Monday, September 30, 2019

The extreme dangers of impeachment for Dopes

It’s dangerous in my opinion to engage in a real time reality show type impeachment process with the king of reality TV.  Prediction:  When this plays out, PDJT will be standing in field littered with the carcasses of a score or more of Dopes and their MSM lackeys caught up in scandal as PDJT and his team expose deep state ruling class Caligula, D.C. scumbags.

Dopes are delusional if they think that PDJT is just going to go quietly.  He will expose everything available weather it’s related to impeachment or not.  He can declassify anything that supports his case or embarrasses his foes while holding close the same type of material for his allies.  He will go scorched Earth on their azzes. 

Here’s the thing.  PDJT’s character is already baked into the cake.  We knew we weren’t electing a pope.  The Dopes are claiming this impeachment is above board and conducted by honorable people. Al Green?  Low IQ Maxie Waters?  Foul mouthed Rashida Tlaib?  AOC?  Honorable?  Incestuous liar and thief Ilan Omar? PULEEESE. Advantage PDJT.  He will expose the Dopes for the corrupt bastards that they are.

PDJT is a one man wrecking crew with a deadly twitter account. He can act in an instant and will be so far inside the Dope decision cycle (OODA Loop) that the Dopes will be chasing their tails responding to hourly revelations from PDJT.  If hourly doesn’t get their attention, he’ll go every ½ hour. 

This is like war.  The opposition gets a vote on how the war will be conducted.  The plan goes to hell after the first shot is fired.  The Dopes have unleashed hell on themselves.  How many Dope political casualties will Grand Nan From San Fran allow to pile up? 

Biden’s already been swept up.  Who’s next?  The Dopes will find out soon. There are four sitting senators who were stupid enough to try to extort the Ukrainians in letters. Standby Dopes. 

The Dopes have been trying to impeach PDJT since before he was inaugurated.  In that regard Dopes are like drunks with a raging hangover.  They know that they’ll feel better when they throw up so they just need to get on with it, but they will not make it to the toilet. Instead they will throw up in the bed and all over themselves.  

Today’s JG rant: Holding lying women accountable
In her letter “Hold men accountable” of Sep 29, 2019, Emily Mossoian, like liar shifty Adam Schiff and most Democrats these days, just makes it up.  Mosasoian, like most Democrats these days, never lets facts – or lack thereof - get in the way of her making scurrilous charges against Robert Foster.

When the release of transcripts of PDJT’s phone call to the president of Ukraine failed to meet the hype, Schiff just made up a pack of lies and read them into the congressional record.  He later semi-apologized claiming his routine was a “parody.”  Well, if the actual record was so damning as to warrant impeachment, why did Schiff have to make stuff up?

Mossoian is so lacking in integrity, logic and facts she steals a play from the Democrat playbook and “just makes it up.”  Mossoian claims Foster will not allow himself to be alone with a woman because “he cannot control himself.”  That’s a lie.  Ever the prevaricator, Mossoian continues her fairytale with a false charge that Foster “cannot bring himself to work with women.”  That’s a lie.

Foster knows the world is littered lowlifes that will say anything and do anything to ruin him and his family.  He saw it firsthand with Justice Kavanaugh.  Unsubstantiated lies were piled upon unsubstantiated lies.  Witnesses who refused to toe the Democrat line were threatened.  Witnesses who could not substantiate or down right contradicted Blasey Ford’s testimony were discounted and ignored by the unscrupulous mob out to ruin Kavanaugh by any means.  A year later the unhinged mob strikes again making more uncorroborated charges against Kavanaugh while thoughtfully omitting the point that the so-called “victim” has no recollection of the incident.   

It is ironic beyond the pale to me that Mossoian engages in the exact behavior that Foster’s policy seeks to avoid – an angry unhinged woman making false charges – to skewer him.  Mossoian’s letter proves Foster’s point.  

Mossoian is the Julie Swetnick of Ft. Wayne.  The JG acts as her unethical indicted and one time front running Democrat presidential candidate (but really hasn’t everybody at one time or another been the frontrunner) lawyer Michael Avenatti by promoting the hogwash. 

It’s time to hold women like Mossoian, Swetnick, Blasey Ford, Chris Francois, lying Senator Diane Feinsten et al accountable for making stuff up for the sole purpose of ruining people. 

