Monday, September 16, 2019

Teetering on war with Iran - Thanks Barak. You're did a heck of a job.

Iran’s drones
Iran has shot up Saudi Arabian oil fields with drones…allegedly.  Thank you Barak The Empty Suit Obama.  Now we know where some of the billions of dollars you dumped onto a tarmac in Tehran went.  As a result of your appeasement, we teeter on the edge of war with Iran.  Or should that be “tweeter on the edge of war” with Iran?

My advice to PDJT is whatever you want bombed in Iran, have the Saudis do it with plausible deniability for the US support necessary to make the attacks effective.  We should also unleash all manner of non-kinetic hell on Iran from computer viruses to shutting down a good portion of government sponsored radio and TV feeds, screw with the electrical grid, oil refineries and cause the Iranian surface threat interfering with gulf oil shipping mysteriously disappear.

This should be a wakeup call for US facilities all over the country.  How do we defend a myriad of high risk facilities against this asymmetric threat?     

Bobbie Frankies weak threat
During the last Dope debate, Betto O’Rourke, aka Robert Francis O’Rourke and forever known here going forward by his little sister’s moniker - Bobbie Frankie O’Rourke - famously said, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR 15 and AK 47.”  Greg Gutfeld had the best and funniest response, “The only thing you are going to be taking from me is my order at an El Paso Arby’s drive-thru.”  That’s about right.  As far as can tell the Bobbie Frankie by himself couldn’t take candy from a baby. 

So when Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain warned Bobby Frankie, “My AR is ready for you…,” Bobbie Frankie melted and labeled the warning a threat. That’s what the Bobbie Frankies of the world do.  They talk sh*t then when someone challenges them they scurry like weak little brats to hide behind mommas skirt.   

Bobbie Frankie, a pampered trust fund Texan if ever there was one, probably isn’t aware of the famous Texas Gonzales Flag that popped up when Mexican soldiers demand the return of a cannon given to the town to fend off hostile natives.  Texans responded, “Come and take it.”  My guess is that is the spirit of Rep Cain’s response.  That will be the exact same response of millions upon millions of American gun owners if Bobbie Frankie ever get is way. 

One thing is certain, if Bobbie Frankie gets his way, he’ll be in the rear with the gear hiding under the bed sheets.  He’s a tough talking weakling who lacks the manly equipment to be knocking on Cain’s door – or anyone else’s door for that matter - demanding his AR. That I can guarantee you.

Hey Bobbie Frankie, you pinched faced rabbit toothed little douche, if English threatens you, let’s try Greek, Molon Labe you little wimp.

Today’s JG rant
In his Sep 15, 2019 missive “Solutions obvious as we study problems” Jim Fisher gets so much wrong, where to start?  Why “so many shootings happening in America” “mainly [by] young white men” is a lie.    

Here are the facts from a Journal of the American Medical Association study:  80% of the 221 shootings analyzed by JAMA between 2010 and 2014 were committed by black men.  The way cherry pickers like Fisher get to the “mainly young white men” argument for shootings in America is by stripping out drug and gangland related shootings.  Well, yeah, if you strip out lung disease, smoking cigarettes is a relatively healthy activity.

Next, with regard to Brazil “burning the Amazon,” Fisher, like most lefty libs, takes the blame America first approach.  First, per usual, Fisher and the libs roll out pictures from the Obama administration to make a case against PDJT. They use pictures illegal alien children in cages under Obama then transfer the visual and the blame to PDJT.  They use old pictures of Amazon fires and transfer it to current policy.  Here’s the truth: According to NASA Brazilian Amazon fires are down slightly over previous years.

Why is it Fisher’s knee-jerk reaction is to blame America for China not buying US soybeans, which then results in Brazilian Amazon fires?  Why aren’t soybean trade problems China’s fault?  They are the ones who have engaged in unfair trade practices and monetary manipulation for decades?  Why is it that Fisher wants to deny Brazil the opportunity to manage its natural resources as they see fit?  Is it “white privilege” looking down on these poor brown skinned people?

What exactly is “fair trade coffee”?  Fair trade is buying products at market value.  How is artificially high unsustainable price fixing for coffee “fair trade”?  If Fisher really wants to destroy the coffee market he would engage in some commie inspired five year plan to buy “fair trade coffee.” 
Sunday, September 15, 2019 1:00 am
Letters to the editor
Solutions obvious as we study problems
Many of the problems we face today appear to have no solutions. But if we look for simple reasons why these problems exist, maybe we are overlooking solutions.
Why are there so many shootings happening in America? The shooters are mainly young white men; many have no father at home. This is a serious breakdown of the family.
Why are the Brazilians burning the Amazon, increasing the threat of global warming? China has agreed to purchase an increasing amount of soybeans from Brazil. Brazil needs more farmland to supply the soybeans. We need to reach an agreement to sell soybeans to China from America without tariffs.
Why are there so many refugees at our border? These people need jobs where they can make a fair living for their family. The price of coffee beans is 40% lower than it was 30 years ago. We need to buy fair trade coffee. Maybe the jobs moving out of China need to move to Central America.
Perhaps if we look at why we have serious problems, we can find solutions.
Jim Fisher

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I would hope the brainiacs in our foreign policy don't take the bait and start a shooting war with Iran. To Lex's point, brown outs, food shortages, hyper-inflation, non-working street lights, traffic lights, release info on accounts with billions of dollars that mullahs have stolen, rumors of bad drinking water, defections, etc. The people in Iran need to lead the change. Stop nuke devt. A shooting war will rally the people to defend their Homeland.