Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Result be damned, tiresome #NEVERTRUMPERS running in circles with eyes closed, hands over ears, shouting "He's just not presidential!"

I can understand Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer, the dumbest woman alive Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, commie-loving moron Brennan, Jimmy the shape shifter Comey et al trashing PDJT for his tweeting habit.  They are regular targets and have been scarred for life by PDJT’s brief missives.  
What I cannot understand is the outrage on the right by the #NEVERTRUMP crowd that refuses come around, refuses to see what’s being done rather than what’s being said or tweeted. 
Jonah Goldberg duked it out with David Horowitz over PDJT’s character.  While Goldberg decries PDJT’s lack of character he takes the opportunity to ask Horowitz whose azz he has his head up – his own or PDJT’s. Some would say that using that kind vulgarity lacked character – not me mind you – but some who like to impose rules of civility on other while ignoring them themselves – like Jonah Goldberg in this case. 
Then there’s this piece by Jay Cost wishing we could all just get along and be like George Washington.  I wish we could all be like George Washington too.  What a great place it’d be.  Cost ought to go to an AntiFa rally and make that call and see what happens.  He’ll be called a racist and get this azz beat plain and simple. 
Goldberg and Cost lamenting civility to conservatives is like ignoring Islamo-Terror-Fascists and preaching religious tolerance and anti-terrorism to the Amish. It’s sort of cowardly. Well it is straight up cowardly. 
PDJT is a classic counter-puncher.  He rarely starts twitter wars, but he is good at winning them.  I used to cringe at PDJT’s twitter habits too.  Now I look forward to them.  When Sen Blumenthal went after PDJT for pulling lying scumbag Brennan’s security clearance, PDJT leveled him calling him a fake war hero and a loser.  Both charges are impolitic but absolutely true.  
Where did the Republican Party ever get by playing nice?  The Republicans ran the very George Washington like Mitt Romney, what did that get them?  The Dopes trashed Romney like he was a common criminal. Very few Republicans even went to the plate to defend Romney.  When they try that excrement with PDJT, PDJT hands them their heads. 
If PDJT did not defend himself – a la George Bush – who would?  Goldberg?  Cost?  Who? Everyone’s shorts are in a knot because PDJT won’t lay down and take the deep state, MSM azzbag beating.  Quite the opposite, PDJT regularly beats their azzes. When he does, they call him classless, a bully lacking character and unpresidential, because nobody – particularly a Republican - is allowed to punch back.  
I tweeted Jonah, “It’s a binary choice.  When JC returns and runs for president, I’ll vote for him. We made the correct choice in 2016. It’s as simple as that.” 
PDJT was in the public’s eye for decades prior to running for president.  My guess is that there is a very tiny sliver of Trump voters who pulled the lever for him because they thought he was a model of virtue.  He was simply the best of the choices offered. 
I’m quite surprised how conservative he’s been.  I voted for him to save the Supreme Court and thereby the country.  I do not understand why Goldberg and the #NEVERTRUMP army can’t give it a break, set aside their never ending BS and at least give the president credit for the long list, and getting longer, of promises made and promises kept.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

There was a time when security personnel were not needed at the church festival. Now we have to have it. Easy prey for the bad elements? We have experienced tough city cops too. Unfortunately they are too busy at the festival. Chicago peace picnic was shot up last week. Shots fired at a high School football game in Florida last week. Antifa shows up in black hoodies with masks and beats people carrying American flags. Cake shop owners sued to the point of losing their businesses. Need junk yard dog lawyers to call a BS on it. I could go on. PDJT elected out of frustrations by voters to fight back. Reference Sheriff Rooster Cogburn. Rooster not a nice guy. Trump's tweets often starts a fight by calling out BS we got used to living with. We loved The Lone Ranger. He had all the virtues. AKA Romney. So we selected a Rooster Cogburn. A big tough city cop to get after bad elements at our festival. They have some of their own rules too. Not exactly what people want to hear but the way it is. We won't shut down the festival. We will adapt. Too bad we need Rooster Cogburn Trump but we do. So let's support him and stop bitching. Until he is no longer needed.