Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9-11 and other stuff

I don’t mind the somber 9-11 reembraces.  I just wish we woke up every Sep 11th to list of 3,000 targets that were eliminated overnight. A little ying for the yang. 

Tali at Camp David
I’d have held the talks in Paris where the Tali would feel completely at home, but what’s the big deal?  Wasn’t known terrorist and colossal scumbag Yasser Arafat at Camp David to meet with the Israelis or was it just a dating opportunity for Madelaine Albright?

PDJT doesn’t play small ball.  Go big or go home.  He also has very high opinion of himself.  He believes that he can negotiate a better deal than anyone else, so he steps in.  Nothing wrong with that.  As long as the negotiations go something like this.  Get the Tali on side of the table and the corrupt Afghan gov on the other and say:  Look I do not care if your corrupt BS government kills every one of these terrorist bastards, their entire families and all of their friends.  I do not care if you terrorist scumbags kill every one of these corrupt self-serving government scumbags, their entire families and all of their friends. We’re getting out of your sh*t hole country.  You can wallow in the excrement to your hearts content.  But if you kill one American or one of our allies in the course of your BS, a reign of hell will be unleashed on you, your families and friends that will make the Devil weep.  Now, and this is very important, do any of you F-kers think you are dealing with a Jimmy Carter or Barak Obama?  Do any of you think for a second that I will not kill every one of you if you F- with me?  Good.  Now work this thing out.  When you reach an agreement, call me.  I’ll be on the golf course.

John Bolton
I like John Bolton.  His being called a hawk is probably on the civil side of the name calling war monger with a long string of profane modifiers is probably on the other. 

Being called a hawk for a good cause is probably not the worst name one could be labeled with.  Calling for war in pursuit of American interests is OK.  Going to war and, because of political BS, not quickly winning it is.

So Bolton is out.  Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans are both happy Bolton is out.  That means he was probably on to something.

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