Thursday, September 19, 2019

Conspiracy theory 19-2 : Big Tobacco is undermining Big Vape

What if Big Tobacco is behind the current anti-vape hysteria?  It makes sense.  Big Tobacco has the most to lose if people begin to ditch deadly combustible tobacco products for the relatively safe nicotine alternative of vaping.  Is really that farfetched the evil Big Tobacco would fund a campaign that puts Big Vape in a bad light?

The hysteria on Big Vape in my view is stupid.  Let’s stipulate that sucking any foreign substance into your lungs is probably not the smart thing to do.  I submit the campfire dynamic as exhibit one.  When people sit around a campfire and the wind blows smoke from the fire into their faces they rarely inhale deeply to enjoy the full rich flavor of the smoke.  Most generally, they will move to the up wind side of the fire to avoid the smoke.

As much scientific and common sense evidence that has been piled up demonstrating the deadly effect of smoking cigarettes, the product remains perfectly legal with few restrictions – age of purchase being the primary one. Vaping burst on the scene as “safe alternative” stripping out the tar and other carcinogens while leaving the addictive proponent, nicotine.

Smart. Addicting the customer to one’s product is a brilliant long-term marketing strategy.  Imagine if people became addicted to “pumpkin spice” anything.  If that were the case it wouldn’t be a BS seasonal marketing trick.  They’d sell tons of the stuff year round.

So Big Tobacco set the hook of nicotine addiction into millions of people and enter a Johnny come lately with all the satisfying addictive ingredients and none of the supposed risks.  What to do?  Big Tobacco hires black marketeers to supply the vape community with tainted black market supplies.  People get sick and some die – I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and add “accidently” die.

That’s all it takes.  Over 10,000 Americans are killed by drunk drivers every year.  There is no serious run at a second try for prohibition.  Estimates are that about 480,000 Americans succumb to tobacco related deaths every year.  Tobacco remains a legal product. A handful of people supposedly die from vape related causes and the nanny state BS artists go full ban on vaping before anything is known about the causes of death.  WTF?

My guess is that when the investigations into deaths are complete we’ll find the customer added products to their vaping oil.  Those facts will make no difference to the nanny state BS artists who want to ban what they don’t understand. That’s like nanny state d-bags demanding a ban on Ford automobiles because Chevy hires black marketeers to sell aftermarket products that make Ford vehicles unexpectedly accelerate while destroying its ability to break.

So why is it combustible tobacco get a pass while the nanny state rolls in on Big Vape?  It’s the number 13, as in 13 billion, as in 13 billion dollars in federal tax income from the sale of tobacco products.  Just a guess.  I heard somewhere but cannot find the source that the total fed, state, county, city etc. tax haul on cigarettes is 55 billion.  With that kind of cash rolling in, what’s a few hundred thousand lives?

Oft herd anti-Vape argument: Vape flavors are a marketing strategy to appeal to and hook kids. This kind of shoots a million holes in the Dope argument that 16 year olds are smart enough to vote.  If they can’t make a proper liberal choice to forego Big Vape’s candy flavored products, how can they possibly be responsible enough to vote?  But fine.  No sale of vape products to anyone under the age of 21.

Dope Dopes want a ban on flavored vapes.  Dumb.  That will push the flavored products onto the black market where Big Tobacco will be selling tainted vape flavors to unsuspecting vapers making the problem worse.

Big Tobacco is behind this effort to kill off Big Vape.  Take it to the bank. 

It make sense, but I don't really believe my own BS.  It's just people trying to make a buck.  If anyone is purposely putting tainted vape products on the black market it's the F-ing ChiComs.

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