Hold men accountable
Carma Evers' letter regarding Robert Foster and his inability to be around women without wanting to seduce them (Sept. 19) made me scratch my head. Foster may think he's following God's rules, but what he's really doing is refusing to be held accountable for his actions, just as white men have always been.
It must be incredible, being a white man where you don't have to face consequences for unwanted sexual advances and harassment. Our president has 21 credible sexual harassment and rape allegations against him and he's still the most powerful man in the world. Don't even get me started on Brett Kavanaugh. After Brock Turner raped an unconscious girl behind a Dumpster, he was only given six months in jail and was still called “Stanford swimmer Brock Turner” instead of “Stanford rapist Brock Turner.”
When Foster says he refuses to be alone with a woman other than his wife (or when Mike Pence says it, for that matter), what he's really saying is that he cannot control himself around women. This has nothing to do with the women he refuses to be around but has everything to do with him and his moral failings. If he sees a woman he is attracted to, he cannot control himself around her. He might make unwanted sexual advances. He might touch her inappropriately. He cannot bring himself to work with women because they tempt him.
How is this the fault of the woman and, most importantly, why do we treat this as acceptable on his part? It is his responsibility to control himself. It is his responsibility to know how to work with women and not harass them.
I work in a building with more than 100 employees and, somehow, all the men who work there manage not to sexually harass the female staff. If Foster is not capable of being around a woman without harassing her, he needs to be held accountable.
It is not the job of women to police men's behavior. It is not the job of women to prevent their rape. Instead, it is the job of men not to harass us, not to advance on us sexually and not to rape us. Men need to do better, and we need to hold them accountable when they don't.
Emily Mossoian
Fort Wayne 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dopes killing Dopes with Ukraine investigation and it's wonderful

House DNI hearing take ways in no particular order

What a joke.

I’m tired of the word “whistleblower.”  I think we’ll just call this clown the blower.

The blower and the MSM totally misrepresented the call.  No pressure.  No quid pro quo.

The blower and the leaker were probably shocked when PDJT released the transcript and the complaint.

These azzweasels probably thought that they’d have a free run for months as the arguing back and forth over executive privilege ensued.

My guess is that the blower and the leakers are a bit queasy about coming forward to testify now that the world knows how they misrepresented the truth. Again, I think they were caught short by PDJTT releasing the transcripts.   

Now Pelosi is alleging a cover up because the transcript that has been released was kept on a separate more secure server.  

Worst cover up in History when all the information has been made public.

Could be big trouble for the Dopes though as any number of issues are going to be coming out with regard to Crowdstrike, corrupt Dope senators and POS Slow Joe Biden and pathetic loser of son.

Also Shrillda the Hutt will be dragged…again.  When the “cover up” amounts to moving the conversation with the Ukrainian President onto a different more secure server the jokes write themselves, “Cover up? Moving the conversation to a more secure server is a cover up? What instead of deleting it and acid washing the server?  That kind of ‘cover up’?”

PDJT has already had two conversations with world leaders leaked.  Why wouldn’t they look into a more secure server?  

Dopes will say anything and do anything to get PDJT.  Exhibit A:  Schiff’s “parody” of the phone call.  The actual phone call was too innocent, so Schiff resorted to being the lying bastard that he is and just made sh*t up. 

Their hate for PDJT far exceeds any positive feelings that they have for the country.

The old question comes up again, “Okay if Dopes admitted to the truth that they do hate America, how would what they are doing be any different?”  

Dopes have perfected the art asking the same stupid question 50 different ways.

The truth doesn’t matter to the Dopes.

They kept saying the information was “withheld.”  Not true.  It was merely delayed.

Same players.  Same tune. Likely the same result for PDJT.

The DNI said that he thought that the blower and the IG acted in good faith.  I don’t think so.  The blower is clearly a partisan deep state anti-American F**k that has no business working in the CIA.  The IG took secondhand information from a blower who the IG himself identifies as having partisan political motivations and calls the information “credible.”  That’s BS.  Secondhand info from a hack should never be deemed “credible.”    

The CIA and FBI at the top are corrupt as hell and cannot be trusted.  That’s scary as hell.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impeachment already snares 5 Dopes and the number is likely to rise

First off, and this is very important, I’d like Rat establishment Republicans to stop prefacing their remarks on Slow Joe Biden with, “I like Joe.  He’s a nice guy.”  He may be a nice guy to Caligula, D.C. swells, but he’s a boorish pig to the hoi polloi.  He asked one reporter who jostled his fragile ego if he wanted to compare IQs. Another reporter who poked his corrupt azz on the millions he channeled to his worthless, no-count, drugie other than honorably discharged son, he demanded the reported “ask the right questions!” When a reporter asked if would release his health records, Slow Joe challenged him to wrestling match.

