Friday, September 13, 2019

Blatant vote buying, race baiting, socialism/communism on display at Dope debate

The Griffin was correct. The Demo-Dope debate was three hour infomercial for the re-election of PDJT.  I thought it odd that Dopes, including “moderate” Slow Joe Biden, want to ban all gasoline operated cars in 10 years.  For a world that is due to end now in less than twelve years isn’t that cutting it a bit close?  Seems to me if you serious about this climate change BS confiscating automobiles would be a day one priority. Waiting ten years proves that none of them are serious and don’t believe their own BS.

Bobby Frankie O’Rourke, and “moderate” Slow Joe Biden, say we’re going to confiscate guns.  Bobby’s a liar.  It’s the royal “we” that certainly will not include the pinched faced rabbit toothed wimp. He isn’t going to do sh*t.  If a confiscation bill passes, Dopes will hire the task of confiscation to their thug army, AntiFa.  Those are the ones who will show up with guns to take your weapons not wimps like Bobby Frankie O’Rourke.  Okay bring it.

All the candidates seemed to leap at the opportunity to call PDJT and by extension 63 million Americans, racists – with not one example.  Were they asked about Dope racists:  The squat, Revs? Not-so-sharp-ton, Jackson, Wright, Farrakhan et al? What didn’t come up, New Green Deal?  The squat?  The booming economy?  Slow Joe’s sweet deal for his no-talent prodigy?  Impeachment?  Mueller report?  McCabe impending indictment?

One thing the Dopes agree on is that none of their healthcare plans will work.  Here’s the answer.  10% of people do not have healthcare.  For a large percentage of that number it is by choice.  So rather than burning down the entire house, why not offer a solution for the 10%?

The Dopes are the party of give and take.  They want to take from you and give to illegals, lay abouts, college aged lib robots and any other group Dopes can buy off victims’ rights and reparations.  Some call it socialism/communism.

McCabe is going to jail – not so fast
There was much rejoicing last night that someone behind the silent coup may actually go to jail for their dastardly work.  Just like all the people engaged in deleting Shrillda the Hutt’s e-mails, wiping servers and destroying I-phones. No. Wait.  That never happened.  Now, read this.  Then ask yourself, why aren’t the hoaxters ever charged?  Trayvon fake witness: no charges.  Michael Brown, aka the gentle giant, hands up don’t shoot fraud: No charges.  Justice Kavanaugh and long list fraudsters: No charges.  

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

In the last Dem debate/BS honey-wagon spreader event,Slow Joe said if elected pres he would cure cancer. I have been waiting for a highly skilled journalist to ask Joe how he would do this. Of course he has not been asked...yet. If Joe is the nominee Donald will ask him. And it will not be pretty. PDJT..." Joe, how are doing with Joe the cure for cancer you promised? Getting close yet? This is a BS lie, you are a con artist, and you know it. Another swamp dwelling promise with absolutely nothing behind it. You are sick Joe. You need help".If Joe cures cancer before the election I will vote for Joe. Sounds crazy I doesn't it.