Thursday, August 09, 2018

As long as you know that your are crazy or stupid you're fine

Being a dumbazz is a lot like being crazy.  If you’re aware of the condition life is a lot easier.  As Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) famously opined, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” 

GySgt Clincy was crazy.  He knew it.  When the Marines would bitch, “That’s crazy Gunny.”  Clincy would reply, “I know it’s crazy.  I know I’m crazy so you don’t have to worry about me.  It’s the M-Fers that are crazy and don’t know it who are f-king things up.”

Both stupidity and crazy, can be a temporary states.  I’ve been called a dumbazz more times than I can remember, usually after doing something stupid – like driving my Cub Cadet tractor into the pond. 

That was undeniably a dumbazz move.  But if you haven’t ridden your lawn tractor into the pond you’re probably not cutting close enough to the edge of the pond.  You should inch closer and closer until the tractor slip into the pond.  Then you’ll know exactly how close you can get. I know that limitation.  

Besides, I drive my tractor into the pond and I'm called a dumbazz.  Ted Kennedy drives his Lincoln into the tidal basin killing a woman  and he's called the Lion of the Senate.  WTF?! That says a lot about the character of the people who populate the senate. 

When called a dumbazz, I don’t think I’ve ever once thought that the person making the accusation was a racist for voicing that judgement.  Honestly there was probably some event or more often a comment that led the person to think that I was in fact a dumbazz.

PDJT questioned the intelligence of Don Lemmon and Lebron James after Lemmon egged James on to trash the president. James has rolled in on PDJT – like all celebs – in particular for Trump’s stand on the NFL kneeling brouhaha.  Two people roll in on PDJT and he levels both one tweet and now Trump’s the racist.  I think he might have hit a little too close to the truth. 

First, Lebron James talks like a literal dumbazz. My experience in the USMC taught me that speaking well or poorly is not the determinant factor in a person’s intelligence.  It is an indicator though. 

Maybe James is capable of speaking perfect English but chooses not to because it’s a black thing that I’ll never understand.  Idunno.  I do know that he sounds like a dumbazz to me when he speaks, but I make no judgement on his overall intelligence based on that one fact.

Don Lemon strikes me more as fool than a dummy in that I think he may actually know better.  Every time I turn on CNN, usually to watch and chuckle over a Lefty Lib meltdown after something PDJT does or tweets, there’s Don Lemmon adding up 2 + 2 and getting 5.  He has to know it’s 4. It is four, right?

That’s what makes watching CNN in meltdown mode (now a permanent state) so entertaining.  But it’s not just Lemmon.  It’s the entire CNN a staff and guest roster.  It’s a race to see who can be the biggest fool.  Lemmon may say 2+2=5 but by the end of the night someone on a panel adds 2+2 and comes up with 56.            

But enough about that.  Let’s get back to talking about me.  My hope is that my own dumbazzedness manifests itself on occasions separated by enough time to fool people into believing that my dumbazzedness manifests itself as a temporary condition. 

Ahh, but, like the Gunny knows he’s crazy, I know I’m a dumbazz so it’s okay.  It’s the dumbazzes that mix their stupidity with arrogance, pride and position of nominal power (think any Demo Dope Pol) who are f-king things up – to quote the great American.

When the toilets fail at the Mensa Club House, you know who the smartest guy in the room is?  The plumber with the average IQ.  I cannot think of one topic among any certain group of people where I can make that claim. I have no special knowledge about anything. Yet nearly every day I hold forth as a know-it-all on some topic.

I’m not a know-it-all about anything but I can opine like a know-it-all about everything (That’s a redundancy. If you’re know-it-all then, of course you know everything…right?) 

Among other things, that’s what has made America an exceptional country.  Anybody can offer an opinion about anything.  You might expose yourself as a dumbazz in the process, but even that does not disqualify you from speaking up in the future.

As famous lawyer Jackie Chiles (Seinfeld) might say, “It’s every Americans God given right to make a dumbazz of themselves by talking about things they know nothing about.  No one can stop you from proving that you’re a dumbazz by limiting your ability to spew forth your dumbazzedness.  To attempt do so would be lewd, lascivious, salacious and outrageous!”   

Social media is limiting the peoples God given right to spew their political ideas.  It’s okay.  It’s their platform.  But how is it that the same people who think a baker has to bake a gay wedding cake – ok a cake for a gay wedding – believes it’s perfectly fine for socials to ban conservatives? 

I don’t think the two are the same, but you get the point. It’s more like a restaurant refusing to serve blacks.  I don’t care.  It’s their platform.  They can do what they want. I’d just like to see some honesty.  A banner on the sites that clearly states, WE ARE AFRAID OF CONSERVATIVE IDEAS.

Holy word count Batman look at the time. I gotta go. 

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