When an idiot like Slow Joe wants to compare IQs, take him up on it.  When he demands that you “ask the right question” ask why he lifted 5 pages of a 15 page paper without credit.  When a coward like Slow Joe challenges you a wrestling match, challenge the chicken sh*t to a duel.   

Joe likes to claim to be a man of the people because he rides the train.  What he doesn’t advertise is that all the real people are run off of three cars to accommodate the arrogant dope’s phony azz. Like a lot of Caligula, D.C. azzbags, Slow Joe Biden is lying, thieving, cheating scumbag.  The apple, Hunter Biden, has not fallen far from the tree.

Slow Joe is not a nice guy, he’s a stupid, arrogant, corruptocrat, lying d-bag azzweasel.

Okay now that we’ve got that settled, on to the real point of today’s post.  The news media, surprise, surprise, surprise is pulling a MSNBC doctoring of the 911 call.  The MSM is taking PDJT request for a favor and moving it 500 words to the part about where he mentions the worthless turd biscuit Bidens. The favor PDJT asked for from the Ukrainians was looking into if Crowdstrike had the DNC server which the DNC claimed was hacked by the Russians. The MSM ignores that and places “the favor” before a reference to Slow Biden’s extortion of the Ukrainians.

Here’s what we know:
PDJT engaged in no extortion, pressure or quid pro quo.

Slow Joe’s demand to fire a prosecutor or lose millions of dollars was extortion of the Ukrainian government pure and simple.

Slow Joe, never one to practice the fine art of keeping one’s stupid mouth shut, admits to the extortion.   

The prosecutor who Slow Joe demanded to be fired was investigating his worthless offspring.

So in addition to being extortion pure and simple, it’s also a clear conflict of interest to have Biden making the Ukrainians an offer that they couldn’t refuse.

At least four Dope senators are on record in writing extorting the Ukrainian government to help investigate PDJT and his associates or lose their and other Dopes support in congress.

The Ukrainian mess is going to pale in comparison to what the Biden grifters pulled off in China – 1.5 billion directed to no-talent Hunter’s firm.

There’s a whiff of what might be alleged in the rest of the whistleblower’s complaint.  It might be alleged the White House is not handling certain communications properly.  We duh.  If they were the whistleblower would have never have been tipped off to the Ukrainian call. So “hiding” calls on separate server is now a High Crime.  Hmm, how does that compare to destroying e-mails, acid washing hard drives and smashing iphones all under subpoena?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Some real stuff of interest or not

Infusion #16 was yesterday so you don’t know what you’ll get for the next day or so – probably an improvement.

Well, what to make of Wile E. Coyote’s new Acme trap for PDJT.  Apparently, whatever pressure PDJT was trying to put on the Ukrainians it wasn’t felt. If PDJT pressure wasn’t felt by target, he wasn’t trying to pressure them or they’d be whining about the bone crushing pressure.

So if there is no victim, is there a crime?  If Jussie Smollett didn’t file charges against the people he paid to beat him up and bleach him white would there have been a crime?

Vaping “epidemic”
Epidemics are generally judged by the number of fatalities.  The vaping “epidemic” is being judged by the number of people sickened.  How do 8 deaths and 500 sickened due to vaping compare to real epidemics?  In the 1850s over a million Russian souls were lost to a cholera outbreak.  In 1960 another million were lost world-wide to the Hong Kong flu. 

Also most epidemics strike unsuspecting victims not people choosing to engage in risky behavior. So vaping illnesses are something, but by numbers and behavior I’m not certain “epidemic” is the right word.

Today’s is one hit wonder day.  My fav is Rocky Burnett’s “Tired of towing the line.” Liked it so much I bought the same glasses and jacket Rocky wore in the video.  Still have ‘em.  Just kidding. Or am I?

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Warm-mongers engage in child abuse while targeting children for their BS

Re: Brock Ervin’s editorial “A fighting chance” of Sep 23, 2019

I’m old enough to remember when global warm-mongering Chicken Little’s were warning that we were all going to die from a new ice age, then acid rain, then a population explosion, then ozone depletion, then world-wide famine, then global warming. 

