Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Warm-mongers engage in childhood abuse to advance their cause

California's bid to ruin college sports

I have never had problem with college athletes making money off their names.  I thought it utter BS when the NCAA sanctioned The OSU because players traded jerseys that belonged to them and other mementos for tattoos. The stuff belonged to them.  They should be allowed to do with it what they choose.  

I once sold a car while I attended The OSU.  The NCAA never suspended me for that activity.  Why are the athletes different?  Well they get benefits from the university and they violated NCAA rules.  Okay rules were broken, but the rules are stupid.  

My guess is that there will need to be uniform rules nation-wide to keep a level playing field.  That means - oh drat - congress may need to get involved. 

That means the rule book will be 110,000 pages of undecipherable BS. 

Bottom line: The genie is out of the bottle.  The NCAA had better face facts and adjust to this or the entire thing will come crashing down around them.

Today's JG rant: Fear mongering warm-mongers stealing kid's childhood

In order to gain lefty lib cred, everyone needs to be a victim of something these days.  There’s a problem for ignorant privileged little white girl snots like global warm-mongering crusader and wonder kid Greta Thunberg. Here’s the problem:  The whining snots have grown up in the healthiest, wealthiest and safest era in human history.

Here in America, people are living longer than ever.  The standard of living is the highest ever.  Most childhood diseases were wiped out – well at least until the open borders crowd got their way and reintroduced them to America’s children.  The problem of childhood hunger has morphed into a problem with childhood obesity. The really good news for warm-mongers is that while Americans are living better than ever, our ingenuity has led to the cleanest air and water ever. 

It would seem that by every measurable metric humans in general and Americans in particular are far better off than ever.  So what to do if you’re a warm-mongering celebrity like Greta?  Well, of course, you just make stuff up and throw a petulant fit in the process.  Greta claimed her parents and grandparents stole her childhood.  

No.  They didn’t.  Climate warm-mongers are stealing your childhood with a litany of lies and ever shifting goalposts.

I have lived through 50 years of warm-mongering hysteria.  I have lived through scores of warm-mongering “expert’s” predictions that world, or its oceans or its forests etc. as we know them will end in 10, 20 or 30 years from everything from global cooling to acid rain to ozone depletion to over population to global starvation to global warming etc. etc. etc.  None – not one - has worked out.

It’s the warm-mongers with their campaign of fear who are stealing your childhood, Greta.  If a stranger accosted a child on the way home from school every day and filled that child’s head with doomsday BS about any other subject, we’d rightfully call it child abuse.

Here’s the honest truth, Greta.  You are nothing more than a useful idiot for socialist/communist globalists whose goal is to destroy capitalism – the exact philosophy that has led to man’s achievements noted above.

I could almost buy into this warm-mongering BS were not for the raging hypocrisy of global warm-mongers.  Take Greta’s stunt of sailing to America from Sweden.  Does anyone know that two sailors were flown to NY to sail the boat back to Sweden? 

I’m with Frelick.  Let’s let a bunch petulant privileged kids run the world.  We’d better try a dry run first.  Put them on island – San Clemente, CA for instance.  Put Greta in charge and see how things work out after 30 days. It’ll be Lord of the Flies/Animal Farm before sundown on day two.    

Tuesday, October 01, 2019 1:00 am
Maybe our kids have a point with environmental concerns
Francis Frellick
Francis Frellick is a Fort Wayne resident.
This world in which we live will soon be inherited by our children and their children. So why should we trouble ourselves to make any changes? They'll be facing the same problems that kept striking us out. Maybe they'll come up with some answers.
The trouble, friends, is that those problems we've been leaving for our children to deal with are already here with us, and they're growing. They're already impinging on the lives of our children.
We've failed miserably in our responsibilities to keep our planet habitable and safe. “That's for the scientists to figure out, and they haven't done so yet, or at least I haven't heard about it.” That's just not true.
You may have long since avoided the real news on your TV because it's so discouraging or painful to hear and see, but it's been there, and one way or another, we've ignored it. Things are seriously bad and they're going to get worse if we continue to ignore the facts.
Surely you know our polar ice caps are melting (faster than anybody expected!) and our glaciers, too. Around the world, hurricanes, tsunamis and tornadoes are destroying entire communities of people. Much of the Amazon's forest in Brazil is being intentionally burned, diminishing the quality of the air we breathe here up north.
And until lately, we've barely noticed many of these calamities since they've not seemed to affect our intentionally isolated daily lives. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from domineering governments in South America and the continent of Africa are streaming northward to find safe places that might afford them a chance at survival, safety and a means to build a new life.
Meanwhile, most of us are busy, striving for a lifestyle of relative extravagance. And things tend to stay this way ... until these increasing problems impinge on our comfortable lives.
It's when “our beautiful place at the shore” is labeled as “soon to be submerged” by constantly rising tides that we become upset. It's when the real estate agent, trying to sell us on that dream retreat on the mountainside in Colorado, sadly tells us of the six-year drought in the area and the absence of any significant firefighting service options. It begins when we decide it's better to buy the water our kids drink at home because we aren't sure about what's coming through our kitchen faucet. It's when the costs of our consumption of fossil fuels jump, and we're told the burning of those very fuels is contributing significantly to the pollution of the air our children are breathing.
Things like that can sure suck the wind out of a fella's sail.
Maybe we ought to listen to what our kids are telling us about this “climate charge” stuff – or is it climate change? Maybe some of those scientists are for real. Maybe we should listen to our kids. Junior says we oughta work with these scientists and the kids. He says he and his friends and this young leader from Sweden just won't back off. They want us to support what they know has to be changed – or at least to stay out of their way.
When you think about it, maybe they're onto something. The things they're talking about could probably get pretty grim if we don't do something, and pretty soon.
What's in your wallet? What have we done so far? How much do we really care?

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