Thursday, August 16, 2018

A note to the JG about their commie-like OpEd today

Wow what a shock.  When offered the chance to publish a  lockstep editorial demanded by the left-wing propaganda collective known as the MSM trashing PDJT, the JG passed up the Pravda-like offer/order. 
No wait.  The JG didn’t.  The JG fell into the politically correct line just like the Lefty Lib apparatchiks that they are and complied with the orders from the collective.  
Next up the JG will start a series of editorials extolling the proletariat to work harder, work longer, work faster in order to meet the collective’s 5 year plan for letters and articles demanding PDJT’s impeachment. 
When the MSM complies with orders from the collective to publish editorials on a certain day, on a certain subject with the exact same editorial line, far from acting like an independent, free and fair press, they reinforce the idea that they are nothing more than the mouth organ and wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party that they are. 
When CNN (Chris Cuomo) conveys the idea that it’s okay for one group of loathsome Americans to visit violence on another group of loathsome Americans, they are an enemy of the people.  When the MSM agrees that when fighting back against PDJT it’s okay to be vile and wildly inaccurate, they are an enemy of the people.  When a president who has decimated ISIS, created unparalleled economic opportunity in what was considered to be a permanently moribund situation, all but erased unemployment, presided over an economy that just grew by 4.1%, has America on the cusp of energy independence and brought America’s economic and military enemies to heel but still garners over 90% negative press coverage from the MSM they are enemies of the people. 
The idea that the comrades at the JG are “open to criticism and suggestions” is laughable.  When I criticized you for a bogus headline your editors placed over a letter I wrote, Ms. Francisco e-mailed me that if didn’t like it I could just stop writing letters. The idea that the JG is open to criticism is fake news, or what is more accurately referred to as a damnable lie.  I have the proof.  
Here’s the bottom line.  PDJT isn’t ruining the MSM's  reputation.  By their Soviet-Pravda-like slavish thinly veiled devotion to the Democrat Party in the face of nothing but failed policy, the MSM has been working for 40 years non-stop to ruin their own reputation. 
Carry on comrades!  The revolution needs you.  Do not let the fact that by your own bias you have allowed the trust the American people once placed in you fall below that of pedophiles, pimps and prostitutes affect your commitment to the collective.  Do not look inward and wonder what happened to that trust Americans once placed in an independent, free and fair press. “Independent”, “free” and “fair” are just words commands. Ours is a movement.
The collective requires sacrifice comrades.  Sacrificing your reputation is small price to pay.  When our AntiFa armies restore order, we will demand that the proletariat bow down and pay homage to you once again praising the state approved truth that we allow - nay force - you to print. 
Be strong comrades!  Remember, peace, bread and land for all!  
Watchdogs - not attack dogs
Enemy of the people? We're your neighbors
We who work in newspapers are used to criticism. It comes with the territory.
Reporting on happenings in our community, helping readers sort out public controversies, serving as a watchdog on government – some of what we do makes some people uncomfortable. Good newspapers constantly look for the positive things going on in their communities, but we are the bearer of bad news as well. And, being human, we sometimes make mistakes.
We view criticism as part of the process. Responding to complaints, putting bad news into context and correcting errors – those things are part of our continuing daily conversation with our readers.
Increasingly, when subjects of news stories don't like what is published by newspapers around the country, they dismiss the reports as “fake news.” President Donald Trump and some of his allies don't stop there, but also disparage the men and women who gather and present the news, calling them “bad,” “dishonest” and “enemies of the people” – a sinister term previously used in communist and Nazi propaganda.
Common sense refutes those wild assertions. Newspapers and broadcast institutions that have served their readers and viewers for years haven't suddenly decided to allow their staffs to make up stories or invent sources.
The Journal Gazette, which has been serving this community and this region since 1863, is dedicated to fair and accurate reporting and responsible commentary. The news organizations we rely on for wider coverage share those values. The journalists we know and work with are dedicated professionals doing their best to help their friends and neighbors understand a rapidly changing world.
But as always, it is not what we say that matters most – it is how you, as informed readers, respond to the events of the day. You and your parents and their forbears have known us and depended on us for more than 150 years.
You've seen us covering school board meetings and track meets and tree plantings, offering photos of snowy mornings in northeast Indiana and hot afternoons at Fort Wayne pools and bringing you news about local tax increases and the latest votes in Congress. The people who work here are your neighbors, the parents of your children's friends, the fans who cheer a winning run with you at a TinCaps game.
Our work is always open to your criticism and suggestions. We don't always enjoy your critiques, but we do our best to learn from them. Today, we join more than 200 newspapers across the country asking you to think twice before you accept the demeaninglabels being applied to the people who work at places such as ours. You know us. We are not the enemy of the people.  

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