In 2006, I recall AlGore telling us we had only 10 years to save Earth.  In 1988, I recall Ted Danson telling us the oceans as we knew them would be gone in ten years.  In early 2000, I recall global warm-mongers telling us that children would never see snow again.  In the late 1980s, I recall warm-mongers telling us the ice caps would disappear causing world-wide flooding of coastal areas.

There is a single spaced list in 8 point type as long as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s leg of “scientific” doomsday predictions from supposed “scientific experts” on climate change that have never come close to fruition – yet they persist.

The warm-mongers are alarmist spreading fear with no scientific proof for anything.  They are so desperate for a cogent argument that the main talking point among the global warm-mongering fear merchants has become AlGore’s pathetic refrain, “The debate is over.”  That reminds me of George Will’s response, “when someone says ‘the debate is over’, you can be sure of two things, the debate is raging, and they are losing the argument.’”

So it is with today’s global warm-mongers.  They have manipulated data, hidden data, made fantastical and false claims about the end being near and just plain lied about the “science” of climate change, that no thinking person believes a word of their hysteria anymore.

So what to do when your claims about Armageddon due to climate change have become nothing more than white noise for thinking rational people?  Well you get into the schools and demand to teach, nay, indoctrinate the youth to your warped way of thinking. 

Ervin as much as admits to “the debate is over” warm-monger approach to indoctrinating America’s youth. Ervin cannot have students research “climate change” and arrive at their own conclusions.  No. The debate is over.  It’s time for critical thinking to stop.  Any student who arrives at a different conclusion, no matter how well supported fails, is ostracized on social media and their all their accounts suspended by the weak-minded masters of the universe who tolerate no deviation from the liberal orthodoxy. 

If the student stumbles upon quotes from organizers that prove the Green New Deal and Paris Climate Accords are nothing more than means to destroy capitalism, or East Anglia’s admission that warm-mongers routinely lie about, manipulate and hide data to support their positon or call out the warm-monger glitterati for their shameful hypocrisy, they will be failed and sent back for re-education until they get tier minds right.

Global warm-mongers are like Internet pedophiles.  They can’t get to first base with adults who see through their garbage, so they prey on unsuspecting children.  The warm-mongers are a fragile uncertain bunch.  They cannot hold up their end of a scientific debate with other scientists so they simply declare, “the debate is over” and set their sights on indoctrinating a more vulnerable group – our youth.

By what means are the warm-mongers targeting the youth?  Fear.  Reference the testimony of high schoolers during the School Strike for Climate.  These teen agers actually believe that there’s no need to study because the world will end and there will be mass extinction within ten years.  

Given the bleak outlook being preached by the warm-mongers, how long before one of these high schoolers loses all hope and commits suicide?  When that happens the warm-mongers will, no doubt, blame climate change.  What the warm-mongers are engaging in is child abuse pure and simple.

Ervin argues for teaching climate change “based solely on scientific consensus.”  “Scientific consensus” is the, “the debate is over” non-argument argument in disguise.  Scientific consensus is actually the absence of science.  Science does not rely consensus.  It abhors group-think.  If consensus ruled we would still believe the 600 BC notion that the Earth is the center of the universe.  We’d never have stumbled upon the theory of continental drift. We would still be clinging to the notion of a flat Earth.

Only the weak-minded rely on consensus to avoid defending their theories.  The warm-mongers are the turtles and ostriches of scientific community.  Instead of seeking out rigorous inquiry to help substantiate their theory, the warm-mongers hide from it. Ervin’s ridiculous model for climate education is a good example of why the public education system needs to be turned on its head.

Here are some ideas for Ervin to consider.  Of course he won’t, because don’t you know, the debate is over and nothing will penetrate his closed narrow mind.

Earth’s climate has been changing since Genesis. Indiana was under a mile of ice at one point.

While humans may be affecting the Earth’s climate, there is no accurate way to measure to what degree.

America is not a planet.  Ruining our economy will do next to nothing to effect climate change.

Outlawing fossil fuel will lead to deaths of 10s of thousands of Americas due to heat and cold exposure.

Does anyone know what the correct temperature for the Earth is?  How do we maintain that temperature?  

Ervin’s editorial is proof that these warm-mongering child predators shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near K-12 public education. 

