Thursday, September 12, 2019

PDJT and Vaping

PDJT channels Lex
When I heard PDJT deliver his 9-11 speech at the Pentagon, I thought “do great minds think alike or did he read Lex this morning!”  Well at least the part about unleashing hell on anyone who attacks the homeland again.

Also PDJT dumped 40 tons of ordinance on an ISIS camp in Iraq and apparently has stepped up in Afghanistan after a car bombing killed a US soldier there.

My guess is that bombing the sh*t out of these monsters will achieve better results than having them over for tea and crumpets. They were never going to honor a damn thing they signed up for anyway. 

Libs and PDJT want to get after this menace before it becomes wildly popular.  No. Wait.  It’s already wildly popular.  400 plus people have allegedly died from vaping associated illnesses. What’s not clear is how much of the death toll is from the victims spiking their juice with aftermarket ingredients and/or buying their juice on the black market.  My guess is, the overwhelming majority. 

Most people in legitimate businesses rely on return customers.  Killing them off does not seem to be such a great business model.

How many lives has vaping saved by getting them off of combustible cigs?  That number is probably several times the 400 lost.

So you suspend certain flavors of vape juice.  Where is the customer going to go to get what they want?  Drum roll please – the black-market.  This is just a dumb idea.

Dopes show dopiness tonight
Slow Joe Biden and the 9 pygmies take to the debate stage tonight to see who can out give away the other, who can call the most people and groups who disagree with them Nazis, who can ban the most stuff – energy, guns, meat, etc., who dog cuss America the most, who can blame PDJT the most.  I’ll wait for the reviews in the morning

When is a win not a win
When a Republican beats Dope in a close election.  NC-9, a district PDJT won by 12, was supposed to spell trouble for Republicans as the Dope candidate just a couple of months ago held a 13 point lead.  Turns out the Republican by more than 2 points.  But it was close enough for the Dpes to declare victory.  My hope is that they have a long line of such victories in Nov 2020.  

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Tonight the Dems meet again to help reelect Donald Trump. They continue to give Trump ammo for 2020. Just like Lex occasionally invoking Wiley Coyote getting whacked by his own hair brained Acme traps. What traps will the Dems setup tonight up for in the general election? The list is already long. Free boats to all illegal border crossers? Free Govt college degrees as soon as a person graduates from high school and without ever going to college? Free high school diplomas as soon as a person graduates from middle school? Dems will reelect Trump in 2020.