Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impeachment already snares 5 Dopes and the number is likely to rise

First off, and this is very important, I’d like Rat establishment Republicans to stop prefacing their remarks on Slow Joe Biden with, “I like Joe.  He’s a nice guy.”  He may be a nice guy to Caligula, D.C. swells, but he’s a boorish pig to the hoi polloi.  He asked one reporter who jostled his fragile ego if he wanted to compare IQs. Another reporter who poked his corrupt azz on the millions he channeled to his worthless, no-count, drugie other than honorably discharged son, he demanded the reported “ask the right questions!” When a reporter asked if would release his health records, Slow Joe challenged him to wrestling match.

When an idiot like Slow Joe wants to compare IQs, take him up on it.  When he demands that you “ask the right question” ask why he lifted 5 pages of a 15 page paper without credit.  When a coward like Slow Joe challenges you a wrestling match, challenge the chicken sh*t to a duel.   

Joe likes to claim to be a man of the people because he rides the train.  What he doesn’t advertise is that all the real people are run off of three cars to accommodate the arrogant dope’s phony azz. Like a lot of Caligula, D.C. azzbags, Slow Joe Biden is lying, thieving, cheating scumbag.  The apple, Hunter Biden, has not fallen far from the tree.

Slow Joe is not a nice guy, he’s a stupid, arrogant, corruptocrat, lying d-bag azzweasel.

Okay now that we’ve got that settled, on to the real point of today’s post.  The news media, surprise, surprise, surprise is pulling a MSNBC doctoring of the 911 call.  The MSM is taking PDJT request for a favor and moving it 500 words to the part about where he mentions the worthless turd biscuit Bidens. The favor PDJT asked for from the Ukrainians was looking into if Crowdstrike had the DNC server which the DNC claimed was hacked by the Russians. The MSM ignores that and places “the favor” before a reference to Slow Biden’s extortion of the Ukrainians.

Here’s what we know:
PDJT engaged in no extortion, pressure or quid pro quo.

Slow Joe’s demand to fire a prosecutor or lose millions of dollars was extortion of the Ukrainian government pure and simple.

Slow Joe, never one to practice the fine art of keeping one’s stupid mouth shut, admits to the extortion.   

The prosecutor who Slow Joe demanded to be fired was investigating his worthless offspring.

So in addition to being extortion pure and simple, it’s also a clear conflict of interest to have Biden making the Ukrainians an offer that they couldn’t refuse.

At least four Dope senators are on record in writing extorting the Ukrainian government to help investigate PDJT and his associates or lose their and other Dopes support in congress.

The Ukrainian mess is going to pale in comparison to what the Biden grifters pulled off in China – 1.5 billion directed to no-talent Hunter’s firm.

There’s a whiff of what might be alleged in the rest of the whistleblower’s complaint.  It might be alleged the White House is not handling certain communications properly.  We duh.  If they were the whistleblower would have never have been tipped off to the Ukrainian call. So “hiding” calls on separate server is now a High Crime.  Hmm, how does that compare to destroying e-mails, acid washing hard drives and smashing iphones all under subpoena?

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