Monday, September 23, 2019 1:00 am based solely on scientific consensus 
A fighting chance
Without proper climate change education, next generation can't fix mess we've left it
Brock Ervin
Brock Ervin, a Crawfords-ville resident, grew up in Churubusco.
“I personally don't think climate change is a man-made problem as much as people say it is,” the Earth science teacher told me. What research is that statement based on, I asked? “Nothing. It's just my opinion.”
I couldn't believe what I was hearing as the teacher explained his approach to teaching climate change. I, too, went to college for Earth science education. Aside from the absence of scientific thinking that it reflected, his opinion certainly didn't align with the evidence or the established understanding of climate science that I was taught while at Purdue University.
As a father of three children, a climate change advocate and a former science teacher, I've spent the past several years taking both a personal and professional interest in trying to understand what kids are learning about global warming and climate change.
The teacher explained, “I teach the basics and then let the kids do research to figure out what they think about it.” I would hear similar versions of this statement from two other teachers. One explained, “I give students a research project on climate change. As long as they support their position, they'll get credit. Usually they get it right.”
I asked why he doesn't teach climate change like other sciences. He said, “It's political and some parents don't like it. Some people don't accept it based on religious grounds, because they are taught at church that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I don't feel I have the right to insist otherwise.”
When I discussed it with a high school administrator, he responded, “We live in a conservative area, and this is a way we avoid confrontation.”
Some textbooks take the same subjective route: Provide a three-paragraph summary of global warming and climate change; ask the students to do a project weighing data that support and refute it; leave room for doubt with a statement such as, “Some scientists say that global warming is just part of the Earth's natural cycle.”
It seems that opinions are being given the same validity as established scientific understanding.
In my experience, the most damning assessment of Indiana's teaching of climate science probably comes from students themselves. Over the period of a couple of years, I've asked numerous students about the topic. Most knew it by name only. Some of the more informed students said they didn't learn it in school.
To address the climate crisis, students need to have confidence in climate science. While the evidence and models were not nearly as robust as today, the foundations of the science have been established and confirmed for more than 100 years.
Students should be learning about climate science milestones and the foundations set down by Joseph Fourier, Eunice Foote, John Tyndall, Svante Arrhenius, Hans Suess and Charles Keeling.
Students should be learning about the scientific organizations doing the research, the consensus of scientists and the pressure that they have been putting on governments to take action for the past several decades. It certainly shouldn't be taught as a Choose Your Own Adventure.
The American Meteorological Society attempted to directly address how climate change is taught in the classroom. They issued a policy statement in May 2013 titled, “Climate Science is Core to Science Education.”
In part, it states, “Efforts to properly teach climate science are regularly challenged by those seeking to frame it as somehow different from other scientific subjects, often with claims that it is either 'uncertain' or 'controversial.' They advocate the need for a special approach to its teaching, such as added effort to balance perspectives. With this statement, the AMS seeks to confirm the solid scientific foundation on which climate change science rests, and to emphasize that teaching approaches different from other sciences are not warranted.” The statement continues, “Climate literacy in the next generation of U.S. citizens will ensure a firm foundation of knowledge and discourse as society faces decisions on how to best deal with a changing climate.”
That was more than six years ago. Indiana apparently didn't take notice.
The certainty and seriousness of climate change has been understood for more than 50 years, and arguably much longer.
We have again kicked the can to the next generation, but we haven't given them the tools to deal with it.
The fossil fuel industry and politicians have shaped the narrative to block action, and we need to give kids a meaningful way to counteract such forces through education.
Fixing climate education is long overdue. I'm asking all Indiana schools to teach global warming and climate change proportionally to its significance. It should be taught throughout K-12. It should be taught based solely on scientific consensus. Teachers should be given training, resources and a curriculum to teach it effectively.
I am asking our schools to equip all graduates with the level of knowledge needed to deal with the climate change crisis that we've passed down to them. And we need to start with the class of 2020.
Given the hole we've dug for our kids, this is the least we can do.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Democrat lemmings side with commie loving Chomsky

It’s nice that Democrats are beginning to show their true colors.  In the process they are exposing themselves to the American people for who they really are - racist, anti-Semitic, socialist, commie loving, historically illiterate boobs.  Tom Swinehart’s silly letter “Republicans’ perfidy threatening millions” of Sep 21, 2019 is proof positive Democrats have gone off the rails.

