Wednesday, October 09, 2019

PDJT fights back

PDJT leveled Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, shifty Adam pencil neck Schi(t)ff, et al with a letter that essentially told them all to get bent if they expect cooperation from the White House on their BS witch hunt.  I love it.  You can bet Mitt would have bent over and grabbed his ankles, begging them to be gentle if the losers tried to impeach him.  PDJT gave them the finger and told them to go to hell. 

Now the entire thing is going to end up in court.  The Dope rush to impeach has had the breaks applied by PDJT standing up to the azzwipes.  The Dopes are going to have to defend a process where an anonymous witness gets to testify in secret and cannot be cross examined by the accused.  A BS scenario that child of 8 can recognize is unfair.

That scenario has been set up by Peloser by not holding a vote in the House.  She claims that the rules nor the constitution require a vote.  She’s right.  The only thing requiring a vote is a sense of fair play that the same child of 8 can understand.  Also, the constitution say that “the House” can impeach.  That sort of implies the entire body rather than an unhinged few in the Dope leadership. 

PDJT is on solid ground when he calls for a vote.  Again something the same child 8 can understand.  Why not vote?

PDJT is well inside the Dopes decision cycle.  He cancelled the UN Ambassador’s House testimony at the last possible moment leaving egg all over Schi(t)ff’s ugly lying mug.  All he could do is whine to his allies in the MSM.   

The suburban moms, we’ll call them sub-moms because that’s what they are subpar moms, want the government to ban vaping so Jr can’t vape.  What ever happened to the good ol’ fashion azz whippin’ if Jr got caught with the old man’s Camels?  Are we going to ban beer and booze because Jr got into the folks liquor cabinet?  Parents don’t want to parent.  They are happy to make the government the heavy and F- everyone else’s rights as long as sub-mom doesn’t have to be the one to tell Jr “No vaping or you won’t see the car or 10 cents from us for a month.  Got it?  Love it. Learn it.  Live it, or else.”  Sadly, the kids seem to have more sense than the parents these days.

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