Monday, September 30, 2019

The extreme dangers of impeachment for Dopes

It’s dangerous in my opinion to engage in a real time reality show type impeachment process with the king of reality TV.  Prediction:  When this plays out, PDJT will be standing in field littered with the carcasses of a score or more of Dopes and their MSM lackeys caught up in scandal as PDJT and his team expose deep state ruling class Caligula, D.C. scumbags.

Dopes are delusional if they think that PDJT is just going to go quietly.  He will expose everything available weather it’s related to impeachment or not.  He can declassify anything that supports his case or embarrasses his foes while holding close the same type of material for his allies.  He will go scorched Earth on their azzes. 

Here’s the thing.  PDJT’s character is already baked into the cake.  We knew we weren’t electing a pope.  The Dopes are claiming this impeachment is above board and conducted by honorable people. Al Green?  Low IQ Maxie Waters?  Foul mouthed Rashida Tlaib?  AOC?  Honorable?  Incestuous liar and thief Ilan Omar? PULEEESE. Advantage PDJT.  He will expose the Dopes for the corrupt bastards that they are.

PDJT is a one man wrecking crew with a deadly twitter account. He can act in an instant and will be so far inside the Dope decision cycle (OODA Loop) that the Dopes will be chasing their tails responding to hourly revelations from PDJT.  If hourly doesn’t get their attention, he’ll go every ½ hour. 

This is like war.  The opposition gets a vote on how the war will be conducted.  The plan goes to hell after the first shot is fired.  The Dopes have unleashed hell on themselves.  How many Dope political casualties will Grand Nan From San Fran allow to pile up? 

Biden’s already been swept up.  Who’s next?  The Dopes will find out soon. There are four sitting senators who were stupid enough to try to extort the Ukrainians in letters. Standby Dopes. 

The Dopes have been trying to impeach PDJT since before he was inaugurated.  In that regard Dopes are like drunks with a raging hangover.  They know that they’ll feel better when they throw up so they just need to get on with it, but they will not make it to the toilet. Instead they will throw up in the bed and all over themselves.  

Today’s JG rant: Holding lying women accountable
In her letter “Hold men accountable” of Sep 29, 2019, Emily Mossoian, like liar shifty Adam Schiff and most Democrats these days, just makes it up.  Mosasoian, like most Democrats these days, never lets facts – or lack thereof - get in the way of her making scurrilous charges against Robert Foster.

When the release of transcripts of PDJT’s phone call to the president of Ukraine failed to meet the hype, Schiff just made up a pack of lies and read them into the congressional record.  He later semi-apologized claiming his routine was a “parody.”  Well, if the actual record was so damning as to warrant impeachment, why did Schiff have to make stuff up?

Mossoian is so lacking in integrity, logic and facts she steals a play from the Democrat playbook and “just makes it up.”  Mossoian claims Foster will not allow himself to be alone with a woman because “he cannot control himself.”  That’s a lie.  Ever the prevaricator, Mossoian continues her fairytale with a false charge that Foster “cannot bring himself to work with women.”  That’s a lie.

Foster knows the world is littered lowlifes that will say anything and do anything to ruin him and his family.  He saw it firsthand with Justice Kavanaugh.  Unsubstantiated lies were piled upon unsubstantiated lies.  Witnesses who refused to toe the Democrat line were threatened.  Witnesses who could not substantiate or down right contradicted Blasey Ford’s testimony were discounted and ignored by the unscrupulous mob out to ruin Kavanaugh by any means.  A year later the unhinged mob strikes again making more uncorroborated charges against Kavanaugh while thoughtfully omitting the point that the so-called “victim” has no recollection of the incident.   

It is ironic beyond the pale to me that Mossoian engages in the exact behavior that Foster’s policy seeks to avoid – an angry unhinged woman making false charges – to skewer him.  Mossoian’s letter proves Foster’s point.  

Mossoian is the Julie Swetnick of Ft. Wayne.  The JG acts as her unethical indicted and one time front running Democrat presidential candidate (but really hasn’t everybody at one time or another been the frontrunner) lawyer Michael Avenatti by promoting the hogwash. 

It’s time to hold women like Mossoian, Swetnick, Blasey Ford, Chris Francois, lying Senator Diane Feinsten et al accountable for making stuff up for the sole purpose of ruining people. 

Hold men accountable
Carma Evers' letter regarding Robert Foster and his inability to be around women without wanting to seduce them (Sept. 19) made me scratch my head. Foster may think he's following God's rules, but what he's really doing is refusing to be held accountable for his actions, just as white men have always been.
It must be incredible, being a white man where you don't have to face consequences for unwanted sexual advances and harassment. Our president has 21 credible sexual harassment and rape allegations against him and he's still the most powerful man in the world. Don't even get me started on Brett Kavanaugh. After Brock Turner raped an unconscious girl behind a Dumpster, he was only given six months in jail and was still called “Stanford swimmer Brock Turner” instead of “Stanford rapist Brock Turner.”
When Foster says he refuses to be alone with a woman other than his wife (or when Mike Pence says it, for that matter), what he's really saying is that he cannot control himself around women. This has nothing to do with the women he refuses to be around but has everything to do with him and his moral failings. If he sees a woman he is attracted to, he cannot control himself around her. He might make unwanted sexual advances. He might touch her inappropriately. He cannot bring himself to work with women because they tempt him.
How is this the fault of the woman and, most importantly, why do we treat this as acceptable on his part? It is his responsibility to control himself. It is his responsibility to know how to work with women and not harass them.
I work in a building with more than 100 employees and, somehow, all the men who work there manage not to sexually harass the female staff. If Foster is not capable of being around a woman without harassing her, he needs to be held accountable.
It is not the job of women to police men's behavior. It is not the job of women to prevent their rape. Instead, it is the job of men not to harass us, not to advance on us sexually and not to rape us. Men need to do better, and we need to hold them accountable when they don't.
Emily Mossoian
Fort Wayne 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The crazy-left loons in the House have created their trap. This is a classic set up and they continue their attempts at a coup. The Whistle Blower will be the fall guy and loons will throw him/her under the bus. Repubs wanting elected should run on it. "I will find out who conspired in this coup to overthrow a president and prosecute them. Elect me."