Thursday, September 05, 2019

Racist claims Indian is hot bed of racism

Re: Chris Francois’ editorial “Hoosier inhospitality” of Sep 5, 2019

Francois paints with a pretty broad brush.  She indicts the entire state of Indiana as racist.  Where has she traveled in the state to substantiate that absurd - false on the face of it - claim?  How long has she stayed in various areas of the state to validate her odious assertion that every square inch of the over 36,000 square miles and every one of the over 6 million citizens that comprise the state of Indiana are racist?

Francois writes that she has been “subjected to harassment, physical and verbal threats, property vandalism and assault.”  Threats of physical harm, vandalism and assault are against the law.  Did Francois report these crimes to the police?  Did the JG bother to inspect the police reports and interview the detectives assigned to the cases?  Were any witnesses or the perps available for interview?  Arrests?  Convictions?

Francois’ assertion that she is depressed because she’s being mistreated by her peers probably strikes closer to the truth. She might have had an occasional run in with a student or two at what must be the totally racist Manchester University.  She might have precipitated the run in herself with another of her overly broad unsubstantiated hateful accusations about Indiana and the people who live here.  

Francois being involved in any kind of altercation is surprising.  As a “peace studies” major she’s supposed to peacefully resolve these kinds of issues through “analysis and transformation of conflict.” 

Unless the JG can provide evidence for Francois’ fantastical claims, my opinion is that she’s nothing more than a Jussie Smollett like fraudster, but what the hey, her fraud fits the narrative so there’s no need to verify any of it.  Right?  Leave that tedious work to real reporters who work on a real newspaper.  Right?

Side note:  Who hires “peace studies” majors?  No doubt that’ll be Francois’ next claim of Hoosier discrimination and racism - no one will hire her, not because she pursued an idiotic major, rather because the entire state of Indiana is racist.

Side note II:  Sadly, racism exists everywhere.  My guess is that the Caribbean is down one and Indiana picked up one since Francois moved back to Indiana.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019 1:00 am
Hoosier inhospitality
Haitian finds state's natives less than welcoming
Chris Francois
Chris Francois is a senior this fall at Manchester University, with a focus in peace studies and French.
“This is your last year. You can do this!”
Those were the words my aunt whispered to me softly, holding me in her embrace as I cried. I was getting ready to board my flight from LaGuardia International Airport, thereby leaving the comfort of New York, a city which made me feel closer to the Caribbean during the summer months.
My reason for crying? The crippling realization that I had to return to Indiana for another year.
This sentiment is not new. For the past two years, each return flight I have boarded has been an exercise in severe anxiety management, as I dreaded returning to a state that seemed overtly hostile toward people who look like me.
There have been a few positives from my experience living in Indiana: I've made lifelong friends, found my passion for social justice and enriched my soul with academic experiences I probably would not have gotten anywhere else. At the same time, returning to Indiana is always dreadful because of a single thought: “What ignorant comment will I have to deal with this time?”
I came to understand quickly that living in this state meant being asked questions such as: “Do airplanes land on trees in Haiti?” Remarks like this are a glaring reminder that, in many people's eyes, I don't belong in this community. These comments have also been made personal. On one occasion, as I spoke to my mother on the phone, our conversation was tainted by a stranger yelling at me to speak in English, because this is “America.” Being thousands of miles away from the Caribbean, the last thing I want to tell my parents is that I am depressed because I'm being mistreated by my peers.
I did not leave my country so I could be subjected to harassment, physical and verbal threats, property vandalism and assault. Such inquiries and comments, while they may not appear harmful to some on the outside, can be detrimental to someone's career and personal life.
People have been judged on the basis of their name, skin color, hair texture, accent, national origin, ethnicity and culture – all characteristics we cannot choose for ourselves.
Unfortunately, I am not the only person suffering the consequences of overt racism and xenophobia while living in Indiana. I had the opportunity to speak to alums of color from various Hoosier institutions over the summer, and almost all of their stories echoed mine: Our mental health was severely affected by our experiences navigating racism and other forms of discrimination while in college.
To other immigrants and people of color: You are worth it.
To those community members who interact with us: One small act of kindness will brighten our day.
I am now a senior in college and, sadly, I am contemplating never returning to Indiana after graduation.
Diversity is not a threat; it's what makes our communities stronger. As more people not feeling welcomed leave the state, I urge Hoosiers to be hospitable to every person they encounter. I will always cherish some of the experiences I've had in Indiana; however, as I embark on my last year of college, I've become doubtful that those experiences were worth the trauma I and many others have inflicted on us during our time in Hoosier communities.

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