Friday, September 06, 2019

The letf's new past time: Rooting against America

This one really weird.  Here’s a guy rooting against eh USA in the race to develop hypersonic nuclear weapons.  No doubt this gy roots against Gary Cooper and Jon Wayne at the movies. Like all libs these days, he’s fact challenged and oblivious to history. That’s the new norm for lib. If the facts and history don’t support your position lie. lie, lie. and make it up.  For your reading pleasure and critical review: Today’s JG rant:

Just when you think the wacko left couldn’t get any crazier, the JG publishes another Tim Tiernon letter (“We can avert catastrophe in a non-nuclear world” of Sep 4, 2019) and blows that assertion to smithereens.  The left can ALWAYS get crazier.  CNN’s “climate change” townhall is proof positive of that. 

Tiernon’s latest bugaboo that has him hiding under the bed sheets is the world’s race to develop hypersonic nuclear weapons.  He claims that America started the nuclear weapons game.  Actually, it started in London in the 1930s.  By 1938 the Germans and Italians had well-established governmental agencies dedicated to “the game.”  Many of the top nuclear scientist in our program fled fascist Germany and Italy to the United States.  That helped to bolster our Johnny-come-lately nuclear program. By early 1940 the Japanese and Soviets were full participants in “the game.”

We didn’t “start it”, but once we set our minds to it, we got there first, and history demonstrates that the world is lucky that we did.

Tiernon notes that we developed and used the atomic bomb then asks, “Can we survive our aggressive first strike/pre-emptive war policy, neo-conservative decision-makers and hypersonic nuclear weapons?” That’s an incredibly weird way to put it since the only presidents to develop and then use nuclear weapons were both Democrats.  I wonder if that NEWS FLASH effects Tiernon’s thinking.

Never one not to worry about stupid stuff, Tiernon frets that an “America first” policy will lead to tyranny that threatens the freedom and security of 95% of the world’s population.  Another NEWS FLASH, if that were America’s goal, we don’t need hypersonic nuclear weapons to achieve it. Again it’s very weird that a country that can’t or won’t secure its own borders is thought to be threat to 95% of the world’s population.

Earth may not need hypersonic nuclear weapons, but when she gets them, she’d better hope they have “Made in the USA” stamped on them.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019 1:00 am
We can avert catastrophe in a non-nuclear world
The Aug. 8 nuclear accident of a Russian hypersonic glide vehicle should be a warning to the world. Earth does not need hypersonic nuclear weapons.
China is believed to be developing hypersonic weapons. Raytheon and United Technologies are merging with the intent to create an American hypersonic weapon.
We recently avoided placing low-yield (i.e., “usable”) nuclear warheads on our Trident missiles. We are running out of nuclear treaties and running out of time.
Disasters rarely occur from just one factor. Can we survive our aggressive first strike/pre-emptive war policy, neo-conservative decision-makers and hypersonic nuclear weapons? Do we really want to take that risk?
There are deals to be made. Understanding Russia is as simple as imagining nuclear missiles aimed at us from Canada and Mexico. No one likes to be threatened and encroached upon.
Americans are 5% of the world's population. “America First” should not come at the expense of the freedom and security of the other 95%. Our republic will be a tyranny if 60 million Americans are able to determine the fate of a world approaching 8 billion people.
We started the nuclear weapon game. We developed and used the atomic bomb and tested the hydrogen bomb. Our future depends on making nuclear weapons the past.
Tim Tiernon
Fort Wayne for Peace

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