Swinehart opens his letter with quote from racist, anti-Semitic, socialist, commie loving, historically illiterate boob Noam Chomsky, “Republicans are the most dangerous organization in human history.”  Chomsky can make such a bizarre statement because he’s either historically illiterate or liar. 

Well, Chomsky is a liar.  In his effort to prop up communists world-wide, he denies 70 million plus murders in China by Mao. He denies the 2-3 million Cambodians murdered by the Kamer Rouge.  He denies genocide in Laos by communists. He denies communist in Nicaragua committed over 8,000 murders of political opponents. In addition, Chomsky is a blatant anti-Semitic Holocaust denier and writes in support of other Holocaust deniers.

So Chomsky sides with some of the most odious characters in history and lemmings like Swinehart side with Chomsky.  It’s nice that leftists like Swinehart and gun grabber Beto (AKA Bobby Frankie) O’Rourke are showing their true colors – commie red.  Faced with the undeniable historic proof of the mass murders committed by their heroes - the communists – Chomsky and the lemmings turn their lies and nonsense on their political opponents in America.   

If Chomsky were running for the Democrat presidential nomination, his anti-capitalist pro-socialist, anti-American pro-communist, anti-Semitic past would make him a top tier candidate among far, far, far left Democrats and other fools.     

Saturday, September 21, 2019 1:00 am
Republicans' perfidy threatening millions
“Republicans are the most dangerous organization in human history,” according to Noam Chomsky. The reason for Chomsky's assessment is because of their willingness to ignore climate science and push human existence into the abyss for short-term profits hoarded into the coffers of the wealthy. I want to offer a few more reasons. This is not an exhaustive list.
First, the reframing of a protest against police violence as an attack on veterans. I am a veteran and it's appalling to me that conservatives promote talking points to distract my focus from actual harm being done by saying I am somehow being dishonored. The only thing that could diminish my service is telling me I served to take away First Amendment rights from those who need them most. Not only is this spitting on the Constitution, it also is sanctioning violence.
Second, I had to do mental gymnastics deciding whether I should take my kid to the ER following an accident. Why? The GOP likes me to pay lots of money for second-rate care, and her injuries were not clearly life-threatening. Thanks to the GOP, we pay twice as much other countries for health care, and medical bills can bankrupt even hardworking insured people. So it shouldn't be surprising that sometimes people avoid the ER because they don't think it's a heart attack and subsequently die at home.
Lastly, the GOP is for corporations polluting the environment to increase profits and spread the costs to other human lives. 
I do not endorse the Democrats because they surely have issues too, but attempting to equivocate between the two parties is akin to comparing a kid stealing candy to Jeffrey Dahmer. Still, even though the GOP fights daily to harm a majority of people in our country, they are able to successfully hoodwink enough people to hold most of power. I am not sure whether that is a testament to their ability to con people or the naiveté of Americans.
Tom Swinehart
Fort Wayne

Friday, September 20, 2019

Today's JG rant: Vaping driving Big Government nanny staters LOCO

I could barely get past the headline: “Big Vape discards its guinea pigs” (JG Editorial by Nancy Cripe of Sep 12, 2019).  Really?  Since when were thinking reasoning human beings reduced to guinea pigs?  As far as I know guinea pigs are normally thought of as caged rodents with no idea of free will, the ability to reason or the understanding of their eventual demise. 

Humans can reason and make choices for themselves.  Guinea pigs cannot.  We trust that 16 year olds are capable of operating 4,000 pound pieces of machinery at 75 miles per hour.  Can we trust them to make an informed decision on vaping?  We trust 18 year olds to vote and risk their lives in the military.  Can we trust them to make an informed decision on vaping?  We trust 21 year olds to be responsible enough to purchase and consume intoxicating beverages.  Can we trust them to make an informed decision on vaping? 

I don’t know, but if we can trust them to drive, vote and buy liquor, we ought to trust them to make an informed decision on vaping.  If we don’t trust them on that decision, maybe we should reconsider trusting them on the other issues as well.

I can tell you this, I trust the 16 year old to make a better decision on vaping than some reactionary busy body like Nancy Cripe who, sans any understanding of why people are being sickened by vaping, advocates for banning a product enjoyed by millions. 

Humans are by nature a curious risk taking species.  We ride bulls for entertainment for crying out loud.  We drive automobiles in excess of 200 MPH inches from barriers and other autos, and we do it for 500 miles.  We seek to climb higher, dive deeper and race faster.  

