 9/11, the Bush administration received several intelligence briefings in the spring and later in August regarding preparations for an al-Qaida attack on the United States. These briefings were downplayed by the  administration but were a combination of intelligence gathered by the CIA and the FBI. Unfortunately, around 9 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, two passenger jets crashed into the World Trade Center towers, one crashed into the Pentagon and another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
This  proved how important it is to pay heed to the information gathered by the professional intelligence agencies whose sworn duty it is to protect all citizens. This is the same intelligence community that is warning our current administration about the vulnerability of our electoral process to outside interference by Russia, whose leader is a sworn enemy to democracy here and abroad.
We have a president who stood before the nation in a news conference and  openly sided with a dictatorial murderer who told Donald Trump that his countrymen did not meddle in our elections. Trump chose to believe this thug over people whose sworn allegiance it is to protect their citizens.
This was not fake news; you did see our president sell our security out from under us. Regardless of what Trump says, it happened. You saw it happen, live and uncut. So if you voted for Trump, regardless of why you voted for Trump, now is the time to open your ears and eyes and see Trump for who he is.
It is imperative that we have a leader who values the intelligence he receives from our intelligence communities. Our democracy depends on it, and one day lives may depend on it. The Mueller probe is not a “witch hunt,” as evidenced by the indictments of 12 Russians the Friday before Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin. Let the investigation proceed. If Trump is innocent, he should have nothing to worry about.
Duane Thompson
Fort Wayne

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