Wednesday, October 02, 2019

The Blower got special treatment from deep state azzweasels

There is much confusion about how a blower can get the Dope impeachment ball rolling on nothing more than secondhand information.  I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend* that the blower is pedophile commie rat bastard who pedals porn when he’s not dealing drugs to Dope ruling class Caligula, D.C. azzwipes like Grand nan from San Fran, pencil neck Schiff and fat Jerry Nadler who have been stoned for so long that they believe impeachment of PDJT is a workable solution.

*NOTE: Hat tip to REO Speedwagon.  PDJT’s team should roll this riff out and use it every day. Ads galore.  PDJT’s team should then make all manner of outrageous secondhand accusations at anyone who thinks the blower’s secondhand info should be taken seriously.  “Yeah, well I have it on good authority that you are cheating on your wife with a high school sophomore. I think you should release all of your e-mails, tax returns and private records to clear your name.”  See how it works? REO will demand that PDJT’s team stop using the riff.  PDJT’s team will respond the same way they did with the Rolling Stones.  “We paid for it.  We’re using it.  If you don’t like it, take it off the public play list we bought it from.”  

I’ve had some trouble figuring out the deep state BS on the blower’s secondhand lies.  Apparently there’s a law that allows blowers to blow secondhand smoke up the ICIGs azz.  The blower form used in the intel community before the current rat bastard blower required firsthand information.  So the law was inconsistent with the intell community’s blower form. The blower in the latest PDJT brouhaha was given special treatment.  This rat bastard blower was given a “new” form that is consistent with the law – allowing secondhand info.  Is this the first time?

In an interesting side note, when the rat bastard blower communicated with the ICIG, the blower indicated that he had firsthand knowledge.  Hmm.  Is that a lie on a government document?  I don’t know.  But later, on the newly approved itell community blower form, the blower indicated that he had no firsthand info.  Weird huh.

Here’s the big thing that I cannot understand.  Do Dope seriously believe that Americans will be okay with impeaching PDJT based on hearsay, without allowing PDJT his 6th Amendment right to face his accusers – the blower and the leakers who provided the blower with his info – to examine their bias and motivations?

But Lex we have the transcripts.  Well that’s fruit of the poisonous tree.  You wouldn’t have the transcript were not for the hearsay.  No.  I’m not a lawyer, but my son is first year law student at IU so you can pretty much take this legal analysis to the bank or the Supreme Court.

This is a simple issue that 99.9% of Americans can get their minds around – the right to face one’s accusers.  PDJT should forego the more complicated change in the intell community’s blower form argument and beat the 6th Amendment drum loud and often.

As the Dopes slip closer or in reality fully embrace communism, they are now all in with Stalin’s rule, “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime.”

As always, PDJT’s main threat is from his own party.  Rat establishment Republicans should ride the Trump tiger.  For the rest of us, PDJT is the ONLY thing standing between us and them – i.e. socialism/communism.      

Slow Joe Biden random thoughts

Where’s Hunter Biden?

Why isn’t he rushing to Slow Joe’s defense?

What qualifies Hunter Biden to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company?

What work product is there to support Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board?  Let’s see all the records.

Once his worthless cocaine blowing loser son was appointed to the Ukrainian board, why didn’t Slow Joe recuse himself from all things Ukraine?

Slow Joe’s defense in extorting the Ukrainian government on behalf of his no talent POS off spring is that the world wanted the prosecutor fired.  Okay fine.  Did any of them attempt or ultimately succeed in extorting the Ukraine government or was that crime the sole purview of Slow Joe?

Does world opinion allow for the corruption of the Vice President of the United States?

Can Slow Joe stumble through the gauntlet of upcoming Dope debates?  I doubt it.  No the other candidates won’t have to lay a glove on Slow Joe.  Slow Joe is a corrupt and stupid man. He’ll kill himself with incoherent answers to variations of the questions above, if the media has the manly orbs to “ask the right questions.”

And of course, what did The Empty Suite - lil’ Barry O’B - know and when did he know it?

Trump trolls Dopes.

PDJT trolled the Dopes with this tweet.  Dopes responded with there own maps.  So Lex entered the Twitter cesspool to respond with this:

The Snowfalke has taken it down off his twitter feed twice now proving Lex is over the target.  

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