When a record is broken, a long line of humans assemble to break the new record. We are capable of making a decision on whether or not to vape without interference from a nanny state government egged on by the weaklings who prefer to hide under the bed sheets than live life or let others live theirs.

Humans are born free and want to live free.  They don’t need hand-wringing nervous nellies like Cripe calling them guinea pigs and denying them their freedoms.

Thursday, September 12, 2019 1:00 am
Big Vape discards its guinea pigs
Nancy Cripe
Nancy Cripe is executive director of Tobacco Free Allen County.
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The Truth Initiative's new campaign, “Don't Test on My Humans,” is tragically timely, as the 450 cases of vaping-related lung injury being investigated –  and now six deaths – make poignantly clear. Unregulated, uncontrolled, oversight-free testing on humans of profit-driven devices is exactly what is happening, generating big profits while putting lives at risk with no accountability.
The big cigarette companies did the same thing for more than a century: create a novel way to deliver the addictive drug nicotine, market it aggressively, manipulate it to make the hit more addicting, juice it up with sweet flavors that appeal to kids – all while never being forced to reveal ingredients or prove the products' safety before selling them. For decades they answered to no one for the illnesses and death their products caused. The same is happening with vaping products.
And just as Big Tobacco misrepresented its products as “healthy” and harmless for decades before finally being forbidden to do so, the vaping industry today misrepresents theirs with language of trafficking in harmless-sounding, sweet-tasting “vapor.” No one hears the truth: that in the aerosol cloud created by heating e-liquids, there are flavoring chemicals, solvents, emulsifiers, oils, toxins such as formaldehyde and acrolein, cancer-causing nitrosamines, heavy metals and lung-irritating particulate matter, none of which our lungs are made to handle.
Would anyone buy their products if they called it what it really is, “chemical aerosol?”
Unsuspecting young people are taking the marketing bait and are being sucked into serving as the industry's guinea pigs. These human test subjects are getting addicted at a rapid rate. Some are turning to also using cigarettes within 12 to 18 months of beginning to vape. Hundreds now lie in hospitals across 33 states, struggling to breathe and survive. Six have now lost their lives.
The preliminary results of this vast, uncontrolled, profit-driven experiment vape-users didn't know they signed up for are coming in, and they are not pretty. The industry, with so much to lose, is quick to dismiss these cases as outliers. “They were vaping marijuana, not nicotine,” they say. True in some cases, but not all. And even if it were, the fact remains that no one knows whether vaping anything is safe, period.
Should we be spending human lives to find out?
It is an old, tiresome story – industry treating humans as lab rats, getting them addicted, and whistling all the way to the bank with pockets full of profit flowing from people whose brains compulsively drive them to purchase again and again to stave off the pain of withdrawal.
Why did our policymakers and regulatory agencies allow these products to be sold without first making their manufacturers prove their safety? They let this industry grow, become powerful, hire lobbyists and merge with the immense power of the duplicitous, convicted racketeers of the conventional tobacco industry, all before asking them to pony up the facts about what is in their products or requiring safety testing.
And now 450 lives, if not more, hang in the balance. Six have died an ignoble, awful death of slow suffocation, their lungs inflamed and injured to the point that they can no longer take in oxygen.
This was preventable. We did not need another unregulated, highly addicting method of drug delivery.
Vaping enthusiasts love to counter, “But look at all the deaths from smoking,” as if it were a case of either/or. Are vapes safer than cigarettes? Most likely yes, though that remains to be fully proven.
But really now, is this the bar of safety we should be setting? Many, many dangerous things are safer than tobacco smoke.
That argument is a bit like saying jumping from the fourth floor is safer than jumping from the roof of a 50-story building. Thank you very much, but I'll take the stairs or elevator and walk out the front door.
Our lungs were built to take in oxygen, nothing more. And vaping is not needed for quitting. Millions of tobacco users have quit without vapes. Addicted smokers and chewers have bona fide, evidence-based, tested and proven support to help them move into recovery: highly regulated, safe medications; free Quitline phone coaching; cessation groups and classes; health insurers' support; employer reward programs; apps; online self-help programs; and text-to-quit programs. Not only have these been proven effective, none pump carcinogens, heart toxins, heavy metals, or poorly understood, untested chemicals into one's lungs and